Anyone else hate atheists?
Anyone else hate atheists?
Are you talking about anyone who doesn't believe in a god/gods or just faggots from Reddit that feel they're "intellectually superior?"
Anyone else leaves both atheistniggers and religicucks alone?
I do OP. Dumbasses clearly think the earth is billions of years old. The bible is pretty clear, not that those degenerates ever read it.
if they make it a key part of their identity and attempt to discuss it frequently and presume some sort of intellectual or spiritual superiority then yes
It's an unverifiable, unanswerable question, so I don't really care about what you believe. I don't like anyone who makes their beliefs on God and religion the center of their personality, regardless of what those beliefs are
Atheist here. I hate us too.
The point isnt to erode faith but discover truth. Religion isnt a good way to find truth, hence, my atheism
This fucker makes me wanna get all euphoric and shit. I hate dumb theists more than dumb atheists.
A lot of atheists are extremely annoying. You know the type. They can't go 5 minutes without telling everyone that religion is a scam and that they're sheeple, but bitch that people shove religion down their throat. Even if you just make a passing mention of being religious without being confrontational. They think you wearing a cross necklace or a yarmukle is a sign you want to debate them. They have a smug and superior attitude. Not all atheists are like this but I'm not talking about those.
what if they are saving themselves for BBC?
>wears fedora, says cringey things
>straps their hours-old newborn child to a table and forcibly amputates part of their sex organs with a knife, doesn't use anesthesia
yeah them atheists so annoying
Go back to r/atheism
atheist here, I hate people who equate athiesm with humanism and liberalism or with hedonistic greed. Please just let me live my life I really do not give a fuck
No. I hate people who bring their religion (or lack of one) into everything. Politics included.
If you ask what I believe I might tell you but other than that leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.
Seething. Why don't you go take your frustrations out on a baby's penis, Jew?
Tbh if Universe really is a cycle like hawking said, and if there are infinite alternate realities (basing on quantum mechanics) and everything that could happen already happened. Then yeah, we dont need a god anymore.
I hate you too, abstract spiritualityniggers
Answer him you lion food chain gang talmudic experiment
>They can't go 5 minutes without telling everyone that religion is a scam
Because they still get tax breaks, even christfags are willing to acknowledge this is a problem now so they can name the enemy.
as a christian I must love the atheists as the father loves us all through his son, but personally I will still always hate leddit forever and ever
I'm sorry I meant exemptions
Jow Forums is a Christian board
Screw all the atheist tards!
Kys OP fairy tale cunt
I don't mind athiests as long as they aren't obnoixus and preachy about it "OPIATE OF THE MASSES" etc, unforunatley most of them are
I'm an atheist, i dislike other atheists and i like Christians, but Christians hate me.
Why u hate me bro?
Not that user, but are you a cultural christian by any chance
hello fellow observer, how's life?
I dislike edgy atheists, the 'lol magic sky daddy kind'. Normal atheists who don't take every thing as an option to lecture you on how they believe there is no God is fine. Similarly, I really dislike overly evangelical Protestants.
I dislike that anyone pretends to have any insider knowledge as to what happens after we die, there is only one logical answer and it's to say you don't know.
Are you some kind of knight going on crusades against pagans and degenerates ?
>there is only one logical answer and it's to say you don't know.
I guess we can't rule out that there is a race of gnomes living within the core of the earth because we can't prove that either.
>agnostics in charge of logic
you're right, we can't rule it out, it's a POSSIBILITY.
if you're not basing your shit on proof then what are you basing it on? you can say its incredibly unlikely at best
We can deduce it as being impossible because the existence of gnomes is an evolutionary impossibility. Even if they were to exist, how would they make it all the way into the core of the earth and what the fuck would they eat? They'd be disintegrated before they even got within a minute fraction within the earth.
>but it's magic!
There is absolutely no reason to believe magic exists. There has been absolutely no proof of it in all of human history. Not ONE instance. You can fuck off with your mental gymnastics retardation.
Imagine being arrogant enough to claim that you KNOW God is or is not real. Agnosticism is the only intelligent choice. Even if humans one day have the opportunity to learn how the universe came to be, I don't think the human brain could actually comprehend it.
Then convert, you're more than welcome. My 'hate' was directed towards the toxic reddit-tier atheists who ruin good threads with their arrogance and smugness. God loves everyone, but condemns their sins.
No, I feel bad for them. Being a gaytheist must be a very empty existence.
When i first read the bible, as I wasn't buying their lies as a kid, i became an atheist, how could he exist if this world is clearly godless.
I didn't go around waving my stance on religion, I didn't behave like the hateist edgy teen, i was still questioning me self.
I read the bible again as an adult and i realized it all.
We need god, his book full of world experience that cyclically happen in human history.
We need his rules, for the best and strongest and happiest society we managed to create.
Humans can only be ruled with fear of eternal suffering as deterrent, disincentivizing evil behavior and incentivizing good one.
A good system, not flawless but better than running amok with no morals as we are doing right now in the newer gens.
It's scary that we need a cult and a big illusion to function, but if it works, everyone will benefit in the long run, peak societies are undeniable proof.
I do not hate atheists, but they should realize that they are simply a face of the same coin where religion lies.
Active and militant atheists evolve into anti-theists to the point they didn't change their value at all, they just switched cult.
A worse one.
Christianity is the least worse among all of the ones that are similiar to it.
I am not actively religious but i undertand its usefulness, an actual christian doesn't cut their girls and boys genitals, that's (((their))) doing along with mudslimes.
Believe me, i live in a deeply religious country and without a good reason we don't cut, over 90% of us aren't cut.
Christians are the most tollerant, don't even behead or stone, polygamy is not a thing and adultery is a grave sin.
I repeat, not flawless, but the best there is and we can afford.
Just look on how the world turned as less religious people become.
We aren't having a good time are we.