Is it really possible some of you aren't white males?
Is it really possible some of you aren't white males?
faggot frogposter
i'm 75% white, 25% non-brown or black middle eastern. Does that make me white, mixed, or middle eastern? If so, should a black person who's 25% white call himself white?
>both of my parents and my brother are white as snow
>i pop out looking like i just jumped the border wall
my grandma has a darker complexion too and i know theres a good chunk of native american in us, but im honestly not convinced im my dad's son considering how pathetic of a beta male he is
I'm only 80% white but still am whiter than most "white americans"
It depends on your skin and if you look like you're going to bomb a christmas market
You're either white or shit skin there's no in between.
I feel like half of this board is Slavs for some reason, same with /his/.
My mother's complexion is much, much darker than mine. lol
I picture most American robots as spics
>posts this image
>is this image
Why the fuck would I ever want to be a white goblin dicklet?
>depends on your skin
pic related is my skin color
>if you look like you're going to bomb a christmas market
when I visited norway most people thought I was a local and nobody suspected I was 1/4 middle eastern
Keep talking goblino.
everyone on Jow Forums has a penis and is white. duh. everyone knows that.
I'm a half white male, don't know if it counts
>le 56% calling me goblino
There is no hope for the white race.
Abandon your family, breed a white women and pretend you never had any middle eastern origins and maybe you'll survive in the upcoming race war
You're right, there is no hope for the white race, especially when white men are breeding asians and black men are breeding white women.
I'm the exact same mix as you and people consider me white
that awesome u bastard
I'm going to change my last name to my deceased paternal grandmother's last name because I feel like my father should've had that last name after his parents divorced and that it's more like our true family's name, also she was the only really honorable and upstanding person in the family. The only middle eastern origin I have is 1 person who is my deceased paternal grandfather who had absolutely no involvement in the family whatsoever and abandoned my father before he was even born. The majority of my family are white christian people
the only type of woman i'd have children with would be a woman like pic related, but unfortunately due to the state of modern women and the direction the world is heading I'm going to keep multiple frozen sperm samples in storage in multiple different locations, get a vasectomy and go mgtow since all conceivable solutions to our current problem are fruitless. If things improve however, I'll reverse my vasectomy and go for it and if it doesn't work then I'll just use some of my many sperm samples
I could have written this, except I never actually went through with changing my name and just gave up on life
stop begging for white people's acceptance it's pathetic, even if you change your name they'll easily dig up your family history and find out you're part shitskin and you'll still end up in the oven
White women largely prefer white men. Usually everyone prefers their own race but white women are noticably more prone to get with white men.
> I'm going to keep multiple frozen sperm samples in storage in multiple different locations, get a vasectomy and go mgtow since all conceivable solutions to our current problem are fruitless.
Cringe. I seriously hope you don't do this.
White women only prefer white men when they're used up and have three biracial children with different fathers
>40 % of east asian women exclude their own race
Jesus christ
And I could have written this. I had actually already given up on life, but something dramatic happened which insurmountably altered the entire trajectory of my future in a good way so therefore even though I may be partially jaded, numb, and discontent as a result of my past experiences, I actually have something to live for now
If it was't for my apathetic decision to continue living I probably wouldn't be posting this though. Not gonna tell you what you've already heard but if you really do have nothing to strive for who knows, maybe something miraculous might happen to you like it did to me
but I want them to accept me if they don't i'll kms or someting :(((
all i think about every waking moment of my life is gaining acceptance from white people noooo i don't wanan end up in an oven booo and so on and so forth
you're right user, I should be more ironic and insencere about everything and say whatever it is you want me to say, I'm so sorry I made you cringe, now that you posted that macro image I have completely re-thought my planned course of action and have reconsidered and whatnot
Your plan is fucking stupid. May as well go the Cryogenically frozen route and hope to wake up to a gf who wants your sperm.
No. You can't be a robot unless you're a white man.
It's over for asianbots
>yahoo personals for gold diggers and bottom barrel losers
>dead as doornails site
>stats from 1 maybe 2 decades ago
fucking lmao state of white males to feel like they are wanted.
I once stalked a random girl in the middle of the night and straight up asked her whether or not she wanted to be my gf and desired my sperm after being awoken from being cryogenically preserved like in that han solo scene from star wars but the porno flick but then I remembered after I told everyone at the cryopreservation center my fucking stupid plan they took my money and just shot me after I went unconscious and dumped my body in the "stupid fucking planmaking incel" division of the wastedump. Now I'm stuck with a shitty discount version of my uploaded consciousness on the singularity's matrix talking to self-aware and enlightened all-knowing beings such as yourself, forever condemned to perpetually facing the truth behind all of my words, actions, decisions and fucking stupid plans, always being corrected, because they didn't backup the part that contains all the actually correct and self-aware ironic opinions and future decisions from anonymous poster number 50384836 on Jow Forums dot org / r9k
Pic related is an artist's interpretation of my former self after being uploaded to the singularity. I'm so sorry. Pray for me user
I'm a Korean female. I'm from Oregon though.
Fine, cut your balls up and freeze your sperm. See if any roastie gives a shit.
Are you in the 40 percent?
Whoa there buddy, pure white might not be around for very long but our genes will linger in fairer skin, hair, and colored eyes. The most attractive people will always have those, no matter how much you taint the gene pool white supremacy will live on. We're just better.
Unfortunately as I already informed you the ballchopping sperm-freezing division of the cryopreservation center's staff decided to shoot me right in the noggin'after I informed them of my stupid fucking plan right after they said "nobody gives a shit lmao" so I couldn't even do it if I wanted to
if it makes any difference however, before I was rightfully murdered for presenting the absolutely outrageous idea of mincing my spheresack into nill and freezing my semendemons, the roastbeef sandwich at arby's i hallucinogenically mislabeled as a human female was in fact a lump of shite which was given to me by a homeless crack addict who happened to have a roastbeef sandwich of her own down her pants. So technically *is* someone out there for me user. Just keep praying to allah I get accepted by white people for me will you?
Black boy here
I'm 100% white but I'm also literally african
It's an odd dichotomy
true robots can't be white. female privilege and white privilege are just as bad.
Everyone wants white people, not sure why blacks try to say it's white women wanting them and not them like all people just abandoning their own races opposite sex to chase prime white meat male or female. The white races one weakness is we're just so goddamn desirable.
Why are you still there?
Our business/livelihood is here. If we left, we'd have to sell everything. Also can't get a visa to anywhere but SA or maybe zambia
How many white people are there where you live?
I guarantee every white ""robot"" here
>was invited to parties but never went because of autism
>had girls interested in them but didn't reciprocate because of autism
>has standards (no black girls, at least 4/10 etc)
ethnics never even had a choice, the game was over before it began for us
Nope never
Nope never
And no I've got no standards
>Yeah, I wouldn't fuck a nigger for the same reason you wouldn't fuck an ape
1/3, not bad
30,000 throughout the whole country
Next year I'm starting uni in america
racists deserve to be alone