Face of a sellout.
Face of a sellout
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Imagine not selling out. Imagine adhering to the standards random people put on you for no reason. Imagine denying untold amounts of money to make people you'll never meet proud of you.
>zoomers growing up and realizing that pewdiepie is shit
I dont get why this guy is popular, he plays video games and kids watch him play xbox?
what do i need to do to get a bf like that?
Are you a literal boomer or what?
Is it selling out if you never pretended to be anything else from the start?
he has barely played videogames during the last year or so
And he makes like over 15 million a year just from youtube.
>Are you a literal boomer or what?
Desecrator of new memes
pewdiepie was never good
>play xbox
lol what
hes hotter than you though
what dont u understand
Not him but also millennial. His appeal is that he's very low brow while still maintaining self awareness(at least recently) and, more importantly, displaying relatable emotions at the right time. It makes him easy to consume and easy to like, and younger kids and lonely adults see him like a goofy friend.
That's part of why Youtube is so popular with people of all kinds of demographics; virtual, faux-friendship. PDP manages to do that best, apparently.
Can you define "sellout" and how it applies to Felix? If not, I will just assume your thread is bait.
oh l see what you mean, thanks dude
It's obviously bait.
yes he's hot, that doesn't change that his content has always been shit
its not that i don't understand,
i just cant remember the last time felix even looked at an xbox.
i just watch him for all the lewd moans he does
Oh the only time I heard of him or looked into him he was doing a fortnite video so I guess thats why I associated him with gaming
He doesn't do much gaming anymore, maybe one or twice every 2 weeks.
>That shitty colormatching on his forehead
>That contrast between his chin and the lid
Imagine being this shit at photoshop. Any non-retard recognizes this as fake from a mile away.
>>That contrast between his chin and the lid
whats that?
Nevermind, apparently it's real. Looks like the marketing intern who put the image together did a shitty job editing.
i was about to rip on you but then i topok a closer look. you are righht this is a SHOP but why would anyone makle this
He would be chad-tier if he bulked up, wonder what kind of shit his harpy pastagirlfriend feeds him. He wasnt skinny like that in his older days from what i gathered
Nah it's real. Felix just retweeted it. twitter.com
Gfuel just did a bad job with the editing.
why'd this make me smile
am i becoming mentally zoomer?
Being skinny is a sign of better health than being skinnyfat. If Pewds became a skeleton from eating Marzia cooking, then it's likely his diet improved but his sedentary lifestyle remained.
>sedentary lifestyle
Pretty sure he mentioned working out on numerous occasions. He used to be normal looking not skinnyfat.
>working out
Have you seen his arms? Even if he is eating nothing but doritos and mountain dew he'd had bigger arms from doing just pushups before bed. He doesn't workout.
>25-35 year old men watching pewdiepie so they can feel like they're in touch w/ youth culture
Yes he is very skinny because he doesnt eat much and burns it all on workouts. I know you might be exaggerating to prove a point but that dorito and mountain dew analogy is terrible and far from truth.
>turning 25 this year
>see this post
>suddenly uncomfortably self-aware
I'm becoming grandpa Abe.
It appears you're retarded. Regrettable.
> I'm living in an era where there are unironic fans of pewdiepie on Jow Forums
I've been browsing this website for too long, I need to kill myself
pretty funny actually
>need to kill myself
Go ahead, no one's stopping you
>'durr i know nothing about exercising and dieting'
>calls others retarded and gives no arguments
Listen autist, unlike you i have been around people and know that they can not get big and still workout. If that wasnt true he would get as you nicely called it, 'skinnyfat'. Learn about body composition before you engage in a discussion like this in the future.
>be me make a bait thread
>people are arguing about dumb things
Seems about right.
>be le me on r9k
>people discuss stupid things
Good for him.
Gotta make that money and not worry about what a bunch of autistic losers on Jow Forums think.
that's the fucking shadow from the 2 tubs on top you fucking retards
Apparently muscles grow from countless amounts of carbs now. Wtf im vegan now!
the only people who give a shit about youtube retards are under the age of 19
sounds like you have a dumb opinion, boomer
What do you give a shit about being on this board and how does it make you look better?
the only people who are proud of being old don't understand youtube
whoa, this teenager totally gets youtube. bro that is amazing
Jokes on you, I'm 19 and I still watch pewdiepie
>plays xbox
He hasn't even played video games that much in the last year or so. Plus where'd you get xbox from? Pretty sure he's never owned one
He's not as big of a sellout compared to other youtubers
at this point the guy is literally in it just for the money, and don't care if tomorrow they ban him
big thanks old man.
The content he produces nowadays is better than when he just played video games and I make a habit of watching his uploads.
t. 27 y/o
I don't think so. I've been watching him for around 5 years now and he is really passionate about his fans
He's still relevant because he hopped on the alt-right bandwagon after his original fans started growing to the age where watching some swedish fag scream at games all day is no longer entertaining. Plus he's kinda of edgy, zoomerfags love that shit
He's only popular because he has that 5 year old youtube humor while keeping up a pseudo intellectual facade and a fake self-awareness. He lets retards feel smart, and as if they are above those other zoomer tards.
Who the flying fuck cares about some random youtube fuckface?
Who the hell is so normie they care about youtube and some youtube "celebrities"?
i would fuck his face if you know what i mean
sweetie who hurt you? omg
He has enough political, economic and cultural impact that you can't ignore him just because he's a youtuber. Unfortunately.
>immediately associates any videogames with "playing xbox"
you really are the definition of the 30 year old boomer meme
Calm down he's not a new steve jobs or some shit, no one except the nerdy side of social media knows of him
what content ? he just reacts to e-celeb news and memes from his trash subreddit.
You know as well as I do that that's not true. Even my grandma has heard of him. Although I suppose it might be as you say in third world countries.
He has 80 million subs and at lest 6million views per video...his reach is greater than CNN or whatever. Even if its just nerds watching, they grow up
You only now consider him to be a sellout? He's been a sellout for like 7-8 years
The main problem with pewdiepie is that his content just lowest common denominator trash for average iq plebs
nah pewdiepie is alright, I watch his stuff when I'm bored cause its alright.
oh, you want to talk about sellout? you dont know what seelout is if i smacked you on the face.
here is thre face of a REAL SELLOUT
He's never even played fortnite before. He says playing it would give up the last of his dignity
Yet he makes jackshit on most of his videos
because zoomers can pretend they have an actual if they watch him. it's kinda like moe anime but two hundred percent gayer.
the real sellout
fucking niggerburger
an actual what user? dont keep us hanging
I like pewds so much that I get happy when he does ads because I'm happy that he gets paid. The only celeb I care about btw.
>I need to kill myself
You'll die from old age soon boomertrash.
He means friend
Literally brainwashed
>the face of a millionaire
I mean good for him but fuck normie worship culture.
Is there something I'm not getting? Who is he and what did he do?
Watch out bro his 12 year old fans will come for you
>dr disrespect sold it
>pewdiepie selling it
>both pretend to be about freedom of speech
there's no way that shit doesn't give you cancer. obviously a jew plot
He goes to a gym daily but he doesn't lift
Is it not better than energy drinks though? So at least it's some sort of positive change. I don't drink either so I don't know.
Also, better he stays number one than anyone else. Who else could be in his position and still keep themselves down to earth?
nobody, including him
>hurr durr
whos going to be number one then, faggot? Unless you enjoy PC shit like jimmy fallon being spammed on your front page? At least youtube tries to keep him hidden away because muh hitler
an actual if they watch him.
I meant that he isn't down to earth either, you explosive goddamn five year old.
He's getting married he's doing all of these ads so when Marzia eventually divorces him for all that ad revenue he can have a little bit to fall back on
fuck off with your age comments. Given his position and attacks on him, i'd say he's done a pretty darn good job and is still going strong.
>imagine having some integrity in life
I know I'm on r9k but jesus christ man
>Who else could be in his position and still keep themselves down to earth?
how the fuck is that fake retard down to earth? i bet you like the paul brothers as well. you don't even know what PC is you fucking prepubescent dicklet.
you know who was down to earth and anti-PC? GG Allin, someone you dumb fucking conformist kids should learn about.
>Waaaah waaah
stop crying like a bitch. The PC point was to drive home that youtube does not like to show him off, which is to all of our benefits, as it's less invasive than having a no1 they do like, and a lot better than corporate shows taking over.
No one cares about your edgy musician that does things to piss people because he's just that hardcore - no one wants that shit, you Jow Forums denizen. It's different from using edgy jokes here and there like pdp does
Pretty sure GG Allin was just an asshole, that's the only reason user brought him up, because being an asshole is punk, and cool and anti-PC.
if being an asshole was all it took to be punk pewbs would be right up there with joey ramone