just because i'm a larger woman doesn't mean i'm not a good person
Just because i'm a larger woman doesn't mean i'm not a good person
i want to dive into your giant pussy
be my gf please
originally original
post spread cheeks and asshole desu
Of course it doesn't, it just means you don't look good
>larger woman
Dont try to sugar coat it, fatso, or you will probably eat it.
You're ugly in the inside and the outside.
See this, OP? All these people know about you is that you (allegedly) have a pussy and are fat. And they are begging for your companionship. Being a woman is life on easy mode.
Women are the death of this image
What's stopping you from losing weight then?
Of course, but if you're fat then you'd likely raise my children to be fat, so I stay away from you
Nobody thinks you're a bad person, they just think you look disgusting which is true
stop taking nip advice
lol lose weight fatty bom bom
yeah but would you srsly date a guy who's this desperate?
I'm straight, but yes, I would date a woman who was desperate for me. Honestly, it's dumb to consider aloofness attractive. I want someone who actually wants me back.
shouldn't have stuffed your face with cake for decades you dumb bitch.
Being a good person does not mean we have to find you sexy or want to date you though.
Get rid of that fat.
>"larger woman"
Try some burlesque. That's stripping for fat chicks like you.
>Why won't anyone date fat girls?
>I'll date fat girls
>Yeah, but you have to be desperate to want to date a fat girl
>See, women can be incels, too
Are you actually large or just fat?
Yes, but by being "a larger woman" indicates a poor ability to personal discipline, self respect, soundness of body and subsequently soundness of mind.
You may be a good person, but you could be a better person.
And one should always strive to better themselves
I'd date a fat girl as long as she passes the smell test. I can't stand people with bad BO.
44. black. thicc
44 what?
Whats your height and weight?
i dont think i've ever met a fat girl that smelled fine, they all have this sicky sweet gross smell
44 what?
years old.
Whats your height and weight?
5'5, 290 lbs
sauce? pleez boss
It's "Because it's you, Shortie."
Use image search next time.
>5'5, 290 lbs
That isn't 'thicc', at least stop kidding yourself.
That goes into life-threatening territory, not being thought of as hot and fuckable is your least problem.
I am male, same age and I smoke like a chimney, and yet there is a good chance I will live longer than you.
what does that look like desu
Well hello my big, thicc, brown sugar mommy gf.
Has the good lord blessed you with a nice pair of chocolate milkshake makers?
>44 what years old
the fuck
what are you doing on Jow Forums
Lady, in 44 years have you not found anything better to do?
Serious question because I always assumed I'd grow out of this place but maybe I won't.
I'm pretty sure she is the tip of the iceberg
you lot fell for the bait. come on, you guys should be better than this
>tfw too much of a depressed faggot to workout and lose weight
That's literally piss and Bath & Body Works.
If you're a good person what are you good for?
No. You will remain fat for eternity.
>I always assumed I'd grow out of this place
we all did my friend... we all did...
Only by becoming a normie+gf can you leave this place.
im also fat rn
1 year ago i was 38kg but i was put in a hospital and only allowed out at 55kg
How short are you that 55kgs is fat?
My gf is 4'11 and 51kgs and she's not even fat.
>tfw no petite gf who looks after her weight
is it guaranteed they will get fat once they get comfortable?
Skinny old ladies exist
is she a fucking midget lol
Truest post in the thread
you don't even have to workout to lose weight.
5'4" and 55kg. maybe it doesnt sound like a lot but when youre used to wearing size 00 everything it feels like you are enormous. i have no clothes that fit me now and my bf dumped me in disgust
No, she's properly proportioned, she's just Asian
Your bf must have impossible standards or a holocaust mode fetish.
But yea, I get why you'd feel fat. Are you going to lose weight again or maintain 55?
i've always wondered if women like yourself have larger pussies, do u have one for this bbc?
she probably looks like pic related
Obese women have poor impulse control which correlates with cheating. Unless you were referring to 'large' as musclularity which can only be achieved via illegal steroids, also a sign of being a bad person you are referring to obesity.
Just stop eating you have stored bodyfat.
idk if i can lose again, hospital made me a binge eater
but are they single?
let me tell you about feederism
What was your diet like before?
Are you still gaining weight?
What kind of mk ultra shit did they do to you?
Do you work out to lose weight?
It's pretty hot tobh
Weight gain from skinny to chubby is hot.
But obesity is not hot.
Not in and of itself, no,
It's the while process of gluttony, growing, and gaining someone into helplessness that's hot, once she reaches like 3-400 I just dump her and find a new one
before i would eat like 100g of turkey and some diet cola like 3 times a day
they fed me bread 5 times a day in the hospital and pasta
and since getting out i cannot stop eating chocolate, unless i snort some speed in which case i dont eat all day, currently putting on like 2kg per month or so
i dont work out im like 30% bodyfat
im resigned to my fate slowly becoming a fattie. i used to legit be a fembot until i was 21 and converted to /fa/ and got a bf, now im doomed to be fat and lonely until i kill myself unless i get with a chubby chaser
Jesus, you're neither fat nor overweight, you're more like heading towards a normal bodyweight
>tfw no widow gf
As a person who became a normie from being a robot, and got a GF.
I can tell you that you will never truly leave this place.
You may grow beyond, but you will always feel pulled back to here.
>But obesity is not hot
dont believe i asked the opinion of a normalfag
Ayy, this time next year you'll nearly be 80kgs.
You'll have a cracking chest and some nice thick thighs by then.
Take progress pics and sell them to internet degenerates like me.
>normalizing obesity
Get out of here amerifat
I stand corrected, technical obesity can be hot but depending on the girl and fat distribution it can be a bit of a grey area.
Also, ushi is that you?
Maybe, but it DOES show that you are a person who is not willing to put in the effort to better yourself.
Fat is unattractive to most people because it shows that you are unhealthy and not willing to change. That applies to both men and women.
The "I have a good personality" shit is a myth in the dating world. Would you date a fat, weak, noodle-armed poor guy with low-testosterone because he was a "nice guy"?
Men and women are attracted to certain things for a reason. You might find a chubby-chaser or a feeder to date, but if you want a normal, masculine boyfriend, you have to put in effort.
Sorry, that's just how it works.
first of all i'm english
secondly bbws are my fetish so your post is stupid
Ay'up gov'na. Post more sheilas whomst'd've embiggened if you please old chap.
not sure if you joking but whatever
being a fat cunt means you lack the determination to workout and get fit. Not only are you useless already for being a woman but you cant even do the one thing women are good at, look fuckable af.
kys femanon the world doesnt need mcmuffins whales like yourself
>190 lbs
your fetish is chubby, not bbw you dense nigger
my taste vary faggo
Taking the piss out of your dialect but serious about the before/after girls.
Cheers mate.
Work out you fucking boomer otherwise you're gonna get the gout.
>I have no upper limit on the weight of asian women
What did my penis mean by this?
pic is hot. More?
Well frankly I think that sounds pretty arousing.
How does the prospect of and and happening to you feel?
It means you aren't a good looking person.
>Tfw you don't want to date anyone desperate enough to date someone as shit as you
I know that feel
Yea they got Rahat bacteria smell like my balls smell like when I don't shower for a few days. The xxept that have that smell all the time. I had a fat girl roommate once and everytime she left the bathroom that smell would linger for for hours.
By the sounds of it she's the whole iceberg.
If you refuse to take care of your body how can I trust you to take care of children?
not gonna lie that sounds awful, i hope i kill myself before i get there