>tfw bf won't have period sex
Tfw bf won't have period sex
tfw horniest when im on my period as well
I said I would put a towel down, I don't know why it matters
blood on towel. Pain to wash off.
Not if it's dark
Same, it's like I don't even get horny outside of my period days
I used to fuck my gf when she was on her period
She said getting dicked hard helped her cramps a lot
this was back when I had a gf
Set his phone's background to a pic of your bloody period snatch. That'll get him desensitized to it.
Not like she's making him wash it, presumably.
I think it would be traumatizing for a man to see blood on his penis
Why are men so easily triggered?
I bet you'd get used to it. Then you could brag you fucked the uterine lining right out of your gf.
honestly it's not that bad
every gril I've fugged got their period on my dick at one point
pretty sure it usually isn't even blood anyway
I ate my finances pussy when she was on her period and swallowed a blood clot . I did for the love
oh my fucking god thats disgusting
who the fuck cares?
This is an actual struggle
> be me
> ugly and gross looking
> Finds an edgy metal fan boy on tinder
> we date
> sex is ok his dick is kinda small but i dont judge cuz im also gross as fuck
> Once by eating ice cream he reveals to me how sad his life is and how he used to cut and that also watches gore
>the time of the month comes
>"Hey... user... I'm super horny and I really want u right now"
> "Sure I'll go"
>"But wait, i have my period"
>" Guess I wont be coming then"
>argue about it
>Kills mood
>We just ignore each other since then
It is seriously nothing, pubes are imo most disgusting than a little blood.
but eating ass is unfathomable right? fucking freaks
I wouldn't have period sex, but exclamation mark sex sounds pretty good!
actually I want to eat ass but none of my previous lovers (who were all completely fine with getting the uterine lining fucked out of them) were down for butt stuff at all
I need to meet a fembot who's as fun as I am
Not really a lure to me, no.
Suppose if she is all crazy for it AND cleans it very well I might try.
But most things in bed I who has to push for anyway, especially anything experimental.
And I sure mind her blood a whole boatload less than shit.
My AP had her period and would refused to fugg, complained of it being broken for a week, even though I would beg to do it anyway
Yes eating the hole that someone's shit comes out of is objectionally degenerate
>Ex used to get super horny on her period
>She always got really into it, very lovey dovey
>Would be super sweet, and grateful the following days because I helped ease her really bad cramps
Man I was already having a shit day, don't remind about her dude.
that guy sounds like a pucci you dodged a bullet
>on tinder
cum slut detected
>try to tell her that some women are relieved of period cramps by sex
Ugh, k. See if I ask again, cunt.
And I hope for the world's sake you managed to ask with mentioning the ex-gf, else you just poked the switch for nuclear meltdown
Robot here, I would have zero problems having sex during period. The blood makes it even hotter. Do other "men" really have a problem with this?
>gf on blob
>have sex
>blood and cunky bits on my dick
never again, that threw me off for weeks.
it wasn't just red, it was dark and odd texture.
Probably didnt help i have a big member
I was surprised to learn so many sex-having men have such a problem with it. How odd. Are they afraid of spiders too?
More like: Are those idiots really thinking EVERY girl is cleaning herself up that well that it will all different and squeaky clean 4-5 days later? The same gender that needs to be informed that leaving a tampon inside so long it get literally toxic is a perhaps a bad idea?
Nice dream.
Not really
My old gf was on some birth control and after sex my dick would often be bloody as shit
It was gross, but i wouldnt really know till the lights were on so eh
My ex did the same thing while on the pill, except it was like brown/black shit on my dick at least once.
Ruins the mood, luckily already done by then.
>i wouldnt really know till the lights were on
It's weird that people unironically have sex in the dark. Are you and the girls you have sex with ugly and want to avoid looking at each other? Or are you just ashamed and hope God can't see you in the dark?
Are spiders going to crawl out of there next?
I just don't look down while it's happening. Feels good, if anything it's better lubrication, plus, we get to shower together after, or just fuck in the shower in the first place.
Eh, I'd do period sex, but only with a condom.
It is just as fun as with the lights on really.
Having it fully dark and only exploring each other by touch and sound is fun as hell sometimes.
Also helps very insecure people. You may love those tiny tits, but maybe she hates when you stare at them so intensely. And perhaps you held tight to selfcontrol because you never wanted her to see the stupid look on your face when she does 'that', whatever that is.