>Love music
>Don't care about anything else in life
>"I know, I'll make music"
>Make music
>It's shit
>"Keep making music, it will get better"
>Keep making music
>It gets better
>It's still shit
>"Keep making music, it will get better"
>Still getting better
>Still shit
>And on and on and on for years
>I'm 30 now
>Other adults who are settling down and starting families ask me what I've been up to
>"Uh huuu umm making some music heh heh"
>"Oh, you like your music do you user?"
>Look at me like I'm some immature child living in a fantasy world
>It's because I am
>Go back to my home alone
>Dead end job
>No career prospects
>No girlfriend
>No hobbies
>No identity
>Except making music
>It's still shit, but at this point I just don't know what else to do
>I don't even know what else I am
>Except for a guy who makes music
>So I keep making music
Love music
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck. thank you op. this is the only thread right now that i can wholeheartedly relate to. the struggle is fucking real but as artists we must keep perfecting our craft even if we never gain any material wealth or fame from it. the passion and knowledge that we are somehow "meant" to do this is what really matters.
i've been playing piano and guitar for 15 years. i recently started seriously producing and it kills me that i can't mix/master things to a professional standard but my love of music keeps me going no matter what. i will find a way to bring my compositions to life. i will keep trying until i create a masterpiece. if nobody ever hears it, i won't care, i will be satisfied with knowing that i made it.
thank you again. much love. never stop producing user.
Thank you my dude.
The bad news is mixing and mastering takes just as much work to get to a high level as learning an instrument does. But I'm sure that doesn't matter to you. Keep making music user.
I was on the same route but I kinda gave up when I realized I couldn't sing well to save my life. And I don't care for instrumentals. The dream kind of died there.
It was all shit tho. At least I had a lot of fun.
What the fuck were you doing if you can't sing and can't play an instrument? Just sitting there imagining music?
Yes this is a very brave struggle but have you tried putting a comb filter on your supersaw pad?
I can play instruments. I compose and write lyrics and also produce the instrumental tracks. But it's not supposed to be instrumental so it's all unfinished.
>step one: ditch that bullshit for ableton
Share a track user
I've been trying to make black metal for a couple years, vocals were always my weakest point. On my last track I watched some videos and practiced a bit and I managed to record some that I'm pretty happy with. Don't give up bros.
oh damn. this is a strong track. reverb and levels on the drums are perfect. the synths need more oomph and the vocal samples too but there are great ideas here.
IMO if the songs have lyrics it's a worthwhile pursuit. That was you can offer commentary on the human condition which is the basis of Art.
I can see what you're getting at with everyone else starting a family, but are families really all that good? Day in and day out they probably hardly talk to each other, and when they do the wife probably nags the children or husband, the children probably give one word answers to how their day has been, and the parent's probably cook and clean and drive the kids around like employees. With your music you're pursuing the arts.
its bad especially the first 10 seconds but definitely all of it too
It can't be that bad m8
Share some with us, we won't hate
This song was a joke. I have """serious""" ones but I don't really want to post here because I'm not especially proud of them.
This is pretty good. You kind of expect black metal vocals to be shit so you can pretty much get away with it. Keep making music user.
Yeah well you're kinda right I mean I wouldn't call it shit but you're not going to impress anybody. I did enjoy it tho.
stop making weird musing like it and start messing around with trap beats and get rich like Metro Boomin
I'm not really fond of what the young kids are doing these days.
I'll always use reaper because it does everything I need it to do and also I want to support the company ahead of others for ideological reasons.
Actual musician here
It's good. Not great, not above average... Just good. Competent. Try experimenting with harsh sounds and harsher sounding notes.
I think the biggest issue I have with the song you posted is that it sounds completely inorganic. Like completely derived from an AWS. It's just a little boring to me
then i think it'll be really hard to earn decent money with your music unless you invent a new kind but the song you linked sounded like 2000's music
>Actual musician here
What the fuck does that even mean
It means I'm an Actual Musician
I think it's really going to blow up big some time soon. I predict at least a million plays by the end of the month.
how much have you ACTUALLY been making music and researching techniques for OP you can be making music for years but if you only do it for a hour or two a week then its no wonder you haven't progressed much
Most days since I was 16 I have made music in some capacity.
I have progressed a lot and am still progressing.
ah, for sure. that's still cool though. i'm not especially proud of my "serious" tracks either; they just feel like forays into experimentalism and trying to find my own "sound" that is extremely far from being anything original yet. still, mad love though. i like what you're doing man.
this is nice! it feels very organic, like it was recorded with a full band. good progression, strong mixing if a bit quiet and unenthusiastic. vocals are tight. i think you've definitely made something to be proud of.
probably means he either studied at a conservatory or gigs a lot and makes money with music
this thread is really comfy. better than /creativegeneral/ because it's more focused on struggling with music instead of everyone just posting something for the sake of posting it.
aaaand here is my shit music, the latest track, can't move on until i finish this. it's very unbalanced and wonky but i want to take these ideas further and see what i can do with them.
post a serious track then not
if you've working like that for 14 years you'll have something that you can post
I don't like weeb shit but the music is pretty cool.
Yeah but I don't want to because that's not the point of the thread and I don't really care what anyone thinks of my music.
at least you know how. doesn't even matter if it's shit. I want to learn how to make music like my favorite artist but I have no motivation and I'm too depressed to start learning how to do it. When I think of myself making music or doing anything that I want to do period it just seems too good to be true so it never happens
It takes a lot of time and effort to learn. I think it's worth it though.
>When I think of myself making music or doing anything that I want to do period it just seems too good to be true so it never happens
there is a lot of humility involved in creating/learning things in general. you'll find out you might have overestimated yourself. you'll find out that you know a lot less and when you learn something new it's exciting and opens so many doors for you. please try to accept this and start doing it NOW. we're not getting any younger. we have to do something or our lives will go completely go waste.
also this
Sounds like a literal vine meme song
You should capitalize on your talents and make vine-core anime comp shit
If we're gonna make this a music general I'll post something I made too.
Keep doing it man. whatever you do. DO NOT LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLE. you think mozart gave up? or pretty much any other famous musician out there. Music is your passion, why the fuck would you give that up?
Th day you give up and conform is the day that you FAIL in life. thats the day when you become another brick in the wall. Keep doing music until you got no money and resources left, beacuse then you can say "Hey. I followed my dream atleast".
Thats life. Life is taking a risk. Life is doing you.
30 years. your still relatively young. No reason to quit. Get better and dont stop!
Instead of making music why don't you study it? Then you'll be better at making it.
Might as well keep at it as a hobby.
lmfao thanks for that. i definitely went for a lot of "poppy" elements. maybe i'll find the courage to start a new track and make it something more memey with more mass-appeal.
guitar is mixed very well, definitely carries the track along. a bit repetitive because the rhythm doesn't change in each section. you could do something more with the bridge. the guitar solo starts strong but i can see where you're not too familiar with scales and melody. i like that it's not in C major though. drums are mixed very well. also repetitive however. do something else with that hi-hat! a closed hat adds a lot of nice contrast to an open hat. overall i like the feel a lot, it's got a nice homely, almost country sound to it. post the version with vocals when you get the chance!
I generally like all music and have a hard time coming up with criticism, but this is plain terrible. Jesus. I don't mean to discourage you but that sucks. Keep trying and get better.
Thank you! I can't read music notation so I don't now minor/major that well. It's repetitive because there's no vocals I think. If I added some, I think it'd sound a little less grating. I dunno how to make vocal melody lines that sound appealing so it could be a bit.
Alright lol
please, if you could, upload and post the version of this song without the anime shit. because it sounds really cool.
Different person here, but wow the song doesn't sound half bad. Drums I would say could be a bit more dynamic and expressive, they're kinda simple.
im not the guy you're talking to/about. i just requested a version of his sound without the anime vocal shits.
Oops, I meant to reply to , but misclicked.
I know exactly how you feel cause I live a similar life. I even use Reaper too.
Do a bunch of drugs, and then your music will be better. Works everytime 43.26% of the time.
I'd like to disagree but my music has gone to shit since I quit drinking. In 9 months sober I've produced less than I would in two months drunk, and compose and learn less than before too.
yeah! look up guitar scales, you don't need to know how to read sheet music it's all in tabs and picture form anyway. your track was in A major, one of my favorite keys :)
thanks i appreciate the feedback! did have trouble with the drums, tried to make the samples sound good and make a basic beat but wasn't sure where to go from there.
sure! here you go user
Not sure if you're still here but do you even have an idea before you make a song?
I can't really tell what you were going for.
Just hit me up with a (you) if you want some advice from someone who makes his living wage from this shit.
here, this one is much better
any tips for a beginner who gets overwhelmed by everything. I thought of just making tracks with C major/minor to start off with basic I-IV-V progressions.
i feel like there is a lot of misquoting going on in this thread. i don't know about you but i'm drunk and high so i'm really confused lmao
can you clarify
i made the comment telling you the first one was shit, and that this one is better and you should've posted it in the first place.
oh damn. i'm so fucking dumb lol. i appreciate it though~ the only reason i posted the weeb version is because i am secretly a weeb piece of shit who loves listening to asian girls talk
also to everyone in this thread this webm is for you: NEVER GIVE UP MY N*GGAS WE'RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT SOMEHOW
What is overwhelming you user? If it's writing/theory. Just pick a key, see what notes belong to it, and write in it.
Pick a simple chord progression and make sure the melody is made from the chord tones (the notes that are used in the chords).
That's a solid starting point for anyone trying to get into writing.
This sounds way more solid but whats up with the reverb on the drums like that on a largely electronic track?
This track would sound way better if you didn't drown your drums in reverb and fit everything into the mix better.
Pretty much everything in music production is overwhelming for me. Writing music, sound design, mixing/mastering. But yeah essentially writing music because I wish I could improvise and just play around with chords.
someone teach me how to make music so I can make a music
>Love music
GTFO of here you pos normalfag scum.
>muh music
>bang bang anime girls in an innocent music thread
ilu anonee
eh, just focus on one thing at a time. For now just focus on writing music, use presets. Look at other tracks to see how those are written. Structure, chords, melodies, effects. after that you can move to sound design using the same method. and eventually also to mixing and mastering.
It's literally just ape-ing what everyone else is doing.
music theory is a great tool but mostly it is just good for understanding how to get stuff out of your head onto paper. you dont really need it. just write a song by ear based on what sounds good to you and then go back and try and make sense of it. I usually think about which chord sounds like it resolves (ends) the progression and take that to be the I chord of the key and then analyze it. So like if I were to write a song with the chords G Em Am C9 D when I listen to it if I stop on the G it sounds resolved and so I take that for the I. That also makes sense because all of those chords fit on the scale of G. So, then G is I and so Em must be vi etc making the chords progression I vi ii IV9 V. This will also help you get a better grasp of how chords work because you will learn to associate their sound. But at the end of the day you just have to trust your ear desu if you dont work on your ear the theory wont do any good.
hey also i'm sorry i should have told you this earlier but keep listening to music you love and trying to imitate it. especially for your vocal intuition - don't think about it too much, but sing a melody you love and maybe change it out with your own words. hum while you play some chords. copy the techniques of your favorite singers, like when to go high and crescendo, or be a bit jumpy and playful in your melodies.
this probably sounds cheesy but video music helped me a lot with improvising melodies. i listened to the NES street fighter 2010 soundtrack for such a long time lol
years. your still relatively young. No reason to quit. Get better and dont stop!
can you guys make shit like this?
there are robots who can and i bow to them like the peasant i am
I wish I could get so fucking passionate about something,but nothing really interests me anymore.You're a lucky man op.
Why dont you just make some upbeat dance/party music..?
You always see haters deriding people like Avicii as "talentless". If it's so talentless, why not just do the same thing he did and make millions of bucks?
yea right?
I can
Dope. I like it. V good user.
what kind of music are you trying to make user? i started producing music about 6 months ago and i feel that i've already made some decent tracks. you shouldn't dedicate all your resources and attention into music though, try to find some other hobbies and skills, but still find time to work on the music as well.
Fuck no
post your creations then
>let the world know that you browse an incel forum
fuck no.
take it or leave it
which DAW do you use then
image reltaed
Do you get lots of monies for makin music
I was the same but thank god I wised up before I got too carried away. I was doing a meme music production degree which I changed to STEM and now I have a good career on the horizon.
Thankfully I've matured a bit and I don't get too carried away with fantasies and delusions like many other people do when their immature. A woman that was on my course was a 30 year old single mom who STILL wanted to be a famous pop star basically. I found out she did porn to fund her studies (have seen the videos myself actually). All in all a sad, pathetic mess and I'm glad I met her actually because that showed me the path I was going on.
Many people simply like the idea of being a famous songwriter or musician and aren't actually that talented in the first place. I am good at guitar but the standards today of successful artists are so high, I don't think anyone realises how talented you actually have to be to make it these days
definitely no. on a good week at most 100yuros on music alone.
>Many people simply like the idea of being a famous songwriter or musician
Funny. I don't want this, i just want to make music thats so good, people are playing it everywhere and all the time.
oh you weren't exaggerating
thats not a lot
you think diplo or major lazar make 100 euros a week? kek
ofcourse not. they are le dj superstars after all. yet I am some dumb music person who sells tracks off to other people.
Keep on making music. Its what I tell myself day after day. One of my albums got posted somewhere so a huge number of people listened to it. Made me feel nice.
Well, no one wants to be famous for being crap do they?
Indeed, mixing and mastering takes like 10-15 years of practice before you're pro sounding tier. Just keep it up lads.
My only advice is to mix all genres of music, not just one. Do metal, orchestral, jazz, rap/hip-hop, songs without vocals, etc. The more genres you learn, the more you understand frequencies and how it sounds in human ears.
feedback on this brother anons?
make something like this next time
this is a 9/10
i have to give your music a D+ brother
Improving feels like it takes forever user but honestly, pretty much all of the people who do music that I admire took awhile to get as good as they are and I'm willing to bet the people you like did as well. Let's be real, we're never going to be successful as producers. Whatever you do, some eurofag somewhere has probably done it 10 times better than you. Best to just accept it and only do it for fun.
I've been doing music for around 3-4 years now and I'm still nowhere near where I wanted to be but if we stop at any point, we'll never be there. At least have some impossible standard to relentlessly compare yourself to.
I relate 100% OP. I've been at making music for 7 years and I just can't get good at it. I improve, but never enough.
No wonder.
>>Other adults who are settling down and starting families ask me what I've been up to
Too real, are you stalking me OP?
I already do heaps of drugs. Stopped lately and my music got worse, only a short term break though I will go back to drugs again eventually.
Yes. The idea was the man says the bad word.
I think I got that across fairly well.
>Get away from the door niggUUUH
Why user
I wish I felt this way. I just left my band. My bandmates expressed these same kind of feelings but it always felt more like a hobby/second job to me. But maybe it's because the music they were writing was shit, and I'm a drummer so I have nothing to contribute on that end. Maybe one day I'll find a band that genuinely makes me feel this feeling, and I'll love it. I hope so.
Speaking of which is there anything more cucked than being a drummer? Objectively funnest instrument to play, but it's so divorced from traditional music theory you can be the best drummer in the world and not know a scale. I try to make my own music like OP on a DAW but I have similar feelings and feel like I'm shit and it makes me not want to continue. Plus learning music theory seems intimidating and really hard to me. I can always lay down some good drums and hats, but when it comes to a melody it all falls apart unless I cheat and sample something.