>tfw nice guy
>tfw it's actually true
Tfw nice guy
>tfw nice guy
>tfw girls always say they werent "expecting that" when they pull out my dick
Nobody wants to fuck an ugly bitch like her so i guess we're even.
I'm a nice guy and my girlfriend calls me a sex God.
>tfw asshole
>still a virgin
People are gonna take this literally. But the reason this has merit is because "nice guys" are too afraid to push boundaries and when sex happens things stay too vanilla. For women that had sex before this is boring because women have become jaded.
When I lost my virginity the girl told me it felt like she was messing around with a girl
That stung
You have a really big clit.
Why would you wear an article of clothing designed purely to shit on a certain group of people? It just seems like unnecessary aggression to me. Maybe she's just wearing it as a joke though, people post shit out of context all the time here.
>that pose
Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA
If i was there i would punch that dog as hard as i could, then turn to her and say "looks like i can fuck, huh??"
what do you think about my one-liner, bros? got any ideas?
Nah, women don't think that far ahead, it's just witty to them and they hope the not nice guy Chad might notice them.
>"I hope Chad sees this and realizes I like him."
>tfw nicest guy in the world
>she's right
That's not what she has in mind. She wants a "fuck the rules" guy, not a literal asshole.
She wouldn't understand why you did that.
stupid fucking frogposter
Why is it acceptable to wear something like that in public?
Dont be so nice. Murder chads.
Cause it's a "lifestyle" to them. You could wear a "Fuck bitches, get money" shirt too. It falls in the same category.
who cares, there is a brain damaged dog now because of her, she will have that dog on her conscience, her hands are in blood
She still wouldn't realize that. According to her you did it for no reason. And that's all that matters.
does this person speak to you now? does it usually happen when you're off your pills?
>tfw nice guy
>dick barely gets hard
>sex is exhausting and painful
looks like she's at a club or something. I've been to events where roasts walk around topless in see through blouses. if it's in a major city no one cares ironically enough you'd think there they'd have the most standards of decency...
No need to get triggered user, I'm just explaining to you how women think.
your explanation is as useful as a monkey explaining math
>she wouldn't realize you killed the dog because of her shirt
>she wouldn't care if the shirt hurt your feelings
o-ok fine i know there is no winning against women, just let me pretend to be a tough guy in peace ;_;
I'm a normie and also considered a nice guy (girls told me before) yet I'm good at sex according to them
I'm even dating a girl now who studies sexuology and she had sex with 13 dudes in her life yet she literally asked me to stop and take a break the first time we had sex because she was too overwhelmed and needed a minute to get her breath back
>I'm even dating a girl now who studies sexuology and she had sex with 13 dudes in her life yet she literally asked me to stop and take a break the first time we had sex because she was too overwhelmed and needed a minute to get her breath back
lmao i want to believe you're serious
The way to win is to not play her games, ignore her and do the things you like. She'll notice the positive aura and come closer and say something like...
>"That looks fun, can I join you?"
Thenyou tell her that it stopped being fun when she approched you"
Now there are 2 possible reactions
>she throws herself at you
>she feels rejected and leaves
Good luck user.
I am serious, sucks that she had sex with so many guys before but besides that she's very nice to date
well right there is the problem then... what the fuck do i like? the thing i care about most is getting a gf... the thing im not supposed to care about in order to get...
Nice guys are pretty bad at sex. Cum too quick for anything fun to happen. Would not recommend.
Bingo. In my experience I always got a girl when I wasn't on a mission to get a girl. Go to a bar per se and play some pool with your friends. A girl might approach you and ask if she can play too. Hold yourself back, act uninterested until you get the puppy eyes. This is her playing the game. She thinks she got you. Wrong, tell her next game. She'll feel ugly, worthless and unwanted. Good job you're killing it. If you ever went fishing you know you need to tire them out first before reeling them in. So tell her the game's almost over even if it's not. New game starts, make sure she's on your team. Women can't play pool, you have the home field advantage. Stress her out a bit by being jokingly cocky while you two lose. This is it, the home run. She'll feel responsible for ruining your game, but she's a woman, she'll make it about herself like
>"maybe you could teach me to play better"
We chose pool because we can perform nice sexual contact while teaching the girl.
>etc etc
my internets down so im going to snort mdma phonepost and edge to anal vids
w-well what if he just eats you out...
Dick is better. Just not his dick, Other dicks.
I'm a nice guy and my uncle always tells me the sex is good.
lol, thanks for the advice fren. Funny thing actually, i think i pulled your game move but by complete accident. There was a girl at my workout group, and the first time i saw her our eyes kept meeting, i didnt make much of it, but the next time the coach/trainer dude started teasing me because i was slacking and she joined in and teased me too, now i thought i had a chance with her, so after the session was over we were going out in the same direction, i pushed myself to say something and managed to start a conversation, as we were parting ways she said something and i was very nervous so i didnt quite catch what she said, i thought she was saying something about how we are parting ways, and i just said "yes, that's true, well bye then" and then just as i thought it went well my stupid moronic mind finally registered that she was actually complementing my shirt. lol, i was gonna fucking throw myself off a building, it probably came off so bad, i was hoping she realizes i was just nervous and forgives me
Should've just told her you didn't hear her the next time you guys are working out but you were in a rush so it's w/e.
>"Sup tho?"
yeah i dont know, i havent seen her since, we'll see how it goes next time
>"Ey, long time no see, was running late last time, my bad. Wanted to let you know earlier, but I don't have your number..."
>wink wink nudge nudge
this would totally work on me original
It's more than being nice. Being makes you a friend, but you need sex appeal to be fuckable. Having both makes you ez boyfriend material
that sounds more like a nice way of telling you to stop touching her cus she wasn't enjoying it
>be a nice guy
>rape her
I guess I'll never miss huh
All girls love doggystyle and anyone can do that.
That's mildly rude.
>can't see girl enjoying it
>can't see bouncing titties
>girl can't moan into your ear
>stare into space
Doggystyle is a meme
joke's on you roastie.
I'm bad at sex and not a nice guy.
Women are animals and have not evolved into a bipedal sexual preference yet.
That's why they are so into doggy-style and niggers.
Yeah, it's not optimal but it's the easiest sex to do.
wow she is gorgeous, i hope she doesnt marry and breed with that thing
Doggystyle is lame, this is the superior position where you have everything at your disposal.
nice guys are genuinely bad at sex, no memes
If only you knew how bad things really are
>t. streetwalking whore.
w-what about guys who are not nice guys but just shy? do they suck at sex too? what do they do wrong and could do better?
dont post that stuff here man, why do you even have that saved on your pc, fucking cuck
Your hedonism has doomed your posterity.
will definitely be pretty terrible too. if you're shy you're probably more worried about screwing up and making a fool of yourself. that alone will muck up your performance
well then what's the solution? practice on hookers?
>tfw nice guy
>tfw don't care because nice guy
just get practice girls. girls you're not all that into/attracted to but dtf. you will care a lot more of it's a girl you like/are attracted to. tinder bumble pof etc
oh i thought you were a girl giving us her perspective, you're just a dude
>oh i thought you were a girl giving us her perspective, you're just a dude
>tfw mostly nice guy?
>tfw long thick penis
>tfw ex gf too petite and it hurt her even with lube/foreplay
>tfw BJ almost impossible
Do I have to somehow find a taller gf?
She looks so proud of herself for her edgy t-shirt. Does this sicken anyone else?
>tfw nice guy
>but also an INFP so it's untrue
>fuck the rules
Doesnt that also imply placing a punch in her face? "fuck the rules" is a very vague term.
im not sure what her expression is conveying. Is she proud of how mean she is or is she thinking "lol, what a silly shirt, look how silly i am". I don't know i want to believe it's the seconds but im really thinking it's the first.
Nothing that will get her hurt or in trouble. It's fine if you get hurt or in trouble tho.