Why are black people so sensitive ?
Why are black people so sensitive ?
They aren't, they are just malicious.
If the same thing happened with white kids you autists would be screaming about indoctrination.
this is borderline racist imo
>1 billion dollar lawsuit
lol. Good luck with that.
What if her class is majority black students?
Look at this Stacy piece of shit. Fuck her, and anyone who supports the roasty scum.
whites try to pull this racist shit all the time and act innocent
I'm glad she got BTFO
I bet it was some white guilt thing too and it still backfired on her because blacks are vicious. SJWs gotta learn the hard way they aren't friends.
Why the fuck is she playing slave? Can't she just use her damn words?
Guess the state
Black people always standing around making scenes acting like they own everything trying to start fights with anyone that looks at them cause they have a problem or are racist.
Black people need to be exterminated.
It's just learned behavior, we've created a culture of entitlement for minorities.
>A white city public school teacher - who claims she was wrongfully fired over a controversial lesson on slavery in which she was accused of having black students lie on the floor while she stepped on their backs - plans to sue the city for $1 billion.
>Patricia Cummings, 37, was canned in October after complaints about the highly unorthodox teaching method that left some students feeling humiliated and singled out by the exercise.
>But Cummings insisted Thursday that she initiated the lesson in her class at MS 118 in the Bronx in good faith - and only one student and her parent objected.
>Her sacking - and the torrent of criticism that followed - has rendered her permanently unemployable, Cummings said at a press conference alongside her lawyer, Thomas Liotti. "I have no career at this point," she said.
>She filed a $120 million lawsuit in Suffolk County, where she lives, against a slew of defendants ranging from the city Department of Education to Mayor Bill de Blasio to media outlets. But Liotti said they plan to build a $1 billion class-action case with other teachers claiming similar forms of discrimination.
Do we use "sacking" now?
She stepped on children's backs, you retarded, racebaiting troglodytes.
Niggers aren't children, they are niggers. And only one uppity coon complained out of malicious intent.
Your opinions are irrelevant if you post uguu anime images as a male. Disgusting subhuman tranny faggot.
I'm a female, you dumb monkey.
then your opinions are certainly irrelevant
oh hell yeah
>tfw no femdom teacher gf
>Why are white people so sensitive about non-whites
>le edgy raceist anime poster xD
Keep crying, incel lmao
Who are you quoting, redditnigger? Please learn how to communicate like a human or go back.
Sure, "a female".
I'm quoting you, projecting incel tranny. Get off my board.
I was born with ovaries. How does it feel a black incel? Blacks live life on easy mode and you still end up a loser, what is up with that?
>Says others live life on easy mode
>I was born with ovaries
No, you have a gross neo-vagina. Stop lying, Jow Forumsak incel. No one will ever love a freak of nature.
t. actual woman, which means I have a uterus, XX chromosomes and don't need to dilate my genitalia or take pills :^)
>t. actual woman
Sheboons aren't women. They are "females", but woman is a term for civilized peoples.
What if it was a history thing? Blacks used to be slaves, therefore it would be fitting.
Why are they teaching this in schools when 50 percent of American adults can't read a book written at an eighth-grade level?
You called yourself a female, implicitly admitting you're an uncivilized creature yourself. GG, incel.
No more (You)s, trannies are gross.
I am also biologically a female, and I referred to myself as such because I was called a male, additionally I am culturally a woman. I guess it's true what they say about blacks being less intelligent, you can't even keep up with conversation ITT.
Like all other Americans, they have everything backwards and try to cope when confronted.
The absolute state of animeposters.
>I-I'm a biological woman
There are more women on Jow Forums than incels, kid.
Only if by "women", you mean Reiko's pinkpill harem. Animeposters are notorious for LARPing.
So you're a black incel AND an anti-anime redditurd posting on an anime image board?
>calls others incel
>is a huge incel
>be tranny
>get BTFO by actual foid
>have to backpedal
>there are more women on Jow Forums than incels
think about what you're saying before you post please.
Go back to reddirt, you dumb faggot.
Why are you samefagging? I didn't call you an incel, but now I think you might be. Stop doing this "loli trap gf" shit and get your life together m8
>1 billion dollars
Hope she gets nothing for being so greedy
Those posts were made 8 seconds apart, Trayvon.
why is water wet? because that's what it is. same with niggers being sensitive, or insecure, or stupid, or greedy, or impulsive, it's just what they are
How new are you, exactly? Get some help
>implying it's hard to circumvent timers
I'd tell you to get help, but there is no helping you, this is the best you can do in life. Very sad, many such cases.
Not everyone who doesn't want to do fagplay with you is from Leddit.
hard enough for you to circumvent
lol shut up, dumb smelly blackcel.
lol shut up, dumb smelly blackcel cuck
You try so hard. Pathetic.
You must have accidentally replied to my post while talking to yourself. Accidents seem to be a focal point in your life, from your existence up til now.
Stop pretending to be me. I'm just a sad blackcel ;_;
>incel trap having a breakdown
Wew laddies
"I know you are, but what am I?" is a tactic us white people, or people as we are more commonly known, use as children.
>cracking open MS paint for a Jow Forums argument
This is why you have depression.
Figures an animeposter would know a lot about children. I'm white btw, you're just a salty faggot.
Not him, but you're pathetic.
>tfw black
>worthless ugly and low iq
>have to pretend to be white people to make them look bad since I'm the shit one
Why can't I just be white?
>Tfw no Stacy teacher gf to dominate you and step on your back
>I'm white btw,
Oh aye?
>didn't even bother to change theme, resolution or filename
>couldn't even come up with his own insult and had to use mine
You're not even trying at this point. Pitiful.
It's historically accurate is what it is.
>I guess it's true what they say about blacks being less intelligent, you can't even keep up with conversation ITT.
>A-Am I winning yet guys?
Hrt doesn't make you a girl you faggot
Wh*tes are genetically predisposed to embarrassing themselves.
>tfw black
>huge disgusting lips and black soulless eyes
>too stupid to understand anything
Why can't I just be white?
When I was in elementary school, during black history month, big "WHITES ONLY" signs were put up at all the bathrooms and water fountains as a way of showing the kids what it was like during segregation. None of the black kids (or their parents) were offended.
He's shitting up the thread and accusing everyone who points this out of being the same person. HRT not only fucks up your body, but your mind.
I am a biological female. Keep crying.
Your shit thread would have 404d already if I hadn't posted in it,
Not that user, but you've been crying all thread. Your hormones are all fucked up from the damage you do to your body. A sane person would stop, but you're probably too destroyed at this point.
>Keep crying.
I'm not the one sperging out all over the thread ma dude
>I am a biological female.
Prove it
Better for it to 404 than for us all to experience your autistic trap tantrum.
Make an Jow Forums thread on /soc/ and prove you aren't black first.
This is why you're still an incel at your age.
They learned from jews that they can abuse the system as much as they want if they have the right connections and make enough of a big stink about it on twitter - at this point they are beginning to fabricate shit for lack of things to complain about, they won't back off until they are allowed to physically attack anyone they like just because. I feel bad for the few sane ones caught in the crossfire.
will u be my e-gf?
Good thing I'm not an incel, but it's clear that you are. Healthy people don't throw spamming fits on Jow Forums.
Lmao i'm not that user. Btw i'm Hispanic, I have no idea what race is the other user though
Are you a white virgin?
>Btw i'm Hispanic
Literally worse than being black
Forgot the (male) at the end of that e-gf
You're not fooling anyone. We know you want to suck on nigger cock and get railed to a state of orgasmic bliss by BBC.
>Literally worse than being black
But way better than being a trap that's for sure
Please don't mislead him by omitting the fact that you're a man. It's shitty to catfish robots.
Rather be a Hispanic user any day than an autistic, shitposting tranny sperglord who can't even samefag properly.
>all these incel betas so upset they were mean to me that they tell themselves I'm a male
Too late, kids. Maybe if you weren't such bitter loser that was mean for no reason you wouldn't be dying alone?
>woman in thumbnail
You're responding to a guy
>Are you a white virgin?
I'm white but technically not a virgin.
Only interested in white volcels.
you sound like a common street whore
>tranny incel screeches into the air at all non-insane human beings
This is why taking the AGPill is a bad idea
>blackcels absolutely SEETHING because they are being ignored by a woman who will never be interested in them
It's a (failed, white) ladyboy. Please be respectful, anonymous.
Holy fucking shit this entire thread is a disease. Kill yourselves, all of you.