Tfw the woman you've been calling "mom" your entire life is actually your mother

>tfw the woman you've been calling "mom" your entire life is actually your mother

Where does one go from here?

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you're surprised that the woman that gave birth to you is your mother?

are you fucking retarded?

i think he typo'd and meant isn;t?

No, she is my mother. I had no clue. I've been calling her mom my entire life. And yes she did give birth to me.

so you've been calling your biological mother "mom" your entire life, like you should've? I do not understand your surprise at discovering that your mom is in fact your mom.

Guys I just realized the person I've been calling me my whole life turned out to be myself

I've known her for decades and it's just crazy how she turned out to be a completely different woman.

I'm not any less confused.

did another woman raise you but you called the woman that turned out to be your mother mom?

or were you raised by the woman who you called mom, who is your biological mother?

The woman I called mom was not the woman I thought she to be

It's simple.

1. I've called her "mom" since as early as I can remember
2. Just completed our DNA tests. She is in fact my mother.

But who is your daddy tho?

and that is surprising because??? I call my bio mother mom too, there's nothing surprising or special about calling your actual mother mom

I think you have some severe cognitive impairment.

Well you're just a fucking weirdo.

>gets called a weirdo for doing something perfectly normal
fucking lmao.

I can't believe my mother stooped so low...

My mom called my doctor and said to him "What's the most accurate measurement for weighing?"
The doctor said "An underwater weighing test"
And just like that, my mom said "Yes. When can my son and my daughter can take it?" and the doc said "Today at 2pm."

So, I didn't bother taking a shower and so did my sister too, so I had to get into a special swimming suit(tight pants...Ugh).

My sister said "Can I pull my hair down to a ponytail?" The doctor said "No."
So my sister with her long, blonde hair went underwater with 8 seconds and had she must enjoyed it..but I didn't.

Honestly some of the best bait I've seen in a while, good laugh. Cudos to you OP.

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How would he have known that his mom birthed him?

OP, are your parents swingers?

pictures of her the day she gave birth, before and after, her holding the baby, etc.

Those underwater scales are to measure fat, not weight. A regular scale is just fine for weight.

This is exactly what came to my mind.
Is this thread the return of the greatest baiter user of all time?

If so, this is the best twist I've seen on the old format. Usually people just copy the style exactly

Lel, nobody has realized the point of this post. You're a piece of shit OP and you should kill yourself, but damn are you clever.

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The mom is never the mother. I would be shocked too

What is...the point...of....THIS THREAD...mister...SMARTY PANTS?

To fuck with people like you, that's what. I'm pretty sure I know who OP is IRL. And he does this a lot.

What are his initials?

...I don't really wanna say it just in case it actually is him.

You're fucking mentally inadequate aren't you.

what the fuck is going on my sides are gone

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Shit bait fuck off retard

...were you raised by lesbians?

It is bad but holy shit the brainlets' responses are great

This is top tier bait, got a good laugh out of me, thanks OP

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...So you don't know who it is? Lame.

A thread died for this

>shamamalam boobop

Damn man that's a real shock. How are you holding up?

Nice post user, reminds me of /b/ ol' good days.

shitstorm inb4

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You neurotypical newfags are so frustratingly stupid. Holy shit, dude. I immediately got what OP was doing and I'm glad at least these guys got it as well.