This guy is straight just a hack, isn't he?
This guy is straight just a hack, isn't he?
He's black so he must be legit
you're just realizing this now? he belongs in the same category as michio kaku, bill nye, and jordan peterson
all hacks
Well yeah no shit. You didn't actually buy the idea of a smart nigger, did you?
Every nigger is smart
How is he a hack exactly?
t. Unemployed loser
That guy is on a level of intellect you cant even imagine. And he isnt a particularly smart person in the field of physics
He talks like an anime girl.
>How is he a hack exactly?
I'm fucking watching some shit by him. He's a stupid liberal who knows little of physics and philosophy who just understand beginner-tier astrophysics and chews it up as simply as he can to pop science shit like History Channel and fucking layman books. He hasn't come up with anything new and instead he fucking keeps pushing his liberal agenda like a fucking retard thinking he's better than the actual scientists that are doing something. All he says is "le evolutionists are wrong XD". From his podcast it's clear that he's more about politics and show than actual science and he doesn't do anything to contribute to his field. Plus, he has little understanding and curiosity of other fields shown by his lack of knowledge of even Occam's Razor (he didn't even understand it and David Chalmers had to explain to him). Fucking pseud.
He's clearly a brilliant man, but he's at best a popularizer of science and not a noteworthy scientist.
And yeah - it's pretty traditional to refer to popularizers of science who become famous despite not really doing any worthwhile original work of their own "hacks". The concept of a "brilliant hack" might seem like an oxymoron, but every field has its hacks, even the ones with high IQ barriers to entry.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fucking conservative or rightist but I just fucking hate when some pseud comes thinking he's better and smarter than everybody else by talking shit on other people with different POVs.
No, but I don't get why he's such a phenomenon either.
Is there anything to assume that he's more than a dumb nigger who rote memorized some science facts? He has no noteworthy scientific achievements, he's never been in a debate with an actual scientist or giving a lecture on advanced physics, all the books he wrote (likely ghostwrote) are pop-science trash any retard with a wikipedia can shit out. Fuck off, nigger.
Atheists are pretty cancerous to society and the world as a whole
Twarog, Bruce A.; Tyson, Neil D. (1985). "UVBY Photometry of Blue Stragglers in NGC 7789". Astronomical Journal 90: 1247. doi:10.1086/113833.
Tyson, Neil D.; Scalo, John M. (1988). "Bursting Dwarf Galaxies: Implications for Luminosity Function, Space Density, and Cosmological Mass Density". Astrophysical Journal 329: 618. doi:10.1086/166408.
Tyson, Neil D. (1988). "On the possibility of Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies in the Lyman-alpha Forest". Astrophysical Journal (Letters) 329: L57. doi:10.1086/185176.
Tyson, Neil D.; Rich, Michael (1991). "Radial Velocity Distribution and Line Strengths of 33 Carbon Stars in the Galactic Bulge". Astrophysical Journal 367: 547. doi:10.1086/169651.
Tyson, Neil D.; Gal, Roy R. (1993). "An Exposure Guide for Taking Twilight Flatfields with Large Format CCDs". Astronomical Journal 105: 1206. doi:10.1086/116505.
Tyson, Neil D.; Richmond, Michael W.; Woodhams, Michael; Ciotti, Luca (1993). "On the Possibility of a Major Impact on Uranus in the Past Century". Astronomy & Astrophysics (Research Notes) 275: 630.
Schmidt, B. P., et al. (1994). "The Expanding Photosphere Method Applied to SN1992am at cz = 14600 km/s". Astronomical Journal 107: 1444.
Wells, L. A. et al. (1994). "The Type Ia Supernova 1989B in NGC3627 (M66)". Astronomical Journal 108: 2233. doi:10.1086/117236.
Hamuy, M. et al. (1996). "BVRI Light Curves For 29 Type Ia Supernovae". Astronomical Journal 112: 2408. doi:10.1086/118192.
Lira, P. et al. (1998). "Optical light curves of the Type IA supernovae SN 1990N and 1991T". Astronomical Journal 116: 1006. doi:10.1086/300175.
Scoville, N. et al. (2007). "The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): Overview". Astrophysical Journal Supplement 172: 1. doi:10.1086/516585.
Scoville, N. et al. (2007). "COSMOS: Hubble Space Telescope Observations". Astrophysical Journal Supplement 172: 38. doi:10.1086/516580.
Liu, C. T.; Capak, P.; Mobasher, B.; Paglione, T. A. D.; Scoville, N. Z.; Tribiano, S. M.; Tyson, N. D. (2008). "The Faint-End Slopes of Galaxy Luminosity Functions in the COSMOS Field". Astrophysical Journal Letters 672: 198. doi:10.1086/52236
Thise arebis research contributions so yeah has some of note you retard.
Like hes not crazy influential but to say "HURRR NIGGER MAN NO DO NOTHING" is moronic and false
He's very similar to Obama in the fact he's a quite cool African American with good public speaking. I did a maths with phys degree and a lot of what he says is just basic, similar to Michio Kaku or whatever his name is.
If he wasn't black he wouldn't be famous, then again Bill Nye is famous so who knows.
So, have you read these? Cause Lady Gaga can write about her dreams and I'm guessing Astrophysical Journal would publish it. Also, funny how all these papers are co-written, gives me an idea of who was doing the hard math.
the facts are that he has a master's or something and never made any original contributions. he's only qualified because he has connections. nothing he says is profound. even when he's speaking with renowned physicists all he has to say is shit that any kid could recite from wikipedia. if that makes him a hack then he is, indeed, about a 5/10 hack on the hack scale.
michio kaku is the only person out of those three who has done actual research and deserves recognition. same with people like brian greene and hawking who wrote pop-sci because they genuinely wanted to show the masses how fascinating physics can be.
You really have nk idea how science is done do you? Literally everyone has co authors. Even fucking Einstein didnt do the math to general/special relativity himself. And had... wait for it....CO AUTHORS.
Lrn2sci faggot
This retard has never done anything higher than undergrad
does he actually. that's pretty hilarious if he does
His thesis was A study of the abundance distributions along the minor axis of the Galactic bulge (1991)
And his Doctoral advisor was Dr. R. Michael Rich.
Hes a PhD who has done serious research since the 80s. But sure "HURR NIGGER MAN NO SMART NO DO NOTHING"
again i dont even fucking like the fuy butbyall just hate him without even looking at his shit past cosmos and popsci books.
oh okay well it's good to know he at least published a thesis. he gains a modicum of respect for that.
>again i dont even fucking like the fuy butbyall just hate him without even looking at his shit past cosmos and popsci books.
i haven't read his pop-sci books but i'm guessing he doesn't even scrape the surface of string theory and gauge fields in them?
he's a bit of a hack but honestly there are worse hacks in the popsci world.
Hes also published several serious papers, see my above response to you
Hes an astrophysicist not a theoretical orb quntum field guy. He focuses more on astronomy, large scale astrophysics, and the "Big end" of cosmology.
I persinally dint care for his writing style though but thats just me.
Sometimes when he says Well Oh My GOD or when he says something fascinating.
thanks for the knowledge i'll look into him a bit more. i came from a position of thinking he was more a carl sagan than a penrose or hawking but it seems i could be wrong about that.
Also beyind that work amd his kinda shit popsci books, hes the curator and head astronomer at the New York Museum of Natural History's planetarium. Wich is really really cool if youve never been, bery much worth a trip to the city
See as well
Deff not a penrose or hawking for sure but not the total hack everyone claims he is.
>how all these papers are co-written,
Please tell me you're underaged and aren't some old stormfag spends his unemployment on here
Where are your journal published papers then if its so easy lady gaga can do it? Oh you don't have any? Shut the fuck up then you brainlet undergrad, and leave science to the intelligent people.
The state of stormfags these days i swear.