Why is that blacks are never publicly acceptable unless they gay, wimps, or fixated on some white woman? Every high profile straight black man is getting #metoo'd or subverted, Kanye, Cosby, R. Kelly, etc. We just can't have a nigga that's pro-black, by and for blacks, with no outsiders. Black spaces and role models are "for everyone ".
Why is that blacks are never publicly acceptable unless they gay, wimps, or fixated on some white woman...
Other urls found in this thread:
"Or fixated on some white woman" covers most non-degenerate black male celebs because black women are relatively undesirable so a famous black guy has little reason to settle since even a stuck up white bitch will be subservient to him
The cacs' ultimate plan is to eliminate black people. Look at the media and you'll see it.
Pic related is a black model, not even a mutt. But cacs decided to airbrush the shit out of the picture to make her look white.
>because black women are undesirable
Not to their own men though, and that's what matters.
Cac here
Our ultimate plan is to actually get revenge on the Jews by mixing them with Africans and then fucking off to mars so we can watch the fireworks from a safe distance.
Why not just deal with the Jews?
Why bring us into it?
Last time we tried that we got gangraped by anglos and slavs. Here i will break a deal with you, at the next white people meeting i will suggest we replace Africans with Hispanics in the plan. I will also suggest bringing Africans and Asians with us to mars for a stronger workforce and intellectual sphere. I'm really putting my ass on the line here so don't act uppity.
I've noticed this also. Look at the people that are constantly yelling about "toxic black masculinity". OK, I agree that we go overboard with some stuff, but notice how they never want to promote a black man just doing his job and not messing with anyone, its always some homo, tranny or moist pussy man they use as examples to combat "toxic black masculinity". Non-black people in America hate Black men that don't play into their stereotypes. Check the media, no black men that are for African-Americans, nope all the left leaning news stations only employ black gays, ultra-feminist, immigrants or dudes that make their voices less "threatening" and right leaning ones employ uber coons.
First issue might be the male-ness. Black women are driving you out and down, and that's reflected in the mainstream.
But here's the real issue with your thinking,
>We just can't have a nigga that's pro-black, by and for blacks, with no outsiders. Black spaces and role models are "for everyone ".
This is a segregationist viewpoint. The fundamental push of the Civil Rights movement, or at least the parts of it that succeeded, was for a color-blind mixed society. This is what MLK pushed, and it's the only type that the white majority is interested in because it's the only one that has room for us and is different from the segregation-based model of society we were already using. It was the only kind of change that made sense; black separatists had impossible wishes which could not be accepted.
There however seems to be this delusion in black America that color-blind mixed society was only going to mix one way, with whites handing over wealth, status and inclusion, and blacks merely receiving it with no recompense, while still maintaining their own distinct sub-culture to which whites are not invited. As you're feeling, this isn't the case. It was never going to be the case. It never could be the case.
If you want to be one people, we can be one people, but that means you have to be open and sharing too. You don't get to share our toys without sharing yours. If you'd rather have your own segregated society, by all means, feel free to go live it, but don't expect to get the upsides of that and then also the upsides of sharing in the mainstream white culture.
Shut it down, the wogs know!
>This is a segregationist viewpoint. The fundamental push of the Civil Rights movement, or at least the parts of it that succeeded, was for a color-blind mixed society. This is what MLK pushed, and it's the only type that the white majority is interested in because it's the only one that has room for us and is different from the segregation-based model of society we were already using. It was the only kind of change that made sense; black separatists had impossible wishes which could not be accepted.
MLK is looking more and more suspicious to me. He came around when the civil rights movement was focused on equal distribution of federal funds and ending things like redlining and turned it all into kissing white ass so black people could eat next to people that hated their guts. White people like MLK cause he's the kind of black person that wouldn't fight back. He was killed after realizing his "racial-utopia" would never be a reality and he had unintentionally subverted the civil rights movement into something dangerous for black folks.
>There however seems to be this delusion in black America that color-blind mixed society was only going to mix one way, with whites handing over wealth, status and inclusion, and blacks merely receiving it with no recompense, while still maintaining their own distinct sub-culture to which whites are not invited. As you're feeling, this isn't the case. It was never going to be the case. It never could be the case.
The original intention of the civil rights movement was not desegregation, but equal protection and use of their rights as civilians under the law. Blacks had relatively stable communities and whites knew that if they allowed them to have access to the economic power of America, they would only continue to grow.
>If you want to be one people, we can be one people, but that means you have to be open and sharing too.
Delusional. White people have shown for centuries that they're not to be trusted
Hey i see you also hate jew guys do you got an discord or someting ?
The rules have changed. In the eyes of society women are the most oppressed, even more than black men. Black men are getting #metoo'd because they are still men.
>Robert Kelly
Statutory rapist
Is largely left alone despite his bipolar outbursts, support of the biggest fraud you've ever had in office, and waning musical ability
Your problem is you want both integration into all echelons of society, and the ability to identify purely based on race. The former comes from merit which you immediately sacrifice when you support the latter.
The sooner you see people as people, and not as 'white people' etc the sooner you will be treated based on you as an individual.
Oh, and I'm black famalam
>why can't we, a literal slave caste just be our own little happy nation competing with the worlds top dog inside it's borders
gee i wonder
Holy shit that was formatted poorly my bad
They also do the #metoo-ing as well.
The left is using you because you don't trust whitey and want gibs. Obviously they are going to promote fag blacks because feminism is the dominiant ideology and you'll vote for gibs regardless so who cares?
Ever notice how whites who vote left tend to be feminine, stupid, low status? And non-whites who vote right tend to be masculine, have a real job/higher status? It's not a coincidence. The only reason its not in some blacks' interest to vote repub is that they literally are too dumb to survive without welfare. Everyone else has no excuse
>White people like MLK cause he's the kind of black person that wouldn't fight back.
We like MLK because he was the one who wanted peace to be made and old grievances to be buried, which is what we want too. We didn't like the Malcolm X style of civil rights because we're not interested in fighting a civil war, which is the inevitable end of the black power approach. We want to move forward peacefully into the future, but all of your and our "activists" spend their time picking at the wounds.
Again, your beliefs are all delusion. You tell yourself whites can't be trusted, despite them showing up to get pepper sprayed at BLM rallies and instituting affirmative action for you and putting diversity training in their own companies and allowing the civil rights movement to proceed at all. Imagine trying to have a non-violent protest of Genghis Khan's occupation of your territory; wouldn't work, would it? He'd just have all your heads cut off. Non-violent protest only worked on us because whites are moral people.
But none of that matters, the resentment remains, and will always remain, because the black culture oppresses itself, and merely blames the white man for it.
Why are blacks so segregational and hyper-obsessed with being racially exclusive, but continue to live in the USA?
Any black worth a damn is probably running like hell from his race
All blacks are running from their race. There's nothing that scares them more than white people leaving them.
No. Only about 10% of black women are even remotely atractive by western standardz