Any of you ever had a braindamage from overdosing drugs?
Any of you ever had a braindamage from overdosing drugs?
I ate a whole weed brownie by mistake when I was 15 and I felt fucked up for like a year after. Had panic attacks and shit and was paranoid as fuck. No brain damage but shit sucked
So you had a bad trip like a retard
Also my friend fucked himself over big time with extended drug use. Coke, molly, shrooms and weed every fucking day. He even started doing heroin and he can barely articulate a full sentence or do anything productive at all. The other day he called to order a pizza and forgot where he lived, his address and his zip. I had to take the phone and finish the order.
It was my first time ever using weed and my friend didnt even tell me it was an edible until I was about half way done with it. He told me if I ate the whole thing I would probably just fall asleep but instead I spent the next like 16 hours feeling excruciating paranoia and felt like the world was gonna end. Never felt that bad before
Your friend is lucky. All of those drugs are great. Especially heroin.
He seems happy but his mind is toast. Id rather keep my soul
Ya pic related
Has an MDMA liquid capsule or something and then started dancing for a while. Other then still not being able to 'connect' with people and also being pretty munted, I decided to head home. It was Sunday and early so the trains weren't fast, so it took about an hour to get home. I think I must have over heated or dried the liquid up in my brain from dancing, because as soon as I got home I fell on the ground clutching my head. I drank heaps of water and survived to tell the tale. I must have done some danger. Other then that, I think a mixture of living by myself and probably going slightly insane has also added to it. Also, there was a stage where I was trying a mixture of meth, coke and ketamin, which turned me a bit crazy and violent. All in all I've noticed a difference in degrees of concentration or being able to give a fuck generally. There was a lot of drinking till blacked out as well. Yeah I think my brain might work still being working better then it is now. Yep.
Sorry about the spelling mistakes, swiping on a mobile.
Your friend is a retard and doesn't know anything.
You may wanna skip weed and move on to microdosing psychedelics
Anyway first time I had an edible it was a few cookies of around 50mg. He was suprised I ate it all at once, warning me to save it, but we proceeded to have a fuckin great time neway.
He does know a thing or two about drugs (he is a vendor on several darknet markets)
What's this meant to be?
a couple months ago i took a bunch of RC psychedelics at the same time and had a seizure. probably caused some sort of brain damage.
An eeg of my brain
no no no kids, taking any kinds of psychies while depressed only increases the chance of a bad trip
Nah I stay away from drugs, coffee is all I do and the occasional beer
What did you do and what does this eeg mean lmao
>i stay away from all drugs except those that are socially acceptable
>I follow the mainstream and do what society says regardless that alcohol kills 88000 anually compared to a grand total of 0 cannabis related deaths in the history of mankind
let me see how are you going to manage society and life being a loser stoner, idiot.
I had psychosis after doing some psychadelics that comes back if I ever smoke weed. I have been sober for like 2 years though
No dumb fuck I like coffee and beer. I personally do not like weed and psychedelics because it makes me anxious. Also doing drugs doesnt make you cool or edgy faggot no one cares m.
Friend of mine died recently in a traffic accident. He was high. He always used to drive high as fuck and very recklessly. Had he been drunk, the accident would go into the "alcohol related death" statistic. But because he was high it just goes into traffic accident and no one gives a shit about the fact that he was high all the time and risking his life periodically because of it. Surely there are many such cases.
An acquaintance bought a bunch lsd to sell but ended up taking most of it himself (not all at once). Last I heard he's been committed to a mental hospital.
Yep, after a 2 year phase of intensive synthetic drug use (MDMA, 4-FA, Speed, 2CB, Shrooms, alot of weed and some other stuff) I developed pretty severe HPPD with derealisation/depersonalisation. My depression and social anxiety also worsened alot during that time. High doses of MDMA were probably the deciding factor. I knew of the high neurotoxicity at that time, but I was young and dumb. That was 2 years ago and I'm still fucked up (HPPD and DP/DR are still the same). I suffer alot from the symtoms and I'm having suicidal thoughts regularily. Most annoying are my speech issues during social interaction, I used to be a very eloquent speaker. Now I often stutter and mumble my words, I also have difficulty formulating my thoughts. This problems is fluctuates alot and sometimes the words flow like they used to. The cause for this is probably a mix of actual brain damage, my depression, social anxiety and DP/DR. The DP/DR is also literal torture. I have it 24/7 and it sucks feeling weird all the time like in dream world. I would kill just to feel normal again. Do your research and observe how your psyche reacts to drugs. Drug-induced HPPD and DP/DR are pretty rare, but I would never risk it. Stay safe anons.
That's why you roll MDMA 5 times per year. Or 10 times if you're that young and dumb.
Can you talk more about your use of MDMA? I'm interested mainly in the intensity of the effects in continued use. Meaning once per week or more often.
What if Im giving it to frens for free every second week?
I acutally knew of the recommended rests of ~3 months. I probably rolled every 1-3 months for a year, but in two or three cases, there very only 1 to 2 weeks inbetween. Not exactly healthy but in and of itself that shouldn't cause noticeble problems in the time frame of a year.
What definitely caused damage were the high doses of up to 500mgs per session in the end (achieved by redosing). I also rolled two days in a row for 2 times. Rolling that frequently definitly takes the magic away, it's basic neuro-chemistry. But with high doses you can still achieve an enjoyable effect, although It's not comparable to the MDMA "magic" you get the first times when you roll. I'm also sure that when you roll too often and with too high doses (< 2-3 months, >1.25-1.5 mg/kg) your rolls get permanently worse (meaning the amount of euphoria/magic you feel), even if you take longer breaks. In the end of this process the MDMA will mostly feel like speed, you are just amped up with a high body load without the characteristic euphoria/empathogen or entactogen effects. This probably correlates with the neurological damage.
I did most of my rolls with my best and only friend at the time and he's totally fine, so I guess genetics play a big role.
I smoked (((marijuana))) regularly as a preteen and teenager and it fucked up my brain development
if my parents were good people im sure I wouldn't have been so mentally addicted to weed
Never touch the shit now. Hate it for what it did to me
i don't do drugs cause i'm not retarded
I basically overdosed on ecstasy and went into a hallucinatory state for 8 hours or so. I'm not sure if it caused any brain damage, but I certainly felt different afterwards. It was terrifying.. felt like I was trapped in hell.
You and me both, I tried 2cb for the first time a couple months ago and had an awful trip. It ruined weed for me because a lot of the shit that made it bad comes back
no, but I might have fucked up my brain from over fapping and a decade of hardcore FPS gaming.
I swear to fucking god things are getting harder and harder to stay in my head, it is nerve wracking, hopefully the happy pills help, stress and anxiety are killing me.
Severe HPPD from weekly acid use.
Hardly brain damage, but mildly annoying.
probably a bit. took way too much robotussin and synthetic weed in highschool and had more than a couple bad times. i have a phd now so at least im not totally fucked in the head
Yes now I have severe anhedonia and can't connect to people. Don't do drugs kids.
Shrooms triggered my schizophrenia, experiencing ego death and beginning to believe in the simulation.
However, granted I DID freak out on them and slammed my head into the door over and over and over until it broke the door and I passed out. Never been the same since. Sometimes I can't even tell if those memories are real or just implanted to make me believe otherwise.
i took cocaine, weed, lsd, Mezcaline when i was 16-26... i went to parties every single weekend... specially cocaine toasted my brain.
I live in Bolivia where i live you can buy pure cocaine (not with all the additives of cocaine you get in Europe or USA) for around 3 dollars...
I used to take 4 or 5 of those bags in my peek days, it was cheaper than alcohol, and you could straight die with that you can buy with 5 dollars.
I stopped using all kinds of drugs, alcohol and tobacco included 5 years ago.
I regret everything, now i cant hardly memorize, concentrate, i am irritable, i cant learn new stuff, i am currently 32 and i wish i had a time machine to go beat the shit out of my older self.
Now lets be clear about something, you can smoke weed as much as you want, but it does change your metabolism, there is no overdose on marihuana or any brain damaged derive from marijuana. but smoking is bad itself. You will leach your brain that "being high" is something normal, which trust me is not.
Cocaine please stop using i... it is fucking your brain.
LSD is alright... i had a friend that used to have access to LSD on a regular basis, taking it every single day, microdosing and party dosing regularly, he is ok. But he is indeed a little bit paranoic.
Mescaline is natural, if you have the chance take it, prepare for a 15 hours trip tho.
Long story short, aboid:
crack, cocaine, heroin, opium, tabacco, alcohol (no more than 2 beers a month...not even kidding), ecstasy & MDA, Aderrall and Modafinil.
That is my suggestion, you can take MDA, ecstasis Aderall and MOdafinil just normal, but i put them in the NO list because they are drugs that can fuck you even more than cocaine.
Are you that guy that had several grand mal seizures from smoking contaminated 3-HO-PCP?
What drugs were you taking?
The damage drug does to your brain is not like you will have seizures, muscle problems nooo.
is just that you wont be able to have normal brain uses... and the fucked up thing about young people is that they have no idea how important is to be healthy on the brain, being capable of doing work, reading, studying you know... memorizing etc. My advice take drugs, but do it the "smart way" which is once or twice a year, remember the trips you had, dont look for new trips like a fucking addict, instead find some pussy, make exercise, listen to music, learn programming, read some history. Avoid drugs they have nothing positive that real life cant give you.
What got you to stop? My brother did $2000 worth of coke in a month and he is addicted to xan. Im worried about him, I hope he finds a reason to stop.
there is nothing you can do other than talking to him and expossing him to family and friends. That will make you his enemy for a while maybe years, but the reality is that if you love your brother you should call the cops on him... look at me being 32, when i was 18 or 24 i thought "square" people like me where fucking stupid...but your brother is thinking his life is RIGHT NOW, he is damaging the other 60% of his life... he will live in pain and in a general sense that he is stupid and brainless. If you want to help him for the future call the cops on him right now.
>addicted to xans
Is he a bartard? Always taking xanax 2mg all the time lmao?
I think I might tell my parents about this. I know for sure they will call the police on him. I just havent yet because I know that if they kick him out he will resort to his plugs home..I think he tells me about all his drug use as a cry for help because he does say he really needs to stop.
But I will tell him about how it will ruin his future life. Hopefully in the future that will stick in his head and he will think about that..
I dont know much about xans, but he tells me he takes 2 bars sometimes and smokes with it. He lost control after he got cheated on and just wont stop
I wouldnt really call it damage that much but I used to do a ton of shrooms very often and I think I have moderate hppd. I get a lot of floaters now particularly outside in the sun but also sometimes on my computer screen. Little dots and squiggly lines. Its kinda annoying but I am sort of used to it now.