tell me about ur comfiest memories/fantasies
no smut allowed ofc
Comfy thread
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I got a new job as the night manager for a cool hotel that's gonna be open soon so I've been training in the companies other hotels. Night shift is comfy as fuck, especially this time of year. Yeah it'll be shite near Christmas but I can do 1 bad month for 8-9 chill ones.
I want to track down every comfyposter on r9k, round them all up in my basement, and play vidya with them all.
i have my own place and a gf that comes to play /vr/ with me till we fall asleep under the same blanket late at night.
Sorry friend, I keep the best dreams secret to my mind, all I can say is, if we had places and stuff from my dreams, life would be amazing
That sounds really cool user, night shift jobs have always seemed lonely/chill to me, just dont mess up your sleep schedule too bad. :)
I'm glad you're having good dreams user, I hope you have more good ones tonight. :)
Going out to dinner, shooting heroin and seeing alice in chains live with my cousin. Video related. the song last of my kind at the concert we went to. its like im there again RIGHT NOW!
black diamond sky tour
That sounds comfy, what type of vidya?
Whatever the anons want to play, be it an FPS or an RPG.
i really like this one, very pure. I hope all this comes true for you sometime soon user. :)
"smash all the temples crawl through the ruble and cry to the fallen"
Thanks man. Because I'll be in charge it's nice. I'll be able to delegate properly and if I do my job right there won't be any issues. Can sit back and work on my own stuff in the downtime
Playing vidya with my egirl oneitis into the late hours and then going to bed texting eachother
sounds very comfy user
im asking this already in this thread but what type of vidya?
that's like my dream, going to work and doing what im supposed to but when stuff quiets down having time to work on creative projects, what type of stuff are you planning to work on? :)
nice trips btw
not that user, but the images you post lead me to believe you come from [s4s]
not that its a bad thing, its good actually
i remember filming a 2 Many DJ's performance at a club for MTV. The club had two floors with the second floor being more of a balcony that overlooked the stage and dancefloor. I filmed all the warm up dj's, got crowd shots, waited for the headline act to come on. Got enough footage of them waving and mixing records from up close. I go up stairs where it's completely empty and I had the upper deck to myself. I get some overhead shots, look at the time, decide to stay and just watched the whole of their set from upstairs leaning against the railing. No one knew I was there
i used to go on there and i still have a ton of stuff from there on my computer, so yeah kinda. i just lie anime grills desu. :)
I'm prepping for a DnD campaign so I'm gonna do some world building for that. And I'm also trying to write a little outside of DnD, short stories, scripts, anything that comes to mind
Starbound, minecraft, runescape and other comfy games
that sounds super comfy actually. I hope all goes well at ur new job user :)
sandbox type games have always been very comfy to me, nice picks user.
>Christmas 2001
>my older brother and I unwrap our presents
>it's a Gamecube
>comes with a copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee
>spend all morning playing
that was honestly the happiest morning of my entire life
Had a comfy dream with some mystery girl I fell in love with but then I woke up :(
Sometimes when I walk alone at night I get some strange comfy sort of melancholy
I want a friend who gets a similar feeling to nightwalk with
at least you're having nice dreams :) i hope you find a nice mystery girl irl sometime soon.
I haven't dreamed in years, and any dreams I do remember are usually sad ones.
Is it too much to ask for a bit of happiness for once, or am I an irredeemable piece of trash that doesn't deserve it?
You totally deserve happiness user. I'm sure you'll have a nice dream soon, :)
I'm sorry you haven't dreamed in a while though, that sucks :/
Well, at least nothing I can remember if you want to be exact. I suppose I do dream, even if I don't remember it.
Thank you for the kind words comfyposter. These threads are one of the few good places left on this burning trash pile of a board.
I have sad dreams too, sometimes It hurts when I wake up, I like them because they're nostalgic. I welcome the pain, at least it makes me feel something.
Pic related.
2014 was a great year for me. started high school and the internet seemed to have a renaissance of sorts with those MLG memes and other shit
also i discovered Jow Forums that year
Playing old school Runescape and watching TV with my little brother. Pretty comfy
When I was young, it was waking up in a hotel with my parents
I would get woken up by them getting in the shower/coffee etc
They would try to be quiet but always wake me up, it was so comfy to just hear them around me without any expectation of getting up or interacting, and they didnt even know I was awake. Just being around people I love while comfy and knowing they exist. Drowsing in and out of sleep while they got bags ready quietly.
Probably also because hotel meant we were doing some traveling/vacation so the day was going to be fun anyway.
I have a similar memory,
When I was young I slept in my parent's room, one time I remember waking up with my childhood dog snuggling with me and my parents being extra careful not to wake me. I think I pretended to be asleep so they wouldn't feel bad about waking me but yeah, feels good man. Your response gave me nostalgia so thank you :)
I've definitely had no luck when it comes to dreams
Hell last good dream I had was some below average looking girl forcing herself on me and me just going along with it. I literally dreamed getting raped by an ugly girl and woke up and felt good about it.
Going to grammies house and eating graham crackers while playing Scooby Doo 100 Nights of Frights Would walk through the woods about 2 miles when mom and dad fought
Night walk in Tokyo.
My comfiest place is outside my window. I live in Chicago so during the summer it is really hot, I can open up the window to my room and climb out onto the portion of my roof that hangs over my front stoop and watch cars and people drive by. The sun also rises towards my window so if I can't sleep I usually get to see the sunrise.
>tfw coffee in the cool morning air
>Nothing matters as long as the sun is below the horizon or turning the sky pretty colors while I drink my coffee.
On the other hand, I am currently experiencing a not so comfy situation currently. I finally got around to the whole relationship thing and am getting pretty close to a qt3.14. I was talking to a friend of a friend and he was bragging about a communal snapchat account that is filled with nudes from our Uni. qt3.14 is in this account, and now I don't know what to think of her. Is she a thot? Can she be redeemed?
Just remembered a nice story because of the snow
I recall it was wintertime, sometime around a week before Christmas break during my sophomore year. I was walking with my group of friends who were mostly upperclassmen. It was snowing heavily, and the bitter cold was biting at our toes. We had been walking for miles in the suburbian jungle of a neighborhood we lived in, with just the bare necessities to keep us warm, our raggedy old sneakers soaked. We'd hoped to go to the shops for snacks and brief moment of warmth, but unsurprisingly none nearby were open at 4AM on a Tuesday morning. On our trip back we had stopped by this park that offshoots from the corner of our neighborhood, an uncommon sight when most suburbs in our part of the state were surrounded by vast open fields. We stopped to rest for a moment, the strong winds died down. It was dead quiet in this reach of the park, covered in tall grasses and nearly a foot of snow. We were dead tired, having walked for hours in the freezing cold on this strange night. I had laid down flat in the snow, my eyes to the sky. No one dared to say a word. I was in an entranced state, completely hypnotised by the dreamy silence of the forest and the pinkish grey sky above. It felt like the perfect night, with not a care in the world and a lovely sight to behold. I stayed there for what seemed like hours. When we all decided to get up and leave, I was still laying there. Someone remarked how cute it was, me taking it all in with no regards for anything in the world. If someone went and killed me right then and there, I would not care. I had completely forgotten all my troubles and forgotten everything wrong in the world. It was unvelieveable. He lit a cigarette. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and we had the most comfy sleep possible on a 7 seat sectional. Nights like that are why I love winter so much.
It's been snowing for hours and I'm laying in bed under 4 blankets with my little space heater on my desk and my little tortoiseshell cat at my feet.
I'm a bit sad tonight because my dad was being mean to me but the sound of my little girl's snoring makes me happy and a bit tearful. She keeps me going.
listening to Hospice in a car at night with a blanket in a rural part of town
preferably with northern lights involved, that shit's surreal
I just want a comfy little house and a qt bf.
fucking hell if I could cry at this I would
I miss school years
if only there was a way to go
b a c c
Looking forward to going home next week and being back in my cosy little den where I live with housemates/friends and play tons of vidya and eat/drink whatever I like