Genuine question from a fembot
Are men even capable of feeling love, if so how do they show it? I believe that men are incapable of feeling love that most women are capable of feeling love and men are purely sexual. Prove me wrong though
Genuine question from a fembot
Are men even capable of feeling love, if so how do they show it? I believe that men are incapable of feeling love that most women are capable of feeling love and men are purely sexual. Prove me wrong though
I feel love towards my fish, does that count?
Yes. I wouldn't know since the only women I've been in love with have been online and they never reciprocated such feelings for the most part. I for one would give someone constant attention, validation, and support along with a desire to be around them constantly if I did happen to be in love with someone IRL. That's just me though, unless you're talking about other non romantic forms of love and affection.
Love would have to be real in the first place.
you got it backwards. Life has taught me that women CANNOT love
youre not a woman, dude
My fish aside, I do want to love and be loved
Both are basically shit. One is less likely to attack you if they feel insulted, the other is less likely to stab you before your back is turned. The differences are negligible.
men express love towards women by tolerating their presence and spending time with them.
>incapable of feeling love that most women are capable of feeling
Why would men being incapable of picking someone to be a bitch to
I live for the day I can make women suffer in the same way I have, so I definitely feel something anyway
Revenge is a luxury the poor can't afford though
Yeah. I used to love my mom. I'd listen to her shit, try to support and encourage her, and shield her from my dad's abuse.
the person i loved has taken away all sexual things from me that we once had together and i still love them. i am pathetic basically (just a friendzone orbiter now I suppose), but will always love them. i know i will die alone.
literally just about any man providing for a female that either does not work or is underemployed after her looks go to shit. Jeb Bush would be a good example but you can see it with older couples when they shop at places like Wal-mart or Costco.
How do women show love though? Just saying you love someone is cheap because talk is cheap therefore actions are needed to back it up.
The overall reproductive model for humans is women as the chooser (choosing genes that are more likely to replicate)
Men are the providers and protectors who enable women to live safely along with maybe the most incompetent of mammal babies
Men have a strong drive for strong pair bonding because if they leave the women and children will not be able to defend for themselves and the children will not pass on the man's genes
If anything men have a more long term and consistent model of love while women are fickle and susceptible to falling in and out of love in short periods
Maternal love is probably a different thing altogether though and is generally very strong
>Using best boy to promote hate
How dare you
Yes. Men are the only ones capable of love. And they show it through virtue. Women are not capable of seeing the bigger picture and doing whats right. True love can only exist in the mythos.
Women are only capable of affection which is not love, the closest thing to love a women has is her bond with her offspring.
I showed love for my ex by holding her when she cried, cooking her shitty food for her and trying to show her the movies and games I really liked
She never stopped crying, she never learned to cook for herself and she hated everything I liked as a hobby
well how I show it is
Loyality, doing nice things for him, staying by his side, cooking, protecting, doing things together, marriage, kids, working together as equals, and so on. I doubt men feel this way though We don't live in 2000bc user
Yeah that awesome stereotype is why dating first never works for guys.
If you aren't hot enough to get her to put out on the first date you aren't marrying her.
I don't fucking care anymore user, life is brutal.
Also, sage
i play all ages romance visual novels
one time accidentally bought the 18+ version and asked the dev if they could give me the all ages version instead (they did)
why do you think i would specifically get the all ages version? it's because the reason i read those is to experience something i don't get in my ordinary life. i get plenty of sexual release because i have a hand and the internet but romantic love is something i don't get so vns fill the gap
i don't know why you would honestly think men can't feel romantic love, that seems like a dumb hypothesis. there are plenty of old married couples who have been together for 60 years even after the husband's dick breaks and the wife's all dried up
>Are men even capable of feeling love,
> if so how do they show it?
male socialization cripples one's ability to healthily express emotions. i've never been in love, so i can't say how i'd show it.
All of what I said is completely relevant up until the recent welfare states in the west
Even of the pressures dried up 4000 years ago that would not have much effect on our current biological strategies
Evolution is lazy and has no reason to retire a pattern unless if it's detrimental
Even then it would take a long time to undo, 4000 years is a blink of an eye for a complex mammal with generations as long as us
Better go socialize with women then, they'll care all about your feelings
Nice bait fuckboy
some of these points are so goddarn vague
be more specific u dolt
i think i was capable of feeling love for people outside of my family at one point when i was younger but i've been shit on so many times by so many people that i can never trust anybody enough to love them
You are very very wrong, men love more than women do.
>Men initiate romantic relationships
>Men propose marriage
>70% of divorces are initiated by women
Men experience slightly more love and a lot more lust than women do. Just because we lust harder than you, don't assume that we are incapable of love. We probably love more than you do.
women are not equal don't pretend they like date men poorer then them they only stay with a guy if he's offering then something. He doesn't need you he wants around you because he thinks your a good person. You just want him around because you have no choice
Spending the rest of my life with that person, doing things together day to day, ordinary things even. Doing everything together
>Just because we lust harder than you, don't assume that we are incapable of love
It's not just that.
>I can't respect anyone I'd fuck
Is a common saying among guys who are coping particularly hard, they don't even see sex as an intimate thing, it suddenly becomes important once the element of competition is added. It's just seen a bargaining chip to guys, because they are slaves to their instincts. It's a burden.
A man's love is tied to how much he can trust a women. The more of a whore you are the less likely a man will love you.
I don't know I just can't believe that. I'm with a guy right now, and I just can't believe he would love me, I only feel like he wants me for sex while I feel these intense feelings of love for him.
You're insane, that is not a common saying
Because girls are masochist with no self respect you only feel loved when your being used like a fuck toy by some chad. No he doesn't love you because every other women also loves him that's the benifits of being a chad.
it's simple...
A man will never love something he isn't attracted to
For example. a whale such as yourself
I try to prioritise her when planning things.
I'm there when she needs me, what else can I do
So I'll believe you, a random stranger arguing 100% in good faith, this one time, instead of the dozens of other times I've heard it and read it here throughout my life.
you realize that just because some people are sociopaths does not mean all people are sociopaths, right
your boyfriend is using you. grow some fucking stones and dump him and find someone better.
>Are men even capable of feeling love?
>If so how do they show it?
Or maybe she just has low self esteem
>I can't respect anyone I'd fuck is a common saying
It isn't and now it's clear this is another bait thread. I've never in my entire life heard anyone use that phrase, though, I don't hang around chads and brads.
>I can't respect anyone I'd fuck
Most guys would strongly disagree with this sentiment. Slut-shaming is actually much more common among women. Men are reticent to commit to a slut, but that has nothing to do with respect, it's really more based on instincts as you say, because men do not have paternal certainty.
You might be right, maybe he doesn't love you. That doesn't mean he is incapable of love, or that ALL men are incapable of love. It just means he doesn't love you.
Wow, so you won't take his word for it, but you'll take all the other random internet stranger's words for it because what they say aligns with what you think?
How unusual for a woman to show confirmation bias.
Male love is metaphysical, female love is physical. The second part is found in all the cases when the wife leaves her husband when he loses his job/gets disfigured by bombs/etc.
Pic related is the perfect example:
"Though Tyler somehow married his pre-disfigurement girlfriend, it was anything but blissful. Tyler's appearance wore on the bride. A mere year later, the marriage ended in divorce. The official reason was because it was a hasty marriage based on the passions of youth.".
"Hasty marriage based on the passions of youth" means that he's not attractive anymore so she falls out of love even though it's the same person: this happened because her love had no metaphysical, "romantical" basis.
The second part is proven by observing what the male role used to be until a few decades ago: cucking up and providing for the family.
If you analyze it rationally, there's no logical reason why a man would want to break his back to provide for a wife who stays home all day. Given that the common man doesn't care for the greater good of the nation in his everyday life, what explains this behavior is the metaphysical basis of male love; romanticism, if you will.
tl; dr get out of my board dumb hole
Why would I take one (1) person's word for it just because of some random shit he made up in his head to make him feel better about reality when I've SEEN it said by many people in many different situations. He is just plain wrong.
ahahaha fembot since when were there women posting on this board
We do as children. Then life either beats it out of us or spoils us beyond the ability to feel anything but sexual pleasure (aka Chad, also goes for roasties in women's case).
In the latter case it's incurable, no idea for the former because nobody has ever bothered to try, just ignore or cheat on them and continually make their lives difficult.
Men show love through physical violence. If you don't believe me you're an idiot.
I don't know, maybe because people are different and have widely differing beliefs? Weird concept, I know. Women struggle understanding that their confirmation biases aren't genuine facts.
All men cheat and the closest thing you'll ever get from real love is your mother's love
Sorry if ur mom hated u
you got a fuccboi as a boyfriend. Stop falling for every pretty boi who says "the right things". that's what dates were originally for, not for fucking but to see if you can care about one another. I think it's you who are lustful. your lust got you into this relationship based on the fact that 'hes cute'. find a guy who loves you. well idk im a virgin cause im a guy and getting a girl isn't as easy as you think it is, most of the time i get blown off before i even initiate shit, just cause i said something wrong or acted in the wrong way.
Female love isn't physical, it's mental. This is why so many women are bisexual.
>maybe because people are different and have widely differing beliefs
As in, he thinks very differently from *all* of the people who have said this.
It's one hundred percent actually and literally the opposite. In addition to their lust, men also feel genuine loving feelings for their partners that women do not. Not only do you not understand this, but you actually can't understand this, if in fact (and because) you are a woman. I say this truthfully, with no malice, and you'll deny it, with examples, being wrong, and without understanding.
One must also be careful in what type of love is meant, something which the English language has trouble with. I've been writing of romantic love between partner(s), a deceptive concept because it isn't the two-way street that people think that it is, but only a one-way street. This romantic partner love is the form of which women are incapable. In this form of love, on the contrary, no woman ever really loves a man.
There is another different form of love, however, in which a woman genuinely loves a man. This is the love of a mother for her son. And even this is not altruistic, as it's merely her own genes in the game. Do not say "Oh but men are mercenary/opportunistic too". The point is that men and women are different from each other. I've just described one difference.
gonna add on to this: someone saying all the right things should be a red flag. people don't say all the right things unless they know all the right things to say, something that requires research and practice. consider the kind of people that have both of those and how and why they acquired that skill
Well okay, you get $1 for every time you've heard "I don't respect women I fuck" from a guy, and I'll get $1 for every time I've heard a woman say "Men only care about sex" and we'll compare your $6 to my $3.5 billion.
Women are the ones who only care about sex, because they use sex as their sole offering in a relationship. If anything, it's the women that are incapable of love because of how they use sex as a weapon.
But hey, keep believing that half a dozen posts on Jow Forums is the entire male populace. I'm sure that will go great for your dumb ass.
I meant their love is based on physical features present in their partner.
>being a degenerate that would fuck anything and anyone is sign of higher metaphysical love
You just pulled that out of your ass. If you want an explanation look no further than a lacking sense of identity and openness about sex and masturbation leading to degeneration in their youth due to pent up sexual desire that would have been better left alone.
It's starting to become unbearably repulsive the things you people willing to say through your teeth just to feel like you're right about something, I'll go ahead and trust my instincts and experiences over some lying Machiavellian jewmonkey who I have no reason to trust has anyone's best interest in mind but their own.
i think you are mistaken yes, some men can 'fuck anything' as you put it but that doesn't mean they can 'love anything' or that they love everything they fuck. women on the other hand most of the time need somekind of emotional assurance when they get fucked and usually end up comfused when the dude leaves because in their head they decided that hes 'the one' thats why they let him at their goods. ofcourse unless they're a prostitute ,thats too many psychological knots to untangle.
>Implying women feel love
Lmao this dumb cunt. Only mothers are capable of love, random toths cannot.
Then delete this pointless thread you stupid whore and never come back.
Have you ever layed down next to a cat or dog and just thought "wow, you are amazing no matter what you do and I would do everything to protect you"? For me I love girls in a similar way, kind of
of course I doubt i represent most men
even mothers are debatable. Some whores kill their kids just so they can be with chad then they laugh about it in court
>lose respect for people who put out too quickly, lose interest in their longterm partners without constant key-dangling and trying out all the stuff you saw in porn
>won't fuck people they don't respect on some level or at least admire, can't "pump and dump" because you'll get stuck with a little mutant the state will have to pay for
If you don't think men can love, then why do gay men get married?
OP is long gone but the thread needs to get nuked, along with any subsequent "wahh women are bad men are bad NO U" threads. This board needs endless chemo, for ten fucking years.
>men lose interest in their longterm partners
I got news for you chief, the majority of dead bedrooms are caused because the wife keeps saying "I have a headache" or "not tonight, honey" after the man tries to initiate over and over. It's the women who lose interest, not the men.
try out all the stuff in porn lol what? what douchebags have you been with? most guys just want emotional affection. unless you are talking about Chads then YES they will fuck you upside down everyway and if u dont put out they'll leave you.
its like you arent even trying because i could say the exact same thing
what the other user said
>talk is cheap, actions are needed
men must provide the money slaving away to work 8 hours a day, hold responsibilities of managing business, and stfu about complaining. he must provide emotional support when "b-but muh feelings" when u have women on their cellphones in bed, just giving orders to kids because they're lazy
your ideals seem to be in place but you gotta do shit and keep it like that
>Are men even capable of feeling love
Yes, obviously. The question is whether or not it goes the other way.
>what douchebags have you been with?
I hear the most embarrassing shit about other people's relationships, it's not all anecdotal, I hear stores about blackmail with nudes, elaborate schemes to manipulate their feelings, it's not just Chads, in fact it's always the guys that wish they were Chad but don't quite make the cut that start doing this PUA tier shit. If you call those greasy junkies and sociopath hoodrat tyrones "Chad" I've got news for you about your life.
No offense OP but it sounds like you've never met or even spoken to a male person before. Did your Dad not love your mother? I take it they didn't have a good, loving relationship otherwise you clearly wouldn't be here thinking things like this.
our society needs chemo we were alot happier when women were treated like the inferior beings they are
>some men can 'fuck anything' as you put it but that doesn't mean they can 'love anything' or that they love everything they fuck
Lust is very different from love. Man's lust originates from the fact that while a man can impregnate many women at a time, a woman can be pregnant only once only 9 months. Nonetheless, the patriarchal society built by men that lasted until a few decades ago shows that men have an higher, metaphysical longing for monogamy and "true love". Women, on the opposite, have been riding the cock carousel non-stop since the aforementioned social order collapsed.
While female lust and love are coherent with each other if left unchecked, male lust and love can and will contradict each other when higher forms of civilization are reached.
>we were alot happier
You mean rich male landowners, a minority of people you were never part of.
I think everyone else was happier too
Yea the poor guy still had to work for a living but at least he could trust that his wife wouldn't divorce him and ruin his life
No women were happier, the average man was happier. Literally everyone was happier and statistics back this up
nothing good comes from the 'ghetto' stop looking at hood horror stories on your facebook feed
More literal horse shit, it's so fucking rancid and foul I can taste it. Disgusting
Fuck have I been replying to bait again
Our society definetly benifits and becomes safer from having women in the workplace but at the same time we are all miserable.
hey men are builders women are nourishers
without female support the first world wouldn't exist that being said men built it.
Fuck you
Divorce is one of the biggest problems in the modern world
Literally everyone I was friends with in high school had divorced parents and all of them turned out to be shitty people
My sister is one of the most maladjusted people I have ever met because she barely saw our dad after our mom divorced him
Fuck you
Guess who is miserable either way and guess who stops being miserable when you bring the old system back.
>just sacrifice your wellbeing for the greater good goy, doesn't matter if the most you could ever benefit from it is simply being kept alive as a pet, nevermind all that, we need to get back to our roots as gud God fearing goys, just trust us when have we ever given you a reason not to?
i think suicide is the biggest problem no?
tho i dont have the statistics, no idea where to look. you can't really find facts on google anymore cause of their info being controlled by bias.
honestly suicide is a human right
If someone honestly doesn't want to be alive the world is probably better off without them
idk if thats true. when the best and brightest people, the choice of the herd are the ones commiting. I mean that's definitely not for our benefit.
It's just dysgenics. It benefits the economy, not the species, and the welfare of the economy has replaced the welfare of the people.
>implying jews want traditionalism to come back
>being this retarded
Yes shiksa, that's right! You are a slave when you serve your family but not when you serve me! Aren't you feeling liberated?
What did you say? The wages got cut in half after you started working? What are you, a nazi? This feels like another shower!
>you should be forced tp live for societies benefit, while society gives you only pain for it
Wanna know why know I do not want to follow your rules ever?
how does that benefit the economy tho? i mean a cold machine can't sustain itself it needs constant innovative people to continue to give the populace hope and further their delusional slavery.
kinda dark. actually i might be full of shit this is just my uneducated cheap opinion
If they're not smart enough to find a reason to live, they're not smart
Seriously, philosophers had this figured out by world war one
citation needed for that
i don't think it's that they don't have a reason to live, it's because they are conflicted. kinda like user said:
I feel the opposite, only that wen don't feel love they just aim for fun and whatever game they can play the longest.
I'm absolutely in love with this girl but she just drags me around , after sex I want to cuddle her and tell her how amazing she is but she just " doesn't like cuddling". I'm convinced she doesn't love me like she says and is just enjoying the game.
No you're right, but I don't think people are capable of understanding it or articulating it past a certain point, and just look for short-term solutions to problems that span over the course of several centuries. We mostly rely on deception to get through to the next day and keep our fingers crossed, hoping we can lie well enough through our teeth to accomplish our goals of buttfucking our own species into oblivion.
>NO bad goy don't take my wagebux, I really needed that job in HR at the local middle school, p-please go back to the kitchen goy you're making my shekels worth less! d-don't you want to be happy begging for an allowance from a lying reptile monkey like a little kid your whole life?
i just want a lonely fembot to love =(
>Nietzsche being the most recent and relevant one
ba dum tss