Chad here dumping evidence I've collected that women are trash
Women are trash dump
From this small excerpt it looks like you're the trash here
They're refuse
Literal compostable trash
All women are whores no questions
Married women are heroes now
How can the man stay married to this ?
Actueeel fecal mattyttyyyyer
I have dozens of convos like these. I can always get pussy so I stopped giving a fuck since it's not a commodity to me.
When you're tall and blue eyes you can literally say whatever you want
Several women have expressed an interest in having my seed with or without a relationship
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Biggest red pill is I haven't been on an actual date in years. They just come to my house
All I see is
>Snapchat filters
Jesus this is pathetic, cant believe you all think you're attractive. At least the girl in OP's pic is attractive. But you guys cant compete with those screencaps.
>on degenerate dating app matching with ugly roasties
>"cant believe all these WHORES wanna fuck me so bad xP"
what was the point of this thread? i can screenshot hundreds of the same conversations i've had too.
Your first mistake. What the fuck kind of mame is that?
Lol even Jewish chicks will tolerate you insulting the holocaust
I need more context. How long was the conversation before this? Or was that you first message?
I'm highly doubtful, I feel like you made a fake Chad account more than anything else.
Need a timestamp else it's fake and gay.
She's disgusting and she doesn't even know what the fuck zyklon b is you retard
This is the only part of the convo I left out for lack of substance. Thai girl was a straight whore she came to my house that night
I should stop being such an asshole
indotn know why 2/10s message as if you're going to actually fuck them
absolute state of american education
from those screenshots i can tell you are probably very unattractive. that's not how girls talk to guys they find hot.
all we have until now is
>girl cringing because you texted her
>you sperging out over 'polyamorous' degenerates
>black and jew
sorry my dude, looks like you're a failed normie
I've bedded around 100 women most of them 7s or better
post pics fucking them instead of screenshots from your chad fish account
It's kampf you stupid cheeseburger
ITT German virgins sperge out about spelling in a language I don't speak
let him think the 2-3 word responses they send him mean they want to suck him dry.
Just move on with your life why tf are you even msging her? It's beta
>thinking you're any better than most of these women.
This must be bait right
literally everyone knows how to spell mein kampf you're just retarded user