girl on train just took a pic of me, what are the chances that Im getting roasted in a group chat rn?
Girl on train just took a pic of me, what are the chances that Im getting roasted in a group chat rn?
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either positive or negative, user
or a little bit of both.
btw are you sure she was taking a pic of you?
maybe it was something behind you
what were you originally doing?
no I could see in the reflection in the window behind her that she was taking a pic of me...
were you wearing anything weird OP?
what do you think prompted her to take a picture of you?
that's why you should follow her until there's nobody around besides you two. then punch her in the nose and ask her to be your gf.
checking my phone when I will arrive at my destination
pretty much this but without the gf part.
literally this please answer
I was wearing sneakers, jeans and a sweater so nothing special
Idk, I mean people make fun of me because Im a ginger maybe that was it
It's illegal to do that without your consent, you should've stopped her
Im too scared to talk to random people, making a scene on the train would have turned out horrible
so you have the ugly
no man people don't just take pictures of others because they're ginger, you must either be really attractive or really ugly to prompt that sort of interaction
This happened to me, a black kid (probably about 15) was sitting opposite me on the train and snapchatted me without realising his sound was on. I stared him dead in the eyes and he looked genuinely nervous but of course I didn't have the balls to do anything and I got off at the next stop. I don't think I was beta about it but honestly it sucks knowing someone thought I looked retarded enough to take a photo of. Fucking nigger, if there wasn't CCTV I might have punched his face in
no you wouldn't have lmao
I did split a kid's face open once for firing an elastic band into my eye. I have a foul temper and little perception of risk. But sure, you know best anonymous stranger
You just made me remember when this gay Mexican teenager on the bus with his friends targeted me for no reason, asked me a question and took an extremely unflattering picture of me in the middle of me answering. I don't know what they did with the picture or where they posted it, but I immediately felt like a dumbass.
yeah I think I must be really ugly then, damn I always thought I looked at least a bit normal...
when my collegues dragged me to a party (my first) and everytime we passed a group of girls I could feel them staring at me, it all makes sense now
I'm sorry man, people are superficial assholes. Especially young women
do you mind showing us a picture of yourself user? purely out of curiosity
Im sorry user I won't show a pic of me on this board
Pretty much the same thing happened to me a few months ago.
Group of girls who were sitting by me took a picture of me, and I only know they did it because they were dumb enough to leave the flash on and when I quickly looked over toward them I could still see them trying to get back into their normal position, and they were turning away from.
I'm not attractive or ugly and I wasn't wearing anything autistic, only thing I can think of is that I was by myself and they thought it was funny.
Name? Name? Name? Name?
>things that never happened for 100
dont wanna get banned and I know what people on this board are capable of
One time i sat down on a bus and checked out the seat infront of me. Some girl was taking a selfie and i looked right in the camera as she took the picture. I felt really dumb and sat down
>capable of
are you afraid someone will go full bowlcut and shoot you with their parents gun
being banned would be a blessing
Now I just remenber when I went out with my dad and his ex girfriend from child.
She bring his 3 daughters and leave me alone with them while dad was ordering food with she
We did a little talk but that was so really awkward
After some days I took dad phone to check somenthing and saw a chat between him and his exgf then I open it and I saw a photo of me.
I dont know in what fucking moment they took a picture of me. Maybe they took more photos and I still dont know or another girl could do the same and I didn't notice
Girls are fucking scary bros
yes nothing ever happens outside of what you see and hear. I don't give a shit if you believe me or not but it's weird if you think assaulting a chavvy teenager is outside of the realms of possibility
I've been on braincels, a lot of people who think they're ugly turn out to be the most average looking motherfuckers and just have this horrible mindset that they're some hunchback looking goblin when its literally all in their head
OP with your red hair comment you probably just look like bill burr, aka fucking normal and live in a city where people have never seen a ginger before, but we cant really tell since you wont post a selfie
>I don't give a shit if you believe me or not
clearly you do care.
>is outside of the realms of possibility
oh its very possible and occasionally expected. you are just larping about wanting to hit him by yourself. i dont think you are capable of hitting anyone.
I would hit you an in instant. You would have no time to react and would be incapacitated instantly and rendered incapable of responding.
nope lol you would get hard thinking about my cock
OP we gotta know. Is your red hair greasy and fucked? Does your sweater have anime or some bullshit on it? Are your sneakers actually old gross runners? Are your Jeans shitty and cheap and baggy? Do you tend to slouch and just look like a miserable fucker?
Its probably not cos you're ugs, I bet its your deportment and clothes that suck - i'm not going to ask to post a photo but how else we gonna know
Maybe show a link to someone similar and simular clothes online
I won't show more, pls don't kill me
you look fucking normal as shit those dykes were probably asking their friends if they should make a move on you. was your fly down or some shit
>not ugly
you could have at least made eye contact and wave.
you're not ugly, she was prolly telling her friends how handsome you are ("girls I know who I'm gonna marry lol")
now gtfo my board.
a green brixton sweater, blue slim fit jeans and adidas sneakers
I think it matched...
You''re fine OP and pretty good looking
Fuck off OP you are not ugly
You're fine it sounds like you might need to build your confidence and stop worrying so much
Chances are she was taking a selfie anyway
>cleft jaw
>small nose for a male
>probably colored eyes
You could absolutely be slaying in puss but i can tell from your comments you're an autist with no confidence or social experience
those roasties definitely thought you were cute, enjoy your confidence boost
thx anons I was depressed because I really thought Im ugly as shit and that people will make fun of me now
Im still a virgin at 22 though
with that jawline?
the rest of us dont stand a chance.
what does a non colored eye look like
look solid to me dawg
>Im still a virgin at 22 though
Still have time, if anyone on this shit ass board could make it, its definitely you
Black, brown, or hazel, like italians, gingers usually have green or silver
she probs thought you resembled archie from riverdale
those are all colors
Was your zipper open?
its true im sure most girls are into it
My fellow bots the only way to stop this shit is to use violence. Whenever stuff like this happens, act immediately, act like you are unaware and then move closer as if you are just moving somewhere, then when you are in reach suddenly and viciously attack them so they have no chance at reacting, beat the shit out of them take their phone, and run away out of sight. Now delete your pic and then do with the phone what you want. Raise hell on their social media, send gay porn to their family, whatever floats your boat, and then smash the phone in a location that wont incriminate you (it will have a last seen locatiom tag on their carrier). So basically as long as you dont take it to your house and smash it around the location you took it from them ,its all good.
People like that deserve all of that and then some.
Are you being facetious?
Black brown and hazel arent considered colored eyes and (ironically) are typical of "people of color" (asians, latin, blacks, southern europe)
Colored eyes are blue green silver red/albino
Also should mention you probably wanna attack them when they are using their phone and its unlocked, its not of much use to you anyways
no im being correct.
look at a chart of colors i think you will be amazed at what you will find.
>the most average looking motherfuckers
>keep getting snapped by random assholes
Yeah sure buddy. If that's how you want to cope I can't really stop you.
maybe I should try and talk to girls now
if I fail miserably I can still post some green texts for your entertainment
I actually have blue eyes
no I always double check when Im leaving the house
>you anyways
you guys should touch tips
>but we cant really tell since you wont post a selfie
This is the tipoff this person is a piece of shit norman trying to deceive you so youll post a pic and he can make fun of you
Kill yourself
End yourself subhuman faggot
You're retarded, buses sometimes have cameras in front and ginger OP with his chad jawline sticks out like a sore thumb, coupled with the fact that he probably takes a scheduled bus that stops near his house he's a dead man walking
Fuck off with your LARPS
Im not talking about "colors", im talking about categorical "'colored' eyes" you dense cunt
Do you have friends to blind date/hook you up with single acquaintaces? if not, you WILL fail cold approach a lot of times, its a numbers game, even chad gets rejected
As this thread has shown you, if you become a failed normie, it was everything about you EXCEPT your face lol
guity as charged, im a normie, but apparently your comprehension stops there, because everything about my post indicates that i knew there was a chance it was all OP's low self esteem and mental frame, go back to school
not today ;)
>you dense cunt
so angry oh no
ye im absolutely seething, pls no troelin me
I did this once
there was a Jewish dude with hat, hair, feather pen and ink pot in McDonald's writing something.
probably being bullied in a chat.
>Do you have friends to blind date/hook you up with single acquaintaces?
no friends but I can try to get to know my collegues better, even though they know Im weird
I take photos of dudes and pretend they're my little phone-size boyfriend. Perhaps she was doing the same.
>probably being bullied in a chat.
Whats your work background? Cubicle, Fast food, warehouse/blue collar? This matters for how you approach them, if you want i could give you normie-lization tips
>You're retarded, buses sometimes have cameras in front and ginger OP with his chad jawline sticks out like a sore thumb, coupled with the fact that he probably takes a scheduled bus that stops near his house he's a dead man walking
>Fuck off with your LARPS
I can smell your fear norman. You dont fool anyone.