Are women more attractive, in general, than men? Especially since makeup exists. Think about it logically.
Are women more attractive, in general, than men? Especially since makeup exists. Think about it logically
>Are women more attractive, in general, than men? Especially since makeup exists. Think about it logically.
Attraction is subjective.
Men love with their eyes, women love with their ears.
>>Attraction is subjective.
Yeah but you can quantify how attractive something is considered on average. I would say people in general find more women attractive than men.
>>Men love with their eyes, women love with their ears.
Doesn't really matter.
Naturally speaking, men are better looking, objectively.
Men rarely looxmax, at best we style our hair, beard, or shave it, trim pubes and that's it.
Muscle usually is built naturally if you do physical activity and don't eat garbage.
Most of the things women find attractive in men are things you cannot improve anyway.
Now compare men to women.
Want to see what a real woman looks like? Take a radfem, except the weird hair colours, tats and piercings.
Women shave their ass, legs, armpits, use make up, grow their hair, colour it, style it, use push up bras, draw their eyebrows, use skin lotions, perfumes, wear heels to fake height, in the past they used corsets, today they use implants, surgeries for roast beef pussy, etc...
Imagine if every man could looxmax as much as women. Nevermind they just get angry at us for being fake. Muh genes selection.
Everything about a woman, when it comes to sexual attraction is fake, they pretty much are never what you expect them to be.
Your ideal woman is where you left her, in your mind.
A woman who doesn't do any of that still receives more Tinder matches, compliments and attention than her male looksmatch, meaning the woman is more attractive.
Even if you put the man on a site like Grindr to control for gendered attraction and only look at the rate, not actual number, of responses the female wins out.
>implying men on tinder aren't thirsty af willing to fuck down
Bruh, i've had avg dudes using fat chicks as nothing more than a wet warm hole.
They aren't attracted to them, they just want to feel pussy around their cock.
Any pussy chaser knows the tricks, close your eyes, doggystyle tshirt over ass trick for the smell.
Compliments mean jackshit, women fall for that, the great majority of guys do not want a relationship, it is literal sugarcoating.
Besides, thanks to new techs like camera filters easily tricks the avg man.
Most men swipe on every girl lmao.
Female hypergamy and pretentiousness is are only second to male's thirst for pussy.
Any serious woman who wants chad, WILL ABSOLUTELY do all of the above, because that is their main goal, to get the highest quality male.
Men are slowly catching up, more guys looxmaxing today than yesterday.
Brutally elegant competition, without violence.
>tfw humanity hasn't changed that much at all
nature shaped it that way, it has nothing to do with "attractiveness". a lot of animals (especially those we share ancestors with) behave in the same way. males compete for the female and they always have, so it's natural for girls to do jack shit when it comes to "approaching first".
do u have the pic where he blows the smoke?
Are we just animals with an unwarranted sense of self-importance and the ability to do what every other animal does in a more complicated way?
What's the point of it all? Am I just wubbalubbadubdubbing?
>Are we just animals with an unwarranted sense of self-importance and the ability to do what every other animal does in a more complicated way?
Yes, all life is tribalism and competition
ugly women are messaged more than attractive men, so yeah
I think in general, without the existence of make-up.. men and women would be equal in physical appearance. With make-up however, women can literally alter anything about themselves.. the true masters can do this without looking like they wear any at all.
I'm straight but men are objectively better looking.
Above average men are better looking than above average looking men. 3DPD women just can't pull off looking "feminine" as well as 3DPD men can pull off looking "masculine", hence I prefer 2D females.
>Especially since makeup exists
But that doesn't make women more attractive on average because it's essentially a mask they put on, especially the ones that cover their entire face . Actually you could make the argument they aren't more attractive since more of them need to wear makeup to not look like crack addicts. There are acceptions though, like pic related.
men love. women depend.
also, makeup doesn't fucking count.
I agree 100% with this.
Even if you are a man light makeup can cover shit up well. If you do it right it's unnoticeable
Stop making up the definition of attraction/changing it.
Women are less physically attractive to men and their personalities are less attractive to them, the opposite is true for men in regards to women, this means that, if attraction were in units, women would instill more than men.
>>Women are less physically attractive to men
physically attracted*
personality is more important in a woman to me. as such, i am going to die alone. also you're kidding yourself if you think women care about personality, unless of course you mean they're attracted to psychopaths, but they still have to be physically attractive.
i love my boyfriend and i've turned down much wealthier guys to stay with him :) we love each other a lot!!
i don't care to hear your lies, dumb axe wound.
>. also you're kidding yourself if you think women care about personality, unless of course you mean they're attracted to psychopaths, but they still have to be physically attractive.
That isn't what I mean, let me rephrase:
Women have higher standards for male appearances and personalities. This means that women feel lower levels of attraction towards the opposite sex than men do. As women are the primary deciders of a male's level of attractiveness, this means that men are less attractive than women.
Why did you reply to my post (50391985) dumbass? I was responding to how OP says the existence of makeup makes women more attractive, and saying that it doesn't because makeup doesn't LITERALLY change a woman's face structure and make her more attractive, it creates an illusion. I'm not talking about women being more attractive to men or men being more attractive to women, I'm talking about how, physically, attractive/good looking they are, I'm not talking about personality.
Because wearing make up all the time is socially accepted nowadays, so their functional attractiveness is boosted considerably.
>Above average men are better looking than above average looking men.
Meant to be better looking than above average women
Also how women respond to men isn't the same concept as objective physical attractiveness, that has to do with female psychology.
Doesn't that bring home the OP's point? It means men are even less likely to be attractive to women because every man has a different personality.
It has to do with how women think about what is and isn't an attractive man rather than what actually is, women give absolutely no shits about the personality of a man if he looks good. The problem with women is that they all believe they're 10/10 stacies regardless of whether or not they actually are, hence they believe that they're "out of the league" of every man who isn't five times better looking than them.
OPs only point was that women wear makeup to improve their looks. However this is only masking it and makes them look worse without it the more they wear it, it has nothing to do with personality.
>OPs only point was that women wear makeup to improve their looks
No, it's that women are perceived as more attractive than men are.
Where did he mention women being perceived as more attractive? Objectively, without makeup, is the only fair way to compare men and women as far as being attractive goes.