bodybuilding != being a bodybuilder
weight lifting, getting strong, working out. it's effort, takes dedication, hard work, lots of time to get strong. just like a job
you just get the benefit of increased strength, whereas with a job the only benefit you get is money (or, in some cases, apparently a sense of value/self worth... which i can't seem to understand)
>as I said, working out at the gym is no hard work anyway, it's a hobby, so it's completely irrelevant.
this is wrong. it IS hard work.
Ronnie Coleman: "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights."
If your goal is to squat 5-plate, you're going to have to put in A LOT OF HARD WORK
further, it's not "a hobby" at least for myself. I don't like lifting weights, it fucking sucks. i would say i HATE IT. but i do it because i want to be strong. yes, i fucking hate it and still do it... i WISH i could enjoy it
>roids are only needed to attain autistic levels of muscle growth
agreed. i don't use roids, i work out 3-4x a week, i basically look DYEL. but like i said, i have shit muscle building genes.
if i had a goal of "make $10,000" and another goal of "squat 4 plate" the former would actually be easier for me to achieve.
>but if you just want to build some muscle, you can do it faster on roids without working out than working out natty
yeah and you'd lose it all once you get off them, and lose your hair and shrink your balls