why do roasties and cucks get offended by seeing asian girls with white men?
Why do roasties and cucks get offended by seeing asian girls with white men?
Stupid autistic and ugly incels get upset and insecure if you don't like the same thing they like. They see asians as a direct competition to whites and that's why they get so worked up. If you get upset over shit online you're an ugly neckbeard with no success in life. Women are pretty much the same way except replace "if you don't like what I like" to "if you don't like me." Low status people get offended easily because their lives aren't good in any way.
Pic related some current events going on recently that show the failure of marriage in the west
Women are the same every I just feel bad for the white guys thinking it would be different anywhere else
I don't see any issue, with the exception being the possible conception of a hapa son. Poor bastard is going to have a hard life
They have the same issues of other asian men.
>I'm an ugly incel and women should date me for existing but they (supposedly) won't because i'm asian (or half asian)
>extremely introverted with no social skills and a bad personality but doesn't self reflect or improve
The only difference is he has a scapegoat to blame, his parents. Asian guys will blame the asian girls and say they're the reason he's dying alone as a virgin.
Dude I'm convinced that most asians are soulless insects that don't think outside of the hivemind. I honestly say that the Japanese are the only ones that have somewhat broken that mentality
Yellow fever makes no sense, they're always skinnyfat with no good ass. Oriental Stacy in your fap folders doesn't count, she's much rarer than how white girls
Wrong, all robots and incels are soulless insects with a hivemind mentality. If you want to stop being dead on the inside, get off this site and live in the real world.
Sorry we don't want to be soulless cephalopods with no mentality
You already factually are one because you browse this board regularly.
Way to prove my no mentality point kek
I go to the real world often friend, its fucking boring if you dont have money
People who have real lives can think for themselves. You talk and live in a way that is predictable to everyone, and you'll never change. Probably a beta male neet or a guy with no direction in life.
then get a real job
Most white men with Asians are boomers with import wives that die after a couple of years, the woman gets all his money, brings her entire family over and buys up all the stuff in the area as Asians tend to do.
It reeks of old-time colonialism.
Can't, fucking college taking up my time
(and that's a good thing)
shits cash
What are my odds of producing children with a Chinese woman as a white incel?
Her body is sexy but goddam that face is REPULSIVE. I dont know how any white man could look into that insectoid fetus face and say I love you honey.
Pretty good if you move to Asia. I'm fairly sure the ugliest women alive are either asian or indian, no matter how bad you are you should be able to find someone who will fuck you there
They'll tell you it's 100 but really it's most likely 0.
Why specifically chinese vs other races
her vagina area looks freakishly large
Robots really are a hivemind. I just thought that was a given though because of what the namesake originally is used for. The fact that they always seemingly have preprogrammed responses with often-used wording and terminology like really helps perpetuate that image.
low standards of course, though i'd say filipino and thai girls have even lower
Koreans, Japanese, Hong Kong, and likely Singaporean girls are too high-tier for me. Thais, Viets, Laotians, Cambodians, Filipinas, etc, are too low-tier. Chinese is the perfect balance and there are so many of them it increases the odds.
that's pretty presumptuous for an incel. it's likely no one would go for you unless they desperately need a green card.
High. If you're not a neet you can even probably get a decent one. Asian women will date down in SES to date a white guy and have much more tolerance for introverts and virgins than white women.
I dont think cucks get offended at that. Cucks rather like watching other men fuck women.
are you blind or just autistic?
You're just not looking at the right part. Unless the bikini is wedged in her slit, this is an anatomically odd amount of space.
This fuckin guy,
White roasties can't handle that they've been replaced. Asian women are top dog nowadays.
>Low status people get offended easily because their lives aren't good in any way
This is true. Used to be hella insecure about a lot of things when I was poor. Now that I make good money most of that shit doesnt bother me.
Asian vaginas, in my experience, are usually large at the base but tight on penetration.