>unironically believe in pic related
Am I crazy, retarded, or something else?
Unironically believe in pic related
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That's actually pretty accurate.
You are based and repilled.
Excepting Erisianism, Gnosis and Illuminism. wtf with all that
>durrrr if we align our chakras and enter the spirit realm we'll have no need for political ideologies anymore and hold hands going kumbaya
>hurr eugenics bad
Natsoc is the one true organizational method for human society and the only one which will allow us to extend our hand into the cosmos. Fuck you.
I guess republicanism is the best system of governance after all.
Does OP seriously think that 99% of shitskins are even capable of understanding this brand of mystical, abstract (e.g. WHITE) spiritualism, let alone sincerely appreciating it or integrating it into their practical lives? Give me a goddamn break you fucking cuckolds.
you are foolish and human, that's for sure.
>Does OP seriously think that 99% of shitskins are even capable of understanding this brand of mystical, abstract (e.g. WHITE) spiritualism
>putting communism anywhere near national socialism
Eat shit you bootlicking retard. I hope you get culturally enriched by some progressive antifa basketball Americans.
bluepilled you are.
Do you think Egyptians was kangz n shieeet?
Communism and National Socialist are actually very close in the actual political spectrum. Lefties don't like that because nazi is their favourite word to insult the conservatives.
You must be a brainlet to think the opposite.
They were not white europeans, thats for sure
All three of em, OP.
>pic related
>being a NatSoc and thinking anyone else is a bootlicking retard
>not understanding that economically NatSoc and Communism are incredibly close
>not understanding no one will bow to either authoritarian faggots
Anarchy is the way. True anarchy. Antifa Democratic Socialists and Alt Right Reaganites will be killed the same way in order to edge closer to the Gnosis. You are holding back humanity from progress.
Umm sorry sweaty, but they actually were. They're closer to Meds and Shitalians than nogs, sandy or classic varieties.
Economically and governmentally, they are. The reason why Nazism is despised while communism isnt is because Nazism in addition to their economical policies, adds a big not so healthy dose of racial theory on top of it. Nazism means that automatically the majority of the worlds population is condemnded to death in the countries it manages to get its hands on, and Nazis openly state that their end goal is to make the world an "Aryan paradise" and extinct all other ethnic groups. Communism says everyone is welcome as long as they follow the rules. There is a really big difference between them.
You're just retarded, nothing to it lad
>unironically we wuz kangz
No, they weren't. Genetic testing was done, the modern day Egyptians are 85% egyptian and 15% Arab. So basically they were about the same as modern day egyptians.
But thats not the only nonwhite society practicing these things. Do you know what the Chakras are? Have you ever heard of en.wikipedia.org
Most of the worlds mysticism comes from the Middle East and India. Europe has little to no contribution to it.
>muh true anarchy
Fuck off faggot, I can name literally two large scale anarcho-communist societies that didn't immediately collapse into impoverished starving dystopian hellholes, and both of which only escaped that outcome because they hadn't yet become radically affected by industrialism. From your vagueass, idealized perspective, by anarchist "progress", do you actually mean Kazynskiesque anarcho-primativism, living innawoods like niggers? Because that's regression by any definition.
>doesn't refute the fact that he's clueless as to his own ideology, outing himself as the blind slave he is
You still don't get it. Maybe one day you'll learn.
The ol Marxist switcharoo.
>literally no one said Marxism or Communism was good
Please continue strawmanning. It's funny to watch you continually deny yourself the truth.
>two things can not both be bad while one of the two is worse than the other
The Nazis were never interested in exterminating anyone aside from the Jews, and that was only because nobody wanted to take the Jews that Germany was kicking out. Nobody likes Jews. Otherwise, they just forbade racemixing, and would likely have gone civnat after a generation or two anyway. Meanwhile, the Han Chinese very much want to exterminate everyone who isn't Han, the Soviets purged Ukranians (the Holodomor famine being the big one), Poles, Germans, Hungarians, and others. The Marxist regimes in DPRK and Zimbabwe are really into racial purity as well. But of course like a good little gommunist you'll trot out the no true Scotsman argument regarding those regimes.
>The Nazis were never interested in exterminating anyone aside from the Jews
Thats why they killed more Slavs than Jews.
They literally openly state that they want to turn the world into an Aryan paradise so the Aryan people can have enough lebensraum.
Communism is also bad but for other reasons. It has no racial component. A core part of communism is the rejection of racial and religious groupings of people. You really show how ridiculous you are by trying to claim that communism strives for racial purity, especially when a big talking point of Nazis against communism is exactly that they reject ethnic nationalism.
>forced labor by prisoners of war
>political prisoners
>Jehovah's Witnesses
>>only Jews
And again, no one is denying that other regimes from all backgrounds of government, yes including Communism and Socialism, have also participated in genocide. You're still strawmanning little lamb.
Do you lying kikes have any actual argument against National Socialism besides 6 gorillion lampshades atrocity porn propaganda?
It's authoritarian nonsense which prevents humanity from achieving the Gnosis. Government is inherently evil, soulless, and it acts as a crutch for weaker minded beings (You). Those who will be slaves to the machine will die crushed between the gears, they are obsolete and not worthy of ascendance.
>bill clinton or obama south
Who made this?
Video related youtu.be
Left is Light Occult
Right is Dark Occult
I read about Gnosticism and was reading about machine elves and dmt and I think they're connected, what do you guys think?
DMT allows you to glimpse upon monad, and the aeons within