I can't stop comparing myself and feeling inferior to other people, everyone has better facial morphology and a higher IQ than me, they also have more athletic bodies.
I have two friends who are good looking athletic types with IQs of 130+ who studied medicine and worked in the bioinformatics sector while I barely scraped by with a technical diploma. I also look ugly, not sure why I was even born.
same here, everybody is stronger than me. i don't have a gf because they can always choose a better option than me.
Oliver Kelly
>tfw robot WHY EVEN LIVE?
Robert Morris
This is typical though. The world likes to paint an obnoxious zero sum view of the average person where all good qualities are actually balanced with bad qualities, but it's the exact opposite. Good qualities strongly coalesce together.
Intelligence, height, physical fitness, social ability, facial attractiveness, talent, romantic partners, financial success, all correlate together strongly.
Logan Howard
The greatest gift you have is inside of yourself. Your unique self is all you need, follow your heart, your manual within you to guide you. Stop looking outside of yourself for advice, direction, who you should be and what you should do.
Asher Ward
That's normal mate, we're here to compete, so comparing you with others is logical. Of course your life always will be worse than those more apt, as long as you're ok with that, your existence will be bearable for you.
There's no particular reason for us to exist, we just exist to make other's lifes better, and boost their egos.
Dylan Foster
You probably are inferior. Life is a competition and there are objective winners. Individuality and subjectivity are all bullshit. You'll never earn respect, be loved, or fit in if you don't fit certain molds and meet certain criteria that are deemed valuable. Your objective value is determined by others and by external forces out of your control from day one. Just drop out and live in the woods by yourself if you can't handle it.
Michael Thompson
This issue makes me anxious when I think about it.
Carter Sanchez
Start comparing yourself to people in even worse situations than you and you'll feel better.
How do you know your friends have 130+IQ? Most people don't do IQ tests by a doctor, even intelligent people. How would you know their IQ score?
Accept that your below average, be ok with it. >from there you can work on how to make it better/make your happier But I doubt you will do anything, just whine and complain and blame everyone else.
Nathan Long
Same here but i have my mother to blame for that
Dominic Johnson
If your mother didn't breastfeed you, you missed out on an up to 10-point boost in IQ.
Matthew Peterson
My mother drank durning birth so yea, she ruined any change for me to have a "fulfilling life".
All i have is escapism and nihilism
Robert Cook
Drinking any amount during pregnancy does not lower the IQ of the child. Smoking may.
Asher Johnson
are you serious ?!
Drinking even minimal amounts causes permanent damage to a fetus
Have you never heard of fetal alcohol syndrome, do you really think alcohol doesn't damage an unborn child
Why do you think there are warning signs on alcohol drinks, just ask any doctor if it's ok to drink durning pregnancy
and smoking may ? smoking does damage any damaging substance has the potential to cause harm, ignorant people like you are the main problem this happens in the first place.
A woman who drinks alcohol while she is pregnant may harm her developing baby (fetus). Alcohol can pass from the mother's blood into the baby's blood. It can damage and affect the growth of the baby's cells. Brain and spinal cord cells are most likely to have damage.
Nathaniel Perry
Haha where did you hear that t. medfag
Josiah Russell
Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and think "I don't look to bad," but then I see any photo ever taken of me and think "god I'm disgusting."
Noah Wood
It's in the studies I've read. There is a correlation between having a mother who drank during pregnancy and a lower IQ but a large meta-analysis found that the effect disappears when you adjust for socioeconomic status and education (likely a proxy for the mother's IQ). Lower IQ women are more likely to drink during pregnancy and they pass their genes on to their children. It's a case of correlation not equaling causation. I was shocked, too.
Jaxon Bell
Maternal smoking during the third trimester, adjusted for the seven covariates, showed a negative association with offspring adult intelligence (P=0.0001). The mean difference between the non-smoking and the heaviest smoking category amounted to 0.41 standard deviations, corresponding to an IQ difference of 6.2 points.
The mechanism involved is not clear, but the authors say an adverse effect on the central nervous system and brain may be a factor: "It seems justified to assume that part of the effect of maternal smoking on offspring cognitive development is a direct result of the effect of substances in cigarette smoke on the fetal central nervous system."
"More specifically, maternal smoking may reduce uteroplacental circulation and cause fetal hypoxia which may particularly affect the development of the brain and thus subsequent intellectual development."
Dominic Rivera
everyone thinks that you rube. i've heard johnny depp say the same thing when he was younger on inside the actor's studio.
Cooper Sanchez
No one chooses to be born user. There will always be somebody better at some field. Best you can do is improve yourself as much as possible and be happy with what you do have. Friends these days are rare, and if you want to be fit, work out with them. Good luck user