Are they right? Why do men have to act so much worse?
"Incels" vs "femcels"
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Yes, no matter how much we may deny it. When femcels chimp out they cry and eat a ton of icecream or some shit. When incels chimp out they drive a van into a crowd or shoot up a yoga class
Maybe. I dont know anything about them or whether or not they do actually worhsip chad or not. I do know for a fact that there are TONS of orbiters on here though.
There's no such thing as femcels
In fact, female celibacy is a feature of nunhood.
im not an incel
im just lonely
Part of that is just that males are more aggressive on average.
But disregarding that even the most ugly and unlikeable female has it better than the average incel.
Think about it even as a fat ugly arrogant piece of shit as a woman you will still find the opportunity for sex, as a male in the lower class you are worthless unless you have money.
Adding this to the male need for female validation that does not exist the other way around and you have the reasons why invels are more frustrated than fem"cels".
women do not have empathy, so no
lol because they aren't actually hopeless.
this entire board is a pile of shit
There's no such thing as femcels. They are all voluntarily doing that shit They know that they can get dicked down any night by simply dressing like a slut so they don't feel any bitterness.
These, female celibacy is a precious thing.
If those whales ever decide to put the fucking fork down they will be a steal for any man.
>When incels chimp out they drive a van into a crowd or shoot up a yoga class
As it should be done
Elliot Rodger be praised
There are also plenty of dudes into obese girls
Femcels don't exist, is estupid to assume they do
Yes and they're mostly black.
But if it's not about them being fat I don't get why those girls would still be virgins.
I think a lot guys get stuck in the spiteful phase of inceldom. Never being quite able to understand and shift into acceptance of their situation.
Females reward violent men with sex and reproduction. This is how it always has been and always will be. Females have no one to blame but themselves and their inferior, masochistic biopsychology for ever being victimized by men.
The posts on that site are so cute.
Look at this thread:
Sure there is, it's just being a virgin female and being bitter about it.
Men, dare I say it, BTFO?
women can never understand how much sex means to men. femcels arn't as bitter about sex because it doesn't mean as much to them, men on the other hand have a much higher sex drive and thus are far more desprate to get sex and therefore will go to much futher lengths to get it eg orbiting stacys or betraying one of their own kind to get it
lmao humans are fucking vile when you start to look at them objectively, their parasitic nature is so repulsive, I can't wait for all of this to just end
99% of the posts on that site are by LARPers you retarded faggots
>I can't wait for all of this to just end
Yeah, you can't wait cause you'll be dead by that time
>man's YouTube channel gets deleted
>guy deals with it and makes another one
>female's YouTube channel gets deleted
>shoots up YouTube's corporate office
Yeah, women are way less violent than men
oh no females btfo us men 4ever sheeeeit xd
Men are the niggers of gender. This is known.
Are you implying I was planning on living forever?
>women build nothing
>soak up resources and give nothing in return
>parasitic weaklings in both mind and body only good at pumping out babies
>"men are the ghetto trash of genders mentards BTFO we wuz qweenz and shiet"
Oh no, I'm so scared
That place and trufemcels all sound like larping dudes lol
Because femcels aren't real? Seriously being a celibate female is harder than having a sex life
Name one thing that men can't do better than females.
If you want to see humanity getting extinct you'll have to live for a long time
Lol jokes. People start dying off before 2030, extinct by 2040. Taking bets.
Say that while you're chocking on my cock
>all of these posters implying gender is anything more than a social construct
keep trying, sweatys
$50 and my wife's glass eye says France will be in flames by 2022
i saw some posts on that site about how males are pathetic because they need females and cry about not having companionship and being lonely, committing suicide, etc, and females don't need males, and yet...what have females accomplished? (i am gainfully employed and have helped create a few things that hopefully have bettered the lives of others in some small way) at best they just read books and review them on goodreads i suppose.
>Implying testosterone and estrogen and progesterone are social constructs.
Umm try again sweaty.
Nothing, no woman has ever existed without males. Most lesbians can't even stay away from dick, they need to distinguish themselves between the few pure ones it's so bad
Will you be my cuddle buddy please?
>Betting that humanity will be extinct by a certain date
>Not realizing that he is a human and will therefore only ever be able to lose the debate or die
Can you imagine being this retarded?
Did you know a debate is not the same thing as a bet?
Says the guy who isn't going to die a winner
the reason why they act nicer is because they have had easier lives and thus less of a reason to be bitter jaded and mistrusting
Our need for sex as men is the basis of civilization. If it weren't for us trying to impress women, why would we ever bother doing anything?
Basically no one is mean to a lonely virgin girl but virgin men are excessively mocked and never left alone about it.
women are the meme gender.
Imagine trying to spin the fact that your gender can't do anything as well as a good thing
Isn't that thread, in and of itself, a male hate thread?
How many levels of unironic hypocrisy to women exist on to justify this retarded bullshit.
Well that's because women are passive pussies, not due to some moral inhibitions.
Women can't even support themselves. They are a net drain on society.
>Females are better than men because of a few reasons I pointed out
This idea works assuming men and women are the same in every other regard. But they aren't.
>Women are generally much more manipulative then men
>Women generally think with their emotions rather than logic a lot more than men
I just gave you some reasons why women are worse than men and you can list plenty more, but you can also list plenty more reasons why men are worse.
TL;dr: They are not right and haven't proven anything
>socialized to feel instead of born to feel, meaning that she only feels because it's popular
>Ace of Hearts instead of Ace of Spades, meaning she doesn't know why the Ace of Spades is tradition to put in the helmet and is just doing it because "it looks cute" or some shit
Any source on this or are you just speaking out of your ass? I only ever gave a shit about women when I was a teen because of all the hormones but nowadays I avoid interacting with women and strive to do things to stand out amongst other men.
Dont ever post shit from here ever again.
Everyone raid crystal cafe
Theres no such thing as a femcel. Women choose to be lonely because they wont settle.
Honestly fucking hate this word and the fact that everyone on here started using it. It just makes everything about sex. If just being a virgin was the problem of every NEET and shut-in on here, then escorts would make this board barren, but they don't.
You faggots are always about lookism. Bone shape, height, weight, etc. Those are important, but honestly it's just about charisma. From the moment you start kindergarten, you have to convince everyone you meet that you're worth shit by being socially adept at the basic level. Sex is important, but not because the act of penis in vagina magically makes you likable, but because consensual sex in a relationship, being the closest you can be to another human being, it's pretty much the highest confirmation you can get that you aren't the scum of the earth. That's also why "femcels" is such a stupid fucking term. In white, 1st world countries, a woman basically spends her whole life trying to be accommodated by people. They have absolutely no obligation to prove anything to anyone in their whole life, in fact it's the opposite, they are accommodated on pretty much everything.
In the end, women make the loudest noise about their problems, but men off themselves much more.
Let's flood crystal cafe with dick pics xdxdxdxd
Everybody get in here.
If you're going to raid any female-Jow Forums ripoffs, do lolcow. They're actual cunts compared to crystal cafe.
baste and redbulled
Yeah I know but since crystal launched this thread we are gona hit them in response. I do agree that lolcow is worse, crystal cafe are stacies in comparison eveb lolcow hate crystal cafe.
>just be urself
Fuck off normie.
Lol they disabled the captcha.
>onw misandrist post on cc equals hundreds of misogynist posts per day on r9k
>r9k will not see the irony in denouncing this post at all
>le incels are violent meme
first of all, femcels do not exist. a female will be celibate for a week at most and call herself a femcel, completely oblivious to the fact she will literally never comprehend a fraction of what an incel goes through. secondly, all i want to do is fucking sit in my room and not be bothered, and i have people saying incels are all violent murderers. guess what assholes? if we were, we would get laid, because women fucking love murderers.