How many of you have met someone from Jow Forums irl?
How many of you have met someone from Jow Forums irl?
I've met quite a few people from Jow Forums IRL
Some of my friends talked about cockmongler in high school, but I had no idea what they were talking about until years later when I had already stopped associating with them.
>implying any of us ever go outside
Also another kid thought it would be funny to draw pedobear on the white board, but I think it may have been a normie meme already by that time.
A few people in hs used it and I have a cousin that browses.
When I was younger and a bigger fucking idiot, I met up with what I naively thought was a femanon, but was actually a fat danny devito-looking gay guy that tried to fuck me.
It's been like 5 years but that shit still haunts me.
Guy I worked with browsed Jow Forums every day. We broke rule #1 and #2 a few times. He was exactly what you would imagine a /b/ user to be.
>poor hygeine
>socially awkward
>liked crossdressing
should of let him tear that boipucci up
I don't get this, did that guy who was pretending to be a femanon really thing you'd want to have sex with him? Whatever, you live and learn, right?
Back before it blew up I had a small group of friends that browsed.
Now I wouldn't want to be associated with anyone who uses this site.
They get optimistic because a tiny fraction of really cute twink boys will unironically allow themselves to get fucked by nasty old men.
Looking back on it, it seemed to be a game to him. He was trying to seduce a straight guy into letting him suck their dick.
I guess converting a straight guy was his kink?
Then why do you still use this site?
See pic related.
It's fun and a habit mostly.
I kind of got the impression that Jow Forums used to be for cool kids only and I was the only kid in my friend group who didn't know about it. I think they moved onto Facebook as soon as that became cool. They all eventually stopped having anything to do with me as it became apparent I was the autistic kid. Jow Forums was briefly considered cool and edgy over a decade ago, but now it's losers only. The oldfags weren't autistic like we are. They're all living normal, productive lives.
Nah, maybe the oldfags were less autistic than we are, but I doubt many chads were avid Jow Forums users.
I met a person from this board once. We had nice few hours together and didn't meet again.
I tailgate with my friends from /sp/ at most of my college's football games
>Jow Forums is for cool kids
hooohooo sweet child
During a lecture, I was scribbling down some autistic shit in my notes, guy next to me said "what's that, do you go on Jow Forums?" Confused, I replied yes and gave him a firm handshake, saying "greetings, fellow robot!" We talked about a minute when the lecture was over and each went his way, he was a bit worried when I said I lurk r9k, I assured him that I don't like the degeneracy there, and often browse it just to kill time, he seemed like a nice guy, but was a little bit reluctant to tell me his name, though. I greet him every time we run into each other. This was about three months ago, he added me on jewbook today. This is in a third world country so it was quite a coincidence for me.
met my gf from a self improvement thread on here
those threads are long gone and replaced with discord drama or fag generals
Almost everyone I've met from here was a character.
A kid in my Latin class in high school definitely went on /v/. Smug Asian guy who would slip memes into his speech. He said he scammed people out of >$20,000 in TF2.
Big, brash guy from my college. He had already graduated, but he would storm through the halls and even into people's rooms. Used to drive everyone to Taco Bell at like 2am. Drove hours to the American Football cover house and peed on it. Highly opinionated. Got all the 2nd-years into /mu/core.
Trans girl, also from my college, from /a/. Probably still goes to /fgog/ on /vg/. She's really nice, extroverted, and wears weeby clothes. She considers herself as having outgrown Jow Forums, but a lot of people on our hall would pretend to know stuff about Jow Forums culture because of her.
A guy on the pew behind me saw me browsing on my phone during the opening ceremony at college, and kept saying "It's Jow Forums!" to his less excited neighbor. Wish I had said hi to him.
when I was a young idiot I met two people off of Jow Forums. nothing bad happened but I realize now just how absolutely dangerous that was, I won't do that ever again