How do you respond to liberals who post this image?
How do you respond to liberals who post this image?
you don't. this is boomer tier bullshit lol
You don't. It's true.
Shoot them. Liberals are too stupid to live.
post mexican gangs
But if you have to:
In 2018, 68 Americans died by mass shooting. This is compared to the 2,000 that were killed by illegal immigrants.
Remind them that they can leave anytime. Good luck finding a country with fewer gun deaths and cheaper healthcare.
>I agree with you. We can only hope that orange man doesn't win in 2020.
By stating the obvious fact that immagrents kill more then they did every day.
>2,000 that were killed by illegal immigrants
did you get that one from your facebook group boomer
What you do is take that image, and add a picture of a wall under the faces. Under the wall you add two hundred faces of sketchy looking immigrants.
The point being the wall is not there to take care of internal threats, but to keep external ones from being added on top of those you already have.
I'd tell them that they need to fuck off to Jow Forums if they want to shill their garbage and that they're posting on the wrong board.
Yes. I know you don't mind the 118,000 rapes either because you probably like to watch.
>Six specific white men who killed people
>Countless illegal immigrants who clog up state and federal prisons, bring millions of pounds of heroin and fentanyl over the border, and sex-traffic children.
Yeah, it's the first thing that's really hurting the US. Let's build a wall around them instead.
>mfw sources a blog that's funded by big bank shills
PPA doesn't care about illegal immigration. It's a blog by one dude who can't even source his statistics properly.
>big bank shills
>big banks are all headed by jews
>jews now publish info that will galvanize people against illegal immigrants
I'd call it cognitive dissonance, but I don't think you have the ability to formulate two thoughts at a time.
Moron or troll, the Washington Examiner article cites a study that ascertained that 2200 deaths were inflicted on MIGRANTS during their journey to the US, not on US citizens.
Racists can't into reading comprehension.
The most important thing that goes over your head, retarded Murrican """"""conservatives""""", is that this wall won't stop illegals. Most of those enter like normal people and just don't leave, they don't cross the borders. Also the wall won't stop the drugs coming in. You're all idiots who think a wall will help in any way.
That mongrel in the middle is NOT white.
Also, with this.
This is why you never hit random on character creators
This statistic is about the stuff that are happening to the migrants who are travelling from the Americas to the US. Those murders and rapes would be happening TO them, not to the people in the United States.
Dylan was kinda cute had he went with a different hairstyle
Pretty much any county in yurop or Canada or Australia then?
Thats only around 130 people killed over 7 years (2011-2018). Roughly 18 people per year. Lightning strikes and peanuts are deadlier than those 6 and many non-white shooters like Omar Mateen or Seung-Hui Cho had a bigger high score than 5 out of 6 people in the picture.
Ps. Aren't many of those shooters jewish?
Dylan was /fa/
the wall is as stupid as gun control.
both are derived from arguments of emotion because of "MUH ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" or "SCHOOL SHOOTERS REEEEEE"
both cases are statisitically false (illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crime, guns are more likely to be used in self defense)
you are condemning a group of people for the actions of a few as if they belong to some collective
Why do we have to have illegal aliens? Why can't we call mass immigration what it is, which is invasion? Throughout history countries have used immigration as an act of war, either to derive resources from another country, or to "breed out" the natives and be more favorable to a take over by the invading country.
Spics suck. Their culture sucks, their language sucks, and they suck. But you can't walk around Texas or Arizona anymore without seeing Spanish-only neighborhoods, and the liberals put Spanish on the ballots, as if someone who can't speak the native language of a country deserves to vote.
ill say yes you're right a wall wont protect us from the deep state and big pharmacy pushing drugs on kids.
Banks like flooding the country with as many people as possible. It gives them more debt sla-, sorry, customers.
hahahaha. Nothing of use to say of course. You go straight to how the jews are behind it and that I can't think. Fuck off to Jow Forums dumbass
Right bottom corner looks like a cool dude
>a roof already did
fuck drumpf
Because invasion happens with armies, you idiot.
See, I agree with you, but so many politicians give them tax breaks. They literally do not give one fuck about anything other than what they pay for in hopes that it gives them more money.
As alienation grows, so does violent, antisocial behavior. As more and more heterosexual White males feel that they're being dispossessed, being edged out, being marginalized so that homosexuals, feminists, and other minorities can have a bigger slice of the pie, some of them react violently. How do you reduce the amount of antisocial behavior? You reduce the degree of alienation. You try to rebuild the spirit of community, of solidarity, of belonging that we used to have in American society: the spirit of community and solidarity and belonging which has been destroyed by the policies of the radical leftists. Every one of these leftist "experts" on violence is in favor of continued non-White immigration, more "diversity," more racial mixing, more multiculturalism, and all the other policies which have broken down the ordered, homogeneous White society we used to have in America, a society in which most White people felt they had a place, whether it was at the top of the social ladder or at the bottom or somewhere in between. They had roots in the society. They felt a part of it. But that is much less the case today than it was before, because of the government policies which leftists are enforcing, and the consequences are showing up.
They're surrounded by walls after they get arrested and that seems to stop them from attacking people again.
i don't care for stupid concepts such as race (I'm not a normalnigger, I'm a mysoginist)
im an ancap, but i agree that it's stupid to give illegal immigrants the right to vote
that being said, i don't believe in public property. I believe roads should be privatized. in a hypothetical society with less or no public property, if an illegal immigrant wants to live here, they can gain permission from the property owners (pay to use roads, buy a house, etc.)
from my own personal view, opening the borders or privatizing public property would both be beneficial, and don't care for the order they're done in.
either one would lead to the other, because they would prove problems with the way the current system works
(e.g., privatizing more public property would make the border less important and just be a drain on the gov'ts budget, opening the border would show the problems of public property)
gang and nigger killing are way more higher than any white mass shooter ever did and its all swept under the rug
all you have to do is watch local news stations or go stand by some inner city hospital everynight
its constantly niggers shooting and kill people every day
the problem is niggers and everyone pretends like they are not the problem
congratulations... Do you want a fucking sticker?
If you're not a citizen, you shouldn't vote. That's what I'll agree on with you, but if public property is privatized, every single sidewalk and road would become an overpriced toll road. Idek why anyone would believe that companies care for the well being of people.
tell them that you could paint a mosaic picture of martin luther king using mugshots of gang related nigger murderers as pixels and that they had to use a decade's worth of white shooters to amass 6
inb4 China (or any other anti-US country) buys strategic infrastructure and fucks up the whole country
Great plan there, user.
Opening the borders for more potential profit is just neoliberalism. I'm fucking tired of a bunch of rich Jews making all the money, meanwhile, for everyone else, the recession never ended.
>you could paint a mosaic picture of martin luther king using mugshots of gang related nigger murderers as pixels
why hasn't anyone done this??
>i don't care for stupid concepts
>I'm an ancap
pick one
And what are the caravans of illegal aliens, if not an army?
>every single sidewalk and road would become an overpriced toll road. Idek why anyone would believe that companies care for the well being of people.
Competition. Why would I pay to use your road when the competitor offers it cheaper. If the competitor offers the road cheaper, almost no-one will use the other company's road, forcing them to lower prices or find a niche. This will repeat until roads are cheap and well-maintained. Why do you think fast-food is so cheap and delicious? So calorie plentiful? Because the company's want to offer you a better product that you enjoy more. You may not like fast-food, but the fast-food companies gave exactly what their customers wanted: cheap, delicious food.
Interestingly enough, the government is a monopoly that has no competitors in its regional area. Food for thought.
>And what are the caravans of illegal aliens, if not an army?
Do you know what an army is, user?
It's a good thing, expose the left for what it really is, a hate group
the recession was caused by the central bank and the government. Opening the borders can only damage the central bank, because it no longer has as much power to managed the flow of currency, goods, and people.
A group of people with the intent of dominating an area that doesn't belong to them and turning it into something that is culturally similar to the invading force.
What if I buy all the roads in the region? Who exactly is going to stop in this fantasy no-government no-anti-monopoly fantasy land?
That's an understandable way of thinking about it. The only thing is what makes you think that a few companies won't buy out every single one just like the majority of airline manufacturers, motor companies, or telecommunication companies?
Yeah, and then everyone is in America looking for a job dumbass. So because there's so many potential employees you have to be willing to take less money to get hired.
I don't give a shit about the central bank, I just want a fucking job.
How is that genius?
So this "army" of 4k people is going to dominate a country of 325 million?
Letting immigrants in is not opening borders dumbass.
There's already at least 10 million illegal aliens in the country. Documented. Not to mention the legal aliens that basically act like the illegals.
what specific "strategic infrastructures" could you buy to damage a country? Do you have any idea how expensive that would be, especially since if the infrastructure is that important, why would the owners want to sell their road?
Fun facts the people most hurt by illegal immigration are mostly poor black and hispanic us citizens. Way to go white left.
Its more shocking that a white man kills people then it is blacks or minority's so the news media eats that shit up.
Why would you even want to respond and further stir shit? Just accept that they're right on certain issues
you think China gives a fuck how much it costs to invest in other countries? They're literally building a trillion dollar trade route to dominate global trade even more as we speak.
>What if I buy all the roads in the region? Who exactly is going to stop in this fantasy no-government no-anti-monopoly fantasy land?
Doesn't this already happen with government? Also, natural monopolies are a myth for a number of reasons. You can't buy all of industry.
For example, if you're buying out an industry, people can take advantage of that and just form their own companies in that industry, forcing you to buy them out or lose your monopoly.
Fuck niggers, fuck spics, and ah hell you know what lads? Fuck kikes too.
Yeah, man, monopolies don't happen and I'm sure a random faceless company would be kinder than the evil government and won't literally fuck you in the ass.
If illegal immigrants are so unskilled and willing to do labor for cheap, then the price of goods and services will actually drop a lot. I don't have to pay my workers as much, but that also means other companies don't. With my new found money, I sell my products for cheap, forcing my competitors to do the same. Now more people have jobs, and goods and services are cheaper.
>Implying its part of the same problem
Mostly the kikes though
Yes, it does already happen. The government strips away necessary regulations that prevent monopolies from forming. If you don't mind me asking, what reasons do you think that natural monopolies can't happen?
>He thinks corporations don't have trusts and monopoly's to keep prices high
>He thinks they will still sell low even though people pay up the ass just for recognizable brands
So the answer is... more government?
You're more likely to be killed by a nonwhite than a white, in any country in the west.
Monopolies can only occur with the backing of government. Name me one monopoly that you think could've formed without a government-backing.
That's a very naive and unrealistic idea of how things actuallt work in the real world. Not even close.
For sure. The strongest and most legitimate power in the USA is the USA. It may not be perfect, but it sure as hell won't fuck us over as much as companies will. Take google. They're already censoring results in China to appease their government and gain customers there. 1.4 billion people is a lot of money.
The main problem is that China already owns the rest of the world in regards to trade.
>people pay up the ass just for recognizable brands
Anybody who pays up the ass for brand-names won't affect you, unless you're also buying brand-names. Don't buy brand-names. If someone wants to buy brand-names, it's their choice.
google is protected by IP law that allows them to do the stupid things that they do.
Google is only powerful because of the government.
Monopolies occur when the government is paid by the same companies to pass policy through it's legislature or whatever government is currently leading. True, it is by the backing of government, but it can also be solved by the enforcement of regulations.
So, regulations cause monopolies
But, if we enforce regulations, monopolies go away?
Can we just skip all the bullshit and don't have regulations in the first-place.
>How do you respond to liberals who post this image?
but that is not what it's protecting us from....
would rather not get into a political argument.
>So, regulations cause monopolies
That's the exact opposite of what I'm trying to say. I've never been great at articulating my points, so that may the cause of our disconnect.
Why would you need to?
Why does one thing have anything to do with another thing? Does a tooth-ache void the necessity of having a broken bone set?
>but if public property is privatized, every single sidewalk and road would become an overpriced toll road
You'd quickly end up with a system functionally the same as a local government, with one incorporated body owning the roads in a town and leasing access out to locals, and the creation of three separate highway networks by Kaiser Permanente, Anthem, and Cigna with $50* monthly highway copay for in-network travel.
Honestly, it would be more or less the same as now, but more economically efficient and more annoying to live in.
* $700 copay for out-of-network travel
>Monopolies occur when the government is paid by the same companies to pass policy through it's legislature or whatever government is currently leading
Maybe I misunderstood, but those are regulations. Regulations are economic policies that businesses are forced to follow. They don't have to be "worker-safety" or "food-safety." They're just rules enforced by the government through violence.
1. It's their own fault, since these shooters are usually bullied by normalfag liberals and have their mental health and problems trivialized. The culture the left has created has also been openly hostile to white men, so it's no surprise they retaliate.
2. They have a sample size of six, and they're also ignoring non-whites who commit the same types of crimes.
Yep that's the misunderstanding. I've always thought of regulations as rules that must be followed by corporations. Like an adding onto rather than taking away.
That's what I'd call deregulation. If you take away rules that must be followed. Regulations are guidelines that must be followed.
I think I get what you're saying. It would be more economically efficient. Public ownership is great, but is easy to corrupt if you have greedy fucks leading it. I just don't trust companies enough to not slap a price to drive to the next town over.
>I just don't trust companies enough to not slap a price to drive to the next town over.
They already do. It's called taxes. The only difference is that I can't not pay my taxes. So there is no advantage to create a good product. And my taxes also pay to kill people for smoking a plant and send soldiers to foreign lands for oil.
>How do you respond
You remind them of the scientifically demonstrated dangers of miscegenating with kikes.
>I just don't trust companies enough to not slap a price to drive to the next town over.
They probably would, particularly today when it's easy to electronically monitor road use.
That said, they can't charge too much or people will just go to every farmer between point A and point B and offer to buy some of their land. Also, you'd probably catch the bus or the train more if driving was more expensive.
I'm not a libertarian and I don't want private roads but I reckon the system would be workable. Ironically, it might need a lot of new government departments to enforce antitrust laws, decide which private company has to pay for the overpasses and intersections of two privately-owned roads, and so on, but we could probably create something functional.
>tfw im ashkenazi jewish on my dad's side and im a reclude schizoid NEET
eh, could be worse
Imagine living in a country where this is your normal political discourse. Americans are subhuman.
>Nicolas Cruz
Imagine being this stupid
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
Or better, if the implication is that whitey is irredeemably violent... why do you keep poking him?
i'm sure your complimentary kippah and invitation to the bilderberg group will arrive in the mail soon
>How do you respond to liberals who post this image?
Mexican cartel liveleak
that it's a 3rd world shithole with killers running everywhere
how come no one ever acknowledges the person who knows what the fuck they're talking about
a wall might not, but a gun sure as hell will