Tell me about the time you killed an animal out of curiosity.
Tell me about the time you killed an animal out of curiosity
I sacrificed a pigeon to a demon once. I guillotined him with my bike.
I can't - I've never done something so morally reprehensible.
i once weakly slapped my cat in the face and spent the rest of that day crying out of regret for slapping my only fren.
Not sure if this counts
>Go to the zoo with sister
>Sister just ate some candy
>She didn't wipe her hands
>They allowed us to feed one of the giraffes
>I went first then my sister
>Few days after the giraffe died and the cause was food related
Killed a goat a few years ago during vacation. Something I will never forget was that the goat literally started screaming the moment it saw the knife, it's amazing it understood what was going to happen;
My cat caught a mouse and broke its back so I had to kill it with a brick
>be 4 year old me
>see lizard
>catch lizard
>tail falls off
>keep grabbing lizard
>stops moving
>try CPR because saw it in cartoon
>stops breathing
>bury lizard
I killed a snake by dropping it in a fire it curled up into a ball and was quite disturbing.
I hit a dog with my car once, he ran away and there was no blood or anything, just some hair in my front bumper. I felt like I ran over it but I dont think he'd able to run and hide if I did that.
Also when I was a kid I had a friend (just one friend), he was a bit of a sociopath and he enjoyed shooting cats, dogs and even homeless and old guys with an airsoft pistol. I didnt do it, but I didnt do anything to stop him either. He was a weird kid, no one wanted to speak with us, he was lanky and really tall for a Spanish 11 yeard old kid. Now he's a turbochad, a personal trainer and he's really really fit. He's studying to become a cop. I think thats a bit strange.
I cut a worm in half once with a screwdriver, it was fun.
I threw a rock at a pigeon and it started convulsing and died. While it was convilsing another one came and got on top of it. It looked like it was fucking it while it was dying but I'm not sure that was the case. It was in a trip in middle school, a girl and a dude saw it and they laughed their asses off. I found it more bizarre than anything. It was a small rock and I didnt use much strength, no idea how that happened.
out of curiosity, never.
i ripped a fox in half with my car, beheaded countless snakes, killed a few hogs for meat, shot a dog sick with rabies, and i was also killing rats with a pitchfork for fun while i was a kid
life in the countryside is amazing
Back in the day I did a stint as a lifeguard in a quiet, rural outdoor pool. Every morning would start off with 15 minutes of cleaning duck shit from all around the pool and surrounding cement.
Fast forward 3 months, and I've had enough. Instead of shooing the ducks away like normal, I grabbed the pool scooper thing (net at the end of a large pole). I scooped up a good half dozen ducklings in the net and held it underwater until they drowned. Then I went and dumped them over the side fence.
Part of it was frustration about the shit everywhere, but honestly I think the primary motivator behind this horrible action was a morbid curiosity. I wanted to watch them drown, and see them struggle to get to the surface.
I've always had a fascination with the idea of mental breakdown and death. Things like the pit of despair fascinate me. Thankfully I never act on it, apart from this one instance.
A couple of chickens and a rooster yeah. My grandfather wanted to teach me how to properly kill and clean them. I was a teen and it made me appreciate what goes into eating meat a bit more i think.
make sure to release those frustrations healthily if they surface again
When I was a kid I liked picking the fish up out of the ponds and dropping them on the ground so that they flop around. I also stepped on a few.
I cut a frog in half to see how it was in the inside, I was like 10yo
I crossed a road in front of a dog knowing it would follow in order to get it run over because it what me up when it barked at me.
I didn't even need to goad it. Poor dog, stupid owners
i bet you were that kid in school that tried to act edgy and fucked up by doing stuff like that but just got bullied a lot
Did he forgive you for the domestic abuse
I would kill bugs in tortuous ways like ripping off their arms and seeing the ways they struggle to adapt.
I kicked a cute dog once. Felt terrible afterwards and cried.
had a major mouse problem in my house when i was a kid. mouse holes all over my back yard, digging under the foundation of my house. so my dad and i set some traps. my first kill, the trap bashed it's fucking skull in. i heard the snap of the trap and went over to watch it die. it was shaking around trying to escape, most likely in excruciating pain. i saw the life drained from it's body, it's legs twitching, hinting just a minuscule amount of brain activity left in the poor bastard. when it fell lifeless, blood oozing out of the wound, i picked it up with the trap still attached and i buried it in my backyard. my first confirmed kill, i cried. i dug it a grave and crafted a cross to mark the spot where i buried it in my backyard. the cross is still there to this day. it was my first time killing something and i was young so i had to honor it. i've killed several mice after it and it's no big deal anymore. but the first one and the feeling i had for it will never be forgotten! R.I.P.
Only insects when I was a young dumb little shit.
I did kill a frog fairly recently by accident though with a weed whacker, feels bad man.
>raccoons have been getting into our mulch pile
>dad puts a trap out for them and catches one
>he makes me shoot it
It took two shots. The first shot I couldn't look and so didn't manage to get a killshot. The second shot I had to look to make sure it died. And it did.
One night as I was rushing to work I felt a little bump like I hit a rat or a possum or something. Felt like a piece of shit after
>Googled Tweet in image
>It's real
I love surprises.
I got bullied because I was an environmentalist that fought several kids because they littered. Well, there are many other reasons as to why I got bullied but that was one of the main ones, the worm was when I was like five and thought insects were interesting.
One time I found a rat and it was breathing heavily and not running away so I turned over and it had been gutted by something but was still alive so I cut off its head with a shovel
me and my cousin used to crush these little red bugs with out thumbs and pretend the red goo they left behind was blood.