I'm either a psychopath or an autist. I feel fear though so I'm probably an autist. When did you realise you are a tard?
I'm either a psychopath or an autist. I feel fear though so I'm probably an autist. When did you realise you are a tard?
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I'm glad you're finally starting to have a whiff of realization of the depths of your own incompetence and monstrosity.
You're not a psychopath. A psychopath wouldn't even think about the possibility of being a psychopath, it doesn't matter at all to them.
Psychopaths feel fear you retard. Stop gobbling hollywood cock and at least try to understand how shit works.
t. psychopath trying to manipulate op so that he has more easy prey
False, they are still human and can think for themselves, don't generalize.
thats not the point, hes prob just exaggerating and not tryna be edgy like some of the other fucks on this site, dont you see that the man needs some help
No, they don't. That's pretty much the hallmark of psychopathy.
more fearless =/= incapable of feeling fear
No, he can help himself. He's acting like a 5th grader. If not, he can kill himself.
cmon man have some compassion u never know when/if youll end up like OP
Oh, great. I might actually be a psychopath.
The spectrum of the human mind is what it is, user. Embrace yourself long before the societal titles worth nothing towards your own self value and respect.
What, trying to self-diagnose because "I'm not like the other boys"?
im autistic, full of anxiety and also a psychopath.
before someone tells me that's literally impossible because they contradict each other, shut the fuck up. i've literally killed dozens of animals including peoples pets, and felt intense anxiety every time after. also cant look anyone in the eyes or leave my house unless it's night
I can't function around people nor do I care about anyone
psychopaths don't have empathy and have no fear.
Psychopaths have cognitive empathy (empathy that helps you understand people, but not "feel" for them. They don't have emotional empathy.
If you've mourned a loved one's death, you are not a psychopath.
Psychopaths are prone to risk-taking behaviors, but the smarter psychopaths are less likely to be criminal and more likely to be CEOs, wardens, police officers, politicians, etc.
If you don't fill these requirements, you're an autist not a psychopath.
t. murican
Psychiatry is on the level of race biology. It's biased pseudoscience. Not every psychopath is like that handsome killer from your latest netflix series.
nice outdated information
>t. edgy teenager who thinks they're a psychopath
Nah, you're just an edgy retard.
shut up faggot i may be an edgy retard but that doesnt mean i'm not everything i said i was
literally one thing is wrong
my point still stands
Course not. If I was a psychopath, I would've been tagged with something, but I wasn't diagnosed with anything.
Kek, how old are you really?
25 years old originally
apparently not originally
The most important aspect here is whether or not you can feel empathy, and I mean truly feel it. You can convince yourself you don't, you can think you experience it, but the psychopath does not feel empathy, and this is how you know if you are one or not. There is a spectrum of psychopathy as well, you can feel some empathy but in the end forget it five minutes later. Full blown psychopaths are unfortunately untreatable, the rest are narcissists.
Does it matter at all when genetic modification is coming?
False the only thing a psychopath fears is being discovered for what they truly are. Since childhood they know they are different. Being hidden for what they are from others is their only advantage.
>he believes genemod will change anything
When we can practically prove that there's no such thing as "humanity", "you" and "I", the retard masses will have to start doubting their morality. An ethical revolution is coming, one in which we discard arbitrary concepts like human, equality, death and the value of life. The sooner the fucking luddites roll over and die so we can take the step to machines, the better.
no it isn't you've been fed lies