>ywn be born with huge dick and play life on easy mode
God hates me and I hate him. Every men should have penis of the same length if there was really justice in this world.
Ywn be born with huge dick and play life on easy mode
I wonder if dr. doom was a dicklet. That would explain a lot of things.
Being a dicklet is a death sentence for your sex life
It is death sentence for your entire life becuase everything revolves around sex these days. No one respects a dicklet.
Just don't show anyone your dick.
easier said than done dude
Nigga no it ain't
I do it easily
dr doom is clean
>have 8 inch dick
>still have an ugly mouthbreather face while at the same time being a manlet
What did god mean by this?
If you are 14 cm you should be good, speaking from experience.
he gave you a consolation prize to even out the rest
just go on pornhub and look for those omegle compilations of dudes with huge dicks getting hot girls to show them their tits, you'll notice most of them have ugly faces (from the little we can see of it).
Consider yourself very lucky because there are many people out here with ugly faces shit genetics and small dicks.
Hey, at least you don't have both a small dick and small balls like me.
it doesnt do shit for you, sure you get to fuck some ugly slut roastie but no actual decent woman is swayed.
Huh? Having small dick and small balls is better than small dick and huge balls.
Try having a large dick with small balls.
Nico para de usar mis frases
I have an 8x6 inch dick and I'm a 28 year old virgin. Stop finding excuses and just admit its your shit personality that turns women off.
It is not about fucking random women but more about relationship, every time I would fuck my girlfriend she would be thinking about bigger dick and comparing mine to it.
5 inches max reporting in
Having a big dick never helped me get a girl. Helps keep em around a little longer tho.
...it really would, wouldn't it?
>easier said than done dude
Do people see you're dick on the regular? What kind of life do you live to do that?