> Most robots aren't willing to racemix
It hurts
> Most robots aren't willing to racemix
It hurts
im willing to rack mix OP are you female or female(male)?
I'll racemix but only if I have a harem of girls of different races
why would that hurt? robots shouldn't procreate with anyone
>implying we're not repulsive to women of all races
>im not self genocidal
Geez i wonder why
Stop with the leftypol raid thanks
This. And I'd only want to give birth to females because I don't want even more half nogs running around.
I know I am. I would happily betray my race for a latina gf to make a qt mixed daughter
Ide hang you from the nearest tree, coon.
I would but I have a small dick so I'm scared to fuck anyone especially black qts
>implying this board isn't filled with yellow fever fags
im planning to go off grid so having a babymaker around would be a bad idea
>wanting a white dude
I'm a dying breed leave me alone
I would rape you but not love you
>mfw I don't care if my future gf is white/black/brown/yellow/attack helicopter as long as she loves me as much as I love her
Tho there aren't many non white girls here in Germany, I wouldn't mind some variety. The last actual, real black chick I saw was back in high school
Sorry nobody wants you niggeranon
>ywn fuck a girl so hard she starts moaning in her weird brown person language
Not only am I willing to racemix, but I am actually extremely curious to be with a black guy.
Fuck you racebaiter.
Roastie tier reply
Whites can't be robots. Leave retard.
>some nigger actually made this to feel better about being a subhuman failure
I'm not the one searching for pity sex on Jow Forums
im a black guy and i have a pretty big cock are you a female?
Neither am I. Getting with someone from Jow Forums is a terrible idea.
No, I'm a guy (male).
Please don't debase yourself by appealing to the bbc meme. You can be attractive no matter you dick size.
My girlfriend is Jewish. Does that count as racemixing?
are you a qt boi, do you wanna chat over discord or something?
>Getting with someone from Jow Forums is a terrible idea.
Not if it's with me.
I'd say I'm reasonably good looking, but I'm interested in being with a black guy irl user, so I don't think discord will do, sorry.
more bestiality than racemixing
was close, but my autism got the best of me.
Racemixing is a crime against God
/thread. everybody out of the pool now
If you're cute, living in western Europe and want to try corrupting a "straight" curious Black user, try me.
Im a natsoc, i hate blacks and women and racemixing and support eugenics, but i have to get this off my chest.
>A few weeks ago i was on a shitcord thread
>Randomly friend request random people
>Its a shitskin
>Its a girl
>Get to know her
>She is actually really nice
>I dont know what to feel
>Like her a bit
what do i do?
talk with her more, if she's nice and you truly like her, go for her
i'd never have kids with a white person not gonna lie
im a brownie and will never have kids but still lol
im on the east coast if youre in that region would you still like to chat a bit?
That's because it's unatural op.
I'd love to racemix with a Northeast Asian or Ashkenazi Jewish girl.
Reverse the positions and you got me. First gf black girl and she was my first everything and rocked my world.
Want to see a crime against god?
Absolutely user.
Nationalist/racist girls all racemix or secretly support racemixing, why shouldn't you?
It's ok user sometimes we can't help the feels we get so go after her if she makes you feel that way bro
99.9% of robots would mix with an asian girl. Just not black. Are you black OP?
>Whites cant be robots
>In a robot board of predominantly white males
is that a real? if so i want one.
Asian girls exist.
Also Latinas, MENA girls, Polynesians and octaroons.
With an asian girl, most of us are.
Robots would fuck anything that gave them consent.
>mfw when I fucked a black chick and ended up deeply regretting it
Since I'm already half white, half Mexican, I have much fewer qualms about dating outside of my race, especially since I do not intend on having children.
Completely fine with, and readily attracted to:
>some Nordics
>some North Africans
>some Pacific Islanders
>some east Asians
Cannot do Blacks of any kind. Sorry, I tried.. Apart from the racist stuff I can spew, both black men and women, at least in America, have this underlying stink that absolutely grosses me out - some are worse than others, but it's nearly always there.
desu at this point I would fuck anything with a pulse
I've never heard anyone else mention the stink but I notice every single time I'm around niggers. They all smell like the exact same piece of sweaty dog shit
>Apart from the racist stuff I can spew, both black men and women, at least in America, have this underlying stink that absolutely grosses me out - some are worse than others, but it's nearly always there.
They do have a certain smell, but the bad stuff is mostly hair product.
I'm not really in favor of racemixing but it's unreal how desperately some asians and blacks want white dick. It's simply ungentlemanly not to oblige.
>>Randomly friend request random people
Nigs stink, its true. If you ever are in a public bathroom niggers shit smells the worst too. Rip for people who have to clean bathrooms and smell niggers shitting.
for the pussy
latina here, i landed a swedish robot with blue eyes blond hair. its possible, most are desperate enough
I'd racemix but not with women in my area.
post hairy asshole mami
i'll fuck one negro or asian women but impregnate her?. never.
Why not user, scared of wanting to murder your own daughter?
Why do you have such a low opinion of God? Do you honestly think the creator of the universe cares about whether your skin matches that of your gf?
I'm serious. The dividing lines in neighborhoods that nearby are stark. I can't bring myself to bag even a modest minority for financial and social implications (on both sides, mind you).
*mauls your baby to death while still being unbelievably hilarious*
gake and fay, everyone knows fat people have shit balance
>into most races
>dont wanna throw away my un-tannable skin, freckles, and red hair
I hear the jungle drums, but i also hear my grandfathers disappointment should i tarnish our beautiful deep auburn
why do white people gotta be the only race with possible colour variety
Fuck off JIDF. Even robots arent going to fuck a nigger.
>you will NEVER empty your balls in a qt brown chick
I assure you, they are.
They just haven't had the opportunity to "refuse"
>tfw white and have black guy fetish
>hate myself for it
>one on hand feel like I should just ignore it
>on other hand feel like I should try it if I find a black dude that doesn't seem like a degenerate
>Implying we don't fuck bbc
>Not getting bbc orgies on Grindr
Take hrt already
This is how you save the planet
When I was younger, I noticed how nearly all my dogs, friends' dogs and even on TV dogs would hate black people and go ape shit when a black person would show up on screen.
Back then I was retarded and thought "muhh racism," and blamed the behavior on their owners.
But as I've actually gotten out into the world, and experienced that fucking stank first hand, I wonder now, if it's this horrendous odor that sets off alarms in dogs' brains.
Send them out there, to the stars
I'm already taking HRT...
Imagine your tongue on this boihole
Your auburn genes will live on, user, and some day your descendants will be ginger again.
There's a difference. The hair products are chemically, at worst, the scent I'm all too familiar with is excessively organic.
Case in point:
The shop I used to work at had a couple black guys working there when I started, and they were generally well groomed - one was a highschooler so he was always trying to look his best because hormones and girls, and the other was a real cool dude who was a bit of a ladies man. Both of them had quite a bit of hair, but hey styled it naturally, but they both had a bit of an acrid odor that was pretty minimal unless they forgot deodorant or it was particularly hot out and I happened to walk past when they were lifting their arms above their head.
Anyway, at one point in time, we hired this nigger, straight African, his name was basically "Mcaplksjg LIigods", didn't have a hair on his head, so I know it wasn't hairproduct or any unfortunate byproduct, but this fucker STANK.
I'm tall and fat, and I sweat, but I take precautions and have been told on many occasions that I'm quite the opposite of offensive, most females actually really like the way I smell, for whatever reason - not trying to flex or whatever, just trying to say that I'm not an unhygienic neckbeard.
Continuing on,this guy was so fucking pungent that I couldn't even be five feet next to him, breathing through my mouth, and the first week he started, the other whites and Mexicans we had working with us mentioned the same thing.
It's a horrendous combination of typical body odor, fetid rotting meat, sulfur, actual shit and Lovecraftian elder god feces.
Eventually I got to the point where I could tolerate it, but of course he had a fucking speech impediment and of course I can't hear shit, so any time I had to talk to him I had to get close so I could actually hear whatever OOGABOOGABOO he was talking about (mostly about how he didn't get paid enough to do the work he wasn't doing).
Niggers, never again.
>Wasting hrt shitposting on Jow Forums
There's mobile phone app BBC ready right now
>wet dog bologna smell
Take the bbc pill and stop lying to yourself.
Deep inside your hole rn
Something about an (attractive) indian girl from a rich family makes me want to have 300 iq babies with her.
i know, it often skips even within white breeding, but im scared that if i racemix, then i wont live to see it return.
non-redhead children i could deal with, but not the grandkids either? or the possible great-grandkids?
and if i set the standard of racemixing, who is to say that my kids wont racemix, further destroying the dream
>tfw therapist told me im too attached to my hair
id only racemix with cute indian/persian/south american girls. asians and blackies can go away
Whistleblower laws deem this ok
you know the australians just got home from work
Of course your kids will identify with their other side because they look nothing like a doubly recessive ginger. Just take bbc and you don't have kids but have all the benefit.
these kind of responses have gotten a lot funnier since that tranny-indoctrination discord group was discovered
>Most robots aren't willing to racemix
I do, but white girls seem to despise me.
I'm brown xdxdxd
even though i kinda just inagine white guys dating white girls, i would date a black woman, japanese, white, latinamerican, chinese, etc
>be asian
I'd fuck women of any races who is above 7/10 but only marry an Asian because muh dragon blood. /s
>Implying that I'd ever lose my virginity.
>tfw huge crush on petitite beautiful lightskinned indian girl at work
>all i do is make fun of her and annoy her
>be me complete robot 27 year old khv
>just angry and miserable all the time but always make people laugh
>find latina, light skinned black indian and middle eastern girls to be very hot especiallly thick ones
>too autistic to ever be normal and nice to any of them, always just the mean guy being mean and making them laugh but being too mean for them to want to be with me and too afraid to try due to virginity
i'm not huwhite so does that shitty pol meme even apply to me?
I'd fucking melt if any female gave any sort of attention towards me
+1, as would most people here