>"I REALLY like white guys like you user" ;)
whats the most logical thing to do here?
>"I REALLY like white guys like you user" ;)
whats the most logical thing to do here?
Make sure she takes birth control pills either that or has a cuck boyfriend who likes like a beta version of me
Start looking for the hidden cameras
kill myself because a spineless asian woman showing interest means I must be bottom barrel
Atleast you guys started including the same question at the end which means that most of those shitty RP threads can be filtered
Cya retards
Hot asian girls fuck white chads you know, they just are known to fuck 4/10 white guys as well because a subpar white guy mogs most of...
Nevermind now I'm just saying some racist shit
Then do a 360 and walk away
Turn around and poop in her cleavage.
Once a woman I know caught me staring at her breasts and she asked me what I was looking at. I started running my fingers down her cleavage.
So, I'd say probably something like that.
that doesn't mean anything since those "chads" were targeted successfully for parasitism. they must be extremely low value in some other way like having a small white dick that they could not find a white woman
I'm not even white, lady, my grandmother was spanish
Arr asian rook same to me
and walk away
ive done stuff similar to this in real life
Y'all are betafags. You smash ASAP. You fucking cowards Anons
she's clearly trying to bait me into a fake rape lawsuit, run and never look back
I really like sideway vaginas like yours
>"Well I really like you! Would you like to come watch some movies at my place tonight?"
It's really not that hard, you turbovirgins. If a woman implies she wants to have sex with you, you invite her over without directly saying (but implying) that you'll have sex.
you're supposed to say something funny turboautist
Only if you're trying to court the girl. If she's already into you (like the statement in OP implies), you invite her over and have sex.
I'd rather have a spineless asian gf than a faithless white gf
no, you're supposed to reply something retarded to this kinda thread
Yeah, but there's probably some people on here who wouldn't know what to really do in a situation like this, so I figured I'd chime in with some real advice versus "le wacky meme response" like a few other people have already done.
t. Chad
whoa dude you're so insightful i bet you get all the pussy being the super funny guy you are
So what do you do when she shows up?
then you must have lotta experience i assume?
well..you need some! lets go to...
well..so you know you wont get dissapointed;) lets go to...
Tell her you are .1% native american, because that's the most white thing you can do
>"I REALLY like white guys but NOT like you user" ;)
You already know you're an ugly low status faggot because you browse this board
>random asian thot
>probably wouldn't be good to date
>could potentialy give me an STD
>takes birth control pills
This makes women attracted to feminine men.
>tfw mexican, but look white
feels good man