this game is horrifying i cant finish it.
This game is horrifying i cant finish it
Play Misery
If you are so underage that you cannot play this game, you should definitely fuck off this board and spare us from your whimpery.
Lol bro im 19 thats not underage is it? Im a pussy cant deny it tho
How far did you make it? I pussied out from going into that underground base and just finished the game via monolith.
i am at the x16 lab
is that the shitty underground base? or that little bunker next to it.
the brainwashed monolith troopers are creepy af, not like the monsters but they really make me uneasy
Anuuuuu cheeki breeekkki iv damke
its an underground base yes, near the zombies and that bunker.
Spoopy shit
don't worry fren, you can always sit with your bros at the campfire and tell jokes to each other or talk about your family and shit
oh that place; I cleared that, went to the underground and pussied out. Just go via the monolith route. It's about 100x's harder and only 20x spookier.
same op. i'm working up the nerve to go into agroprom underground for the second time to get the "true" ending
I wouldn't call it scary necessarily, moreso immersive. For me a lot of the horror came from being immersed in the unpredictable zone with almost everything being hostile towards you and supplies being scarce (At least it's like that in the beginning of each of the games, or unless you man up and play Misery Mod). The foreboding set-dressing of Chernobyl and the ambient soundtrack contribute to this feeling of immersion.
Knowing you're in too deep in a bunker with no supplies and the sounds of mutants all around you gives you a real adrenaline rush.
You fucking pussies I completed Clear Sky when I was like 3. If you're playing SoC and piss your pants at like x16 then wait for fucking chimeras jumping at you at mach speed at night in CoP. After 1000+ hours in this game you should be able to take out 3 bloodsuckers using anal beads while beeing 500kg up the weight limit, shitfaced on vodka and chugging 5^10 energy drinks in a span of a millisecond. Fucking casuals all of you.
>stash in the middle of fuck off forest
>fuck it I just killed eight bloodsuckers and a dozen men I am going there
>psy shit dogs attack
>they are black but they one hp psy clonings are white
>piss easy
>get ganked by clonings unable to find the last real dog despite running over the entire area
>clonings despawn
>last psy dog was white
>stash didn't even contain artifacts in the end
I like how one of the lines they say in combat when they spot you is just one word
it's autism levels of difficulty and tedium
>You fucking pussies I completed Clear Sky when I was like 3
underage b&
Fuck me I can't even start it. Not because I'm scared but I have no clue what to do. Literally the first thing you have to do is find some dude who gives you some intel.
To get to him, you need to go through a tunnel where you get electrocuted on every step. Then you find the guy and some wild dogs appear and they eat the FUCK out of him.
So I'm given another point on the map and I try to hike there and there's some sort of hostile checkpoint where assholes keep sniping at me and I can't snipe back with my rifle.
^This sums up my first and only time playing. I talked to the NPCs a lot and read all of their dialogue, but even with that I don't think I lasted 30 minutes.
Honestly what even is this game.
You're obviously a bit of a casual, but you REALLY need to take the game a bit slowly. Otherwise you get 1 tap'd instantly.
So that first mission is kinda like the intro: it's shitty but it's still easy to die on.
That electric tunnel is for pro's that understand the game mechanics, otherwise you wanna shotgun blast the soldiers in your way.
I'm not sure who you mean by the 'guy' or what dogs eat the fuck out of him, I'm guessing you got unlucky on this and a random horde of dogs fucked you up.
That snipe place is just a shit hole I skipped. Unless it's the military base where you meet with mole and run underground, then I suggest you hide a lot and wait for people to go around corners.
then again I always get the OP start. Those buildings in the starting zone; jump go through the roofs. Espeically the ones that seem untouchable. Like uh, that truck can be used to jump onto a roof. Those 2 ones have some good loot.
>That electric tunnel is for pro's that understand the game mechanics
A literal 10 year old can figure it out. It's a brainlet tier puzzle where you watch the sparks and if there are sparks you don't move and if there aren't you do. There is even a dead stalker with a pda giving you a hint that there is a pattern to the anomaly's movements.
>you got unlucky on this and a random horde of dogs fucked you up
No it's part of the quest. You give the guy a medkit and a bunch of dogs spawn so you have to run around and kite them with your gay pistol while he blasts them with a shotgun.
>Unless it's the military base
It is it a 100%. It's completely bullshit because as soon as you spawn the entire base is alerted by the sniper in the nearby tower, so you have to rush and knife the faggot and then get back down and hide in the corner while you are getting assaulted by more than 10 soldiers. Not much of a problem if you got the fast shooting AK from the underground. Thing shreds them.