What do you imagine the afterlife to be like?
What do you imagine the afterlife to be like?
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basically all blackness and you get to re-create the world
Whatever you want it to be -- just like your dreams.
'eternal tv static'
I have absolutely no idea. All I know is that dying is unnerving.
I hope its a cabin in the mountains where it is always snowing
In the loft by a big window is a floor level king sized bed where I get to cuddle a catgirl waifu and give her headkisses as we watch and listen to the snow pattering on the glass
No more stress or self hatred or people being mean to me or cold loneliness ever again
Just me and my catgirl waifu napping peacefully for an eternity
not even blackness, it's completely outside the scope of human understanding, we literally can't perceive death because it's the lack of all perception
libtard alert
You either get sucked back into the reincarnation cycle or you fly around the astral plane for all eternity outside of space and time, living out every possible life in every possible reality, past, present, and future, that you exist simultaneously. It's also possible to align yourself with another reality and jump to that one upon death so technically, you're immortal.
>tfw the ride never ends
>tfw cucked on a quantum level
I imagine it is typical, but I do not wish to go there. I want my soul to die with my body. Eternity of anything is too much.
I hope to meet my waifu and be happy with her for all eternity
Man, I sure hope that you don't think that being alive is worse than being dead. Being dead for any amount of time would feel like hell itself. I would bet anything that being burned or boiled feels like a walk in the park compared to being dead.
What will you do daily?
I've always wondered how reincarnation could work if the population keeps increasing all the time, unless the npc meme is a real thing.
I get my own universe within which to be an Abrahamic warmonger against my own creation.
This user has it right.
"after" and "life" literally implies "after living", which explicitly means after the point at which living comes to an end, as all life does.
I mean ask it like this...think of a leaf that has fallen on the ground before you, and has turned brown in the gutter, turning into dust and debris.
Does that leaf have an afterlife?
Okay well let's go one level up to the tree it came from.
Maybe the tree that winter gets struck by lightning, utility services chop it down.
Does it go to an "afterlife" for trees?
Yes, it does: it gets chopped into tinder for fire, or pulped to be used in something like pressboard, or paper.
When an animal in the wild, who has never encountered humankind, dies...does it go to an "afterlife"?
No, it merely decomposes, gets broken down by bacteria and fungus, and eventually disappears entirely.
The same thing will happen to you.
But you won't even know it, you realize.
You will never actually be able to -experience- death, because you will have no perception.
Dying, maybe. But after you die, that's it: lights out. Forever.
Like a TV being abruptly unplugged, never to turn on again.
And all the world will go on living, and you will be dead for all eternity in a void so absent of existence that not even darkness or empty space reside.
It's also similar to the life of the universe itself, pic related.
The universe has a boundary, it's just insanely beyond the capabilities of any of our instruments to reach. But we know it's there.
You know what is beyond it? Beyond the edge of space-time itself?
Nothing. Pure. Void.
No time.
No space.
Not even empty space.
No sound.
No hot, no cold.
Absolute nothingness.
And that is where we all return to after we are done borrowing these little vessels.
its just like the beforelife. before you were born. is total nothingness, like being asleep. no reincarnation or heaven or jennah or any bullshit like that. its just nonexistence.
my liberal spirit (reddit spirit) doesn't allow me to post anything without being called out
fucking sick of it lole
but is it a cycle? I mean surely a universe as fascinating as this one would reset
It doesn't make sense to me that it/we would end after it/we existed
That's pretty deep
There is no afterlife, but I like to imagine I'll be with my waifu.
I like this post
even if it is a cycle you wouldnt be able to tell
Neither of you know anything. Then again I don't know and no one knows until we die. I hate when anons try to sound so matter of fact, as if they know for certain without a doubt the answers that none of us actually possess.
No idea. I'd prefer it to be a realm where every person gets to create and live in their idea universe/portal but it's probably something more plain and rustic, forever made to sit on a cloud and worship god or to just sit in a garden for eternity. I want to live out my power fantasy, nothing less.
no, its not a cycle. do you think every worm, every ant, every beetle, every animal on this earth has their consciousness recycled somehow?
its pretty simple man. your consciousness is a result of the electric activity going on in your brain. synapses and neurons and axons and dendrites etc. when that action stops going on, you're dead. its over. no reincarnation, nothing else. ive never seen any evidence, not one bit, to support reincarnation or any sort of afterlife.
Just like before you were born or sleeping without dreams, aka an unpercievable nothingness.
same as this but more vivid and being able to do whatever i want, i figure out that there would be different planes depending on how elevated your mind state is.
It'll be hell unless you get saved
I like your wording here. Good post, I agree on everything, no shit. But here is the thing that scares the fuck out of me - we were born. Like the sheer possibility of existence in comparison to all that infinite void. In other words - the fact that universe exists at all. There was nothing - but suddenly bang, there is the universe. Something out of nothing.
How? That answer is not for us. But the fact that everything came to be IN THE FIRST PLACE, this implies that there is some form of existence beyond death. Even with astronomically low odds of occuring - take Boltzman brain for instance - its still possible, and its only a matter of "time" when something will arise from the void.
I like ideas of simulated reality a lot too.