>Zoomers are now nostalgic for the "downfall shit era" (Late 00s-Early 10s)
How do you feel about this?
>Zoomers are now nostalgic for the "downfall shit era" (Late 00s-Early 10s)
How do you feel about this?
I feel so tired. It's all going too fast.
18 here and I hate my generation. Im sure the iq for all of America has dropped exponentially and everyone's brains are getting fucking niggered. Also grim adventures of Billy and Mandy was an actually good show.
>18 here and I hate my generation
Oh Jesus. Here we go again...
Stop, user, this is making me feel old and I'm not quite 25 yet.
I feel nostalgia for the era, but why does everyone praise pop music then. That was the peak of its homogeneity
>18 here and I hate my generation
Please let this die. It's a never ending cycle.
that's cause you're a loser. lil pump is god tier music
God tier if you want to look like a jackass
You must be a very nice guy who doesn't want to look like a jackass.
how many instagram followers do you have?
The chart in the top left applies well to me
t. 95
Who cares we will be back here come 2029 when talking about kids born in the 10's
I remember lurking as an underagefag in 2007-2008, I'm 25 now. I wonder what the people who were posting then are doing now in their 30s
Another zoomer here, I don't fucking miss anything. My generation has been given the worst garbage culture in recent memory, although the 90's, early 2000's and whatever weren't an improvement. Things change so fast I'm already out of touch just because I don't have social media and whatever. Things are getting really shitty.
youre the worst type of zoomer to ever exist
That scares me. When people start calling mumble rappers and Fortnite "nostalgia" I think that's where I end it all
I have to add I'm not saying le wrong generation. I don't think the last generation was much better, I just can't stand every generation, every year culture and morality gets worse and worse. I want to get off the ride.
as a zoomer, i must say that im pretty comfortable with the fact that our generation has new phones and that i have access to the internet. for the other zoomers in this thread, its not like you're anything special if you think that our generation sucks. lots of people think so, and they're also nothing special.
>there are people on /v/ who are now unironically nostalgic for halo, COD, and minecraft
>18 here and I hate my generation.
This is verbatim a phrase uttered numerous times 10 years ago and probably 10 years before that and 10 years before that.
so you're saying that there was a generation where culture and morality was fine, but you're also saying that every generation sucks?
Halo and CoD are pretty old. I'm nostalgic for HL2 and I'm a 94 dude.
34 year old here, I feel old and ailenated from society, but when I was young I just felt young and alienated from society.
Also, while every generation has mostly sheep and a smaller minority of cool people, I think thanks to the United States' place in the world in the last 100 years and rapidly changing technological and sociocultural changes, the boomers ended up being a uniquely shitty generation that collectively are coming quite close to actually destroying the earth, so in comparison to that, all the newer generations are pretty good. Younger people seem like maybe they're more accepting of others (except on sites like Jow Forums I guess, but even then the bigotry is all weirdly contradcitory and hipster/meta) and also more able to smell bullshit. The only really worrisome thing is social media depressing everyone and turning everyone into narcissists, but then it seems to be doing that to the boomers too.
Also mumble rap, I don't know what the fuck is the deal with that.
So, I guess, good luck to you kids.
being born in 96, am I a zoomer or millennial?
I was born in 2001. AMA
I'm a zoomer and I spit on the mainstream of the XXI century. I wish I could experience the 80s.
I hope you were born on Jan 1-12, 2001
nobody cares you fucking retard
Zoomer's aren't necessarily nostalgic for the shitty pop culture that era produced. They're probably just nostalgic for the time when they had no responsibilities and life was mostly chill.
Now that they're starting to reach the late high school and early college age, they've low-key realized how shitty/hard life can be, and latch on to the memories of the past. For most zoomers, those memories consist almost entirely of the video games, TV shows, and music of that time.
>back in 2012 when I was 10.
Jesus. I started College in 2012.
wasn't this the case for every generation of adults right now? also pretty accurate
You're oreoginally right.
the nostalgia effect is driven mostly by memories associated with childhood
they dont even have to be good/great memories, you just remember them that way
this. i wonder how many of them moved on with their lives, got married etc. how many of them are just on different websites since Jow Forums died? for some reason this intrigues me a lot
Yeah I'm kinda nostaligic for how things were on the internet a few years ago though my life was shittier back then. The internet is my main form of escapism and those years were when i got into it. On another note it really does seem like it was more free and had more awesome humor back then than now.
>dropped exponentially
>you're right
>chart shows linear decent
It's because people spend too much time in front of screens when they should be sleeping or getting physically active, that shit tanks your IQ.
Average teenager should be getting 8-9 hours of sleep and usually just gets 5-6 during school days.
It was also the peak of "hardcore" rock music. Best band to come out of that have been Alesana and otherwise a whole lot of just plain shit.
People don't understand basic math, obviously. They just want to sound edgy and smart
I'm a zoomer but I have spent 8+ hours a day on the computer since I was like 8 on computers and have three older siblings whose friends were my only friends for a long time. Most of my online friends these days are 25+ years old. I don't identify with zoomer shit much.
I feel like you should stop posting these fucking threads
The meme is just 30 year old boomer you newfag
At some point it was, but every generation since a very long time ago has been shit. It's just been worse and worse
I'm a boomer (or technically yoomer) yet still nostalgic for late 2011 - early 2015.
personally i don't understand '10s nostalgia, but the '00s i can relate to. i'm also 18 but had a sibling born in '95, which made a bit of a dent in my childhood. by the '10s i just viewed all the stuff coming out as "new", not part of my childhood but rather my adolescence. since we were siblings we grew up with most of the same shit (same toys, game consoles, etc.) which is why the exclusive "90s kid" bs always annoyed me so much. ya can't just say people born on dec '99 relate to something but people born jan '00 don't, shit carries over, nothing just stops being relevant. what i'm seeing here in OP's image is the exact same shit repeated, so if you want my 2c OP to me it's nothing new. that mindset only exists to divide people and exclusive nostalgia in the style of OP's image (but also for other decades as well, '70s, '80s, you name it) only promotes that shitty way of thinking
i can understand being nostalgic for the 00s though, like we're the last generation that was able to experience the internet as it was still growing and taking shape. early youtube, newgrounds, neopets, webkinz, etc. as well as the last generation to experience the shift in things like vhs->dvds, crts->flatscreen (this might be different for others but for me growing up all these things were still commonplace), in short like an improved echo of the 90s. but with the '10s, technology has kinda settled now, games look "good enough" and we've kinda hit a plateau as far as consumer tech is concerned, since it's now capable of doing everything we need it to. everything else is just convenience or eye candy, i.e. 4k monitors. i'm not even sure what 10s nostalgia would even look like because of this
also isn't it too early to even be nostalgic for the '10s? like using OP's image as an example most of the kids are both praising shit from the early '10s but complaining about shit from the late '10s, it makes no sense to me. its the same
tl;dr it's just 90s kids shit pt. 2
The "playing Halo 3 on a Friday night in 2008" thing is a millenial thing, not zoomers you dumbass. Zoomers aren't old enough to have played on XBL in 2008.
if we're going by OP's definition they definitely were, if we're going by strauss-howe they definitely weren't. the reason why generation discussion is useless is because nobody has a concrete definition for any of these (or at least nobody wants to agree on one)
The last generation familar with desktop computing before everything went dumbed down and mobile focused (even desktops). Those born in 95-2000 will have highest IQ for technology aka peak human conpoopturd knowledge
Oh shit
I was born August 04
Am I a zoomer
I thought zoomer were-
I gu ot news for ya pal,you suck,your generation sucks and Jow Forums sucks
9/11 is the cutoff point for zoomers
underage b7 dude cya
No, 1990-95 zoomer
Kill yourself faggot, I'm 18 and this generation is great. mid/late 00's nostalgia is the shit.
I've gotten into a habit of waking up in the early afternoon. It's like my days are over as soon as they begin. Day after day spent in bed on my phone on Jow Forums YouTube and Twitch and I sleep twelve hours a night. I'm too autistic to work any jobs that require interaction with customers, so I had to quit my last job and it's been months, now.
It's like that study done in Japan in 2013 that shows TV time fucks up your brain might be true. All the screen time is turning us into low IQ, antisocial, depressed, narcissistic, physically weak goblins.
Nah those in 90-95 had to deal with dial-up restrictions and eye-straining CRTs, likewise they had no STEM push or minecraft counterpart in their teenage/kid years. Mid 2000s to very early 2010s was the peak of intrrnet experience
I have no nostalgia (apart from perhaps very personal memories) for anything after 2007 at the latest. It all went to shit past that point. The 10s have no reason to be nostalgic for them.
>dude, time goes on lmao
I'm younger but I agree. Boomer mentality is still strong in a few ways and the younger generations would be better off if they unplugged from the mainstream completely. Not even trying to be 2deep4u, the mainstream culture promotes all sorts of shitty values that create good consumers who love "in the moment" experiences that get old really quick.
I could find 20 people who would want to go to the bar but almost no one who would want to pick up trash for an hour or two along the road. It's really unsustainable behavior for maintaining a society that isn't a dystopia. Pleasure seeking only leads to more pleasure seeking and if you're conscious of the loop you quickly realize it's really self-destructive.
I'm a bit nostalgic for CoD2. I've played it a bunch during its prime and I miss the gameplay and maps.
This is because of the population of Africa and basically all countries where people are too poor to have kids has boomed.
That's how it goes. You can draw a very deliberate line between how poor some people are and how many kids they have.
The IQ of (white) Americans has gone up like 20 points since 1950.
>Born in 1992
>Have extremely shit memory
>Feel nostalgia for the early 2010's because I barely remember anything before that time
i unironically miss playing roblox in 2009-2010, and toontown in 2007-2008 on my computer
19y zoomer here
1 and a half year old here, my generation is the ABSOLUTE WORST. I wish I was born in 97-03 because then I'd be fucking COOL like YOU. Do you remember SMARTBOARDS?
It went up for a while as nutrition improved but it's possible it's going down again because of the breeding practices of highly educated women. That is there's a very strong trend of more educated women having fewer kids.
Are you literally me?
I swear my head is so fogged, everything i try to recall is like a big bowl of soup.
I cant bring up childhood memories, recent memories, shit, recently, i cant fucking study because i forget everything.
Maybe i'm turning dementednand i'm not even noticing
Halo 3 was fun as fuck tho
and iCarly wasn't that bad
I miss enjoying the neopets website
I miss enjoying Gaia online
I miss enjoying shitty flash games with my friends
I miss GTA San Andreas and Fable
I miss Star Wars Battlefront 2
I miss making custom maps in Halo 3 forge and being super excited that Bungie actually released a map made for you to customize
I miss when my apartment complex had a vending machine out by the pool where you could buy pop for 50 cents a can, and my friends and I would walk down to it at night with a 5 dollar bill and go wild
I miss being in 5th grade and not caring so much about sex, just having a crush on a girl because I thought she was pretty
(18 yo zoomer)
All eras of media are great and suck at the same time. You are just nostalgic and think stuff from when you were young was better, literally everyone does this. I have a weird attraction to scenecore music and dubstep because that's the shit that was popular when I was 13-14, although I realize a lot of it was objectively bad now.
good times brother