I'm a 22 yo KHTV femanon. AMA
I'm a 22 yo KHTV femanon. AMA
What does the T stand for
Something original I hope
>What does the T stand for
so how fat and gross are you
Touch I'd assume
what's it like user?
>t. autistic but in the middle of college hookup culture and cant get out
what do you think caused you to become the way you are now
how fat and ugly are you? i don't care, be my gf please, at least until i kill myself, i just need someone to talk to...
I'm 5'7" 120lbs
Moral decay of society.
>Moral decay of society.
are you conservative and/or religious user?
Kill yourself... There's no such thing female (male)
>are you conservative
No, conservatism is a leftist ideology. They conserve nothing. I'm a Traditionalist. I wish I was religious, but I'm honestly doubtful.
I am a female, and user, thus I am femanon. It's "fembot" that there is no such thing, newfriend.
What are your standards for men and will you be my gf
Kill yourself roastie, I won't say it again
>European ancestry
>6'0" or taller
>not fat
>less than 3 sexual partners in his life
>can be my roommate and pay rent while I take care of at home chores
>facebook filename
I'm a virgin, and my labia is an innie.
'0" or taller
Be my girlfriend, give me your throwaway discord.
>European ancestry
Asian spotted
op pls answer
im not a virgin and i want to know
See, there's a distinction here. Clearly you're a KHTV because you hate everyone around you and are therefore volunentarily celibate. Volcel gets thrown around as an insult all the time but it's so much more respectable than being a fucking roastie. Just don't try and act like you physically CAN'T get a bf, because you totally could.
Kill yourseIf easy mode whore
I am European.
What is what like? How am I supposed to answer?
Yeah, I COULD go get some loser to be my bf.
So you're just a stupid attention whore, fuck off
>So you're just a stupid attention whore, fuck off
This is why you're going to die alone. You act like a child.
>tfw when 5'11
If you fit the other criteria, then I'm willing to overlook you being short.
I fit the criteria completely, add me on discord.
stands for tranny
You wouldn't even know the difference between 5'11 or 6'0 you retarded slut