I just cant take all the loneliness anymore, no friends, no nothing, its just the same old room with the same things with the same attitude, reading manga and seeing experiences that i always wanted to have but never could.
I just cant imagine what happiness feels anymore, its such a pain having to live with the person i hate the most everyday (me) and just lying to myself everyday the same lies "it will get better, it always does" but i know that only happens in the chinese cartoons that have rotten my brain away.
I cant even consume media like manga or anime anymore because everytime i see somebody who is friends with anyone i just get this huge pain in my chest that i cant stop.
I dont know what to do... i tried everything but it just never works out.
Help me... i really cant do it anymore.
I dont know if i can take it anymore
Hey just make friend online
Want to be friends dude?
If you play shit like the forest we can kick it off too
Leave your discord ill add ya
Im in the same hole youre in OP, but for me its social anxiety and over thinking that keeps me trapped here.
I have imaginary friends who hang out with me in my woodshop. One doesn't speak English, one is an art major using me for my tools and training and the 3rd is an alcoholic who uses me for rides to the bar since he lost his license.
>imaginary friends
>one doesnt speak english
holy kek
Yeah user, play with Robots. Use Discord it's always a lot more fun when you can talk shit while playing. Maybe hit up Jow Forums ?
Yeah boys. Let's start a mad 'The Forest' campaign together. I'm a fucking legend at the game.
Op here
i really want friends to play things with ill leave my discord here:
Flandre's Husband#0478
I just call him "The Foreigner" he just shows up at random and hangs in the dark corner of the shop and eats horseradish out of a jar with a spoon and occasionally just yells something in what I think is Lithuanian.
Added dude
I'll be your fren. How do you want to connect? I don't know 4chanlets do it but I'm up for whatever
I'll tell you the same thing I said to OP:
I'll be your fren. How do you want to connect? I don't know 4chanlets do it but I'm up for whatever. i can learn how to navigate Discord if that's what
here but in an original sort of way you know
lmao the moment i see the opportunity to talk to people, my brain instantly goes to hermit mode and i just no longer want to talk. lol
that happens to me too, but if i force it through the bad times i usually end up thanking myself afterwards
We can be friends OP, just give me your discord and we can chat.
i already gave it
just so you know.
do you have any games we can play?
How old are you, op? We can play Terraria together
Go to the streets and talk to the homeless. It Costa nothing and they're also feeling lonelly. Be a good sport.
im 19 and yeah that would be comfy add me at disc if you want to
Sometimes feel the same way user, I moved to a different country all on my own for the first time and it's been hard, but I feel like it HAS to get better, right? So I hold on to that
if you want, we can chat
I was in your situation before I became phyisically ill. If I could get back to your situation again I'd be the happiest person alive. Not experiencing physical is the best thing that could happen to me. I'd never trade it for any money or women.
that sounds like it sucks, ive been hospitalized before and it makes you cherish the times when you where less miserable