Totally normal day with nothing going on edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for anime. Good day chaps
I need to go have a poo, lads.
Moni, do you know how to fight in the case that you try to beat up a paki?
Third post for Australia
For me, it's Release the Spyce.
enjoy your poo lad
eating egg and bacon oh fuck aye boyo
Is spoons one of those places that only has pepsi
On the train from Manchester Piccadilly to Birmingham New Street
Yeah, is that a big deal?
Shippy will do the physical aspect
I'll direct him
Moni and shippy are so strange
Shippy the vile racist dog abuser who wants to fuck a paki man and the paki man who who has a shrivelled up baby dick. Just proves that racists have pea sized brains.
Wish I could go to the Birmingham meet. Poley I can't believe you didn't pay for your best pal (me) to come see the lads.
just order a pint you poof
So where the hell is Zeus right now
Lost all respect for posters attending these shambolic meetups.
Anyone else planning on having a massive sulk today?
Not really just thought I'd check so I don't sound silly asking for a pint of coke when they only have pepsi
Such banter lad.
no they have loads of other drinks lmao
Even then, is he capable of that?
He left yday cause no one likes him
I really don't like beer and I don't want to drink gin at 2pm
Awh, you're cute lad. Don't worry. Most people actually ask for coke in wetherspoons even though they sell pepsi.
I know, I'd rather just avoid the awkward "is pepsi okay" bit. I'm the kind of person who makes sure he takes the right bag to the right shop, can't stand taking a Tesco bag to the coop
Official Top 5 Most Intelligent /britfeel/ Posters
1. Ebin
2. Zeus
3. Shippy
4. tfw stuck in east devon
5. Carp
>t. tfw stuck in east devon
>train ticket:check
All ready for the meet up lads.
I'm going to do what I do every day which is lay in bed posting on /britfeel/, play some RDR2 and Smash Bros later and skip leg day. Does that count?
umm, who?
I am NEET btw
The train company do axe checks now? Wow, Birmingham is rougher than I thought
Listening to the Hamilton soundtrack again
>Shippy will do the physical aspect
>I'll direct him
Not your personal army
>no GCSEs, can't get a job
>braindead chav mong
>reasonably intelligent
>no opinion
>literally who
The worst thing you can do is give tripfags attention. They aren't here for you, they're just here to farm attention from you. Add them to the filter or simply don't reply, this kills the tripfag.
Just got Gold camo for my SWAT RFT, waheyy.
some big tit milf accidently said she wasn't playing with my sausages at the tills in the shop and she started blushing.
Loli loli loli I got loli on my lappy and I feel like sharing with you
Are you really not going lad?
>not immediately saying "chance would be a fine thing"
>stuck in east devon
ahh yes the deranged bloke who shouts at passing cars is intelligent.
Does anyone else really like it when older women use terms of affection like "sweetheart" towards you.
The most annoying shit is when they call you "mate" though, you're not a bloke, stop that. Put the Carling down.
i'm not a fucking normie, i just laughed it off.
Nice grinding chap
>fat cunt and her crotch spawn stop in the middle of a busy street to do one of the kids shoe laces
>rev the bollocks off my engine to scare them
Love scaring normalfags
I agree but i think its hypocritical because half of the regulars here are personalities.
>tfw can't decide whether to take my AR-15 or my combat shotgun to the meet up
You didn't share anything lad.
I'm a fan of the tactical RPG launcher myself
lunchtime wagie here, what you having for lunch lods?
Then we need to reduce the user base by 50 percent. They will always ruin threads and should always be ignored. Its not hypocritical, all people who think they're a face here need to be ignored out of oblivion.
mfw i see poleaboo eating curry with a pint of coke in spoons later today, zeusey cheering in the background, host in the passenger
12 year olds can reproduce.
I haven't eaten anything all day so possibly a Rustlers
Gave me a good chuckle lad. Cheers.
>Then we need to reduce the user base by 50 percent
Won't happen though because of the culture here, everyone hates tripfags but forcing a personality like titlad/sp is is somehow ok.
If I ever get a long term partner im going to remove all the porn from my computer but save the best of it onto a USB and duct tape it under a table or something
NEET with lots of money in the bank. Would have given you my rarest magic the gathering cards if you had.
>He's so bland he thinks a definable personality is "forcing"
oh dear
Reminder that cripplechans britfeel is infinitely better than here.
>tripfags bullied out of existence, seriously, the autism destroys the autism here
>no trannies
>no personalities ruining the place
Yeah it's slow, but if a few select posters go, we can join a britfeel of old. I welcome you all, and hope to see you there. Let this one become the tranny and orbit thread, it'll soon die. We shall reign glorious on cripple chan. See you on the other side lads.
Mad when you hear stories about little girls having kids desu.
waiting for mummy to get back from the supermarket
That place is sketchy as fuck, I don't want to go on that site. Can't be arsed with a VPN so I will stick to here
Gonna post a cum tribute to cola when the meeting starts
No one posts there lad. There's about two british lads and that one dude from the netherlands. Boring as fuck.
Lovely bit of projection there.
Constantly posting a picture or mentioning something does not make you interesting, literally anyone can become a personality if they force something enough.
Lad, cripplechan is fine, don't be a softie. It fucking sucks, that is true, but it's just as legit as Jow Forums.
Those weird cunts who always shill their bent nonce version of britfeel. It's alright here lads. Just filter all trips.
>tfw worst part of the aircraft check
at least i didn't get shipped to another bay i suppose
Funny to see how britfeel has grown. I mean it's literally a significant part of 50+ lads lives now
shut up you little soppy cunt and fuck off
*rattIes the Iarp jar*
*films you for our and your protection*
realistically, how many regulars do you think post here? by regulars i mean lads that are here daily. I reckon its about 30-40, its good to remember that a lot of lads will post on multiple devices.
About 20-30 that post here for hours a day, every single day. Maybe another 60 that post at least 3-4 days a week
Personally I think it's actually just half that amount comprised mostly of autists posting every 10 minutes
tfw health assessment interview for my benefits in a couple of hours
wish me luck lads
Yeah, i don't think there are that many, its deffo below 50. I am constantly recognizing the same posters.
lmao at the norf fc poster on the comments of hunter videos
You're Fucked
You've Lost
You're Fucked
You've Lost
You're Fucked
You've Lost
When is this meetup kicking off then? I'm going to play some vidya but I want to be here to watch it all unfold
not a larp, but the file size of the photo i took is over the naff 2MB limit, if anyone knows how to set a limit to the file size or reduce it on a galaxy s6 then i'll be happy to post some proof lad.
*cums all over your chest*
>Landlord is coming to inspect my apartment
Should I take down my nazi flags?
Think it's 2pm
Nah, keep them up, he can't do anything about them.
He's a vpn. But yes, it is slow. But if a few of us go there, just the ones who have had enough of trips and personalities, we can make it much more active. Its empty but its our best shot.
Theres an app called photo and picture resizer. Use that.
Cheers lad, will make sure I am back for that shitshow
What did they talk about lads?
>tfw ed
sosij roIes
>tfw yummy food and cosy day in instead of spending a rainy day with the /britfeel/ tranny @ new street
feels gud lads :)
>What did they talk about lads?
Holy shit BASED CARP
fuckin bregzit and da cunt toryz who iz fukken it all up