Racists turned me into a socialist.
I used to support capitalism but all the racism from capitalists comsrvatives made me realize capitalists are evil people
Racists turned me into a socialist
Good. Now once we achieve full automation, we can establish communism, and we'll all ascend to neetdom
>they hurt my fee fees so I can't agree with them on this one thing anymore
You're as retarded as the autists who became conservative because woketards said dumb shit about their favorite video game
Capitalism is the one that wants browns around retarded nigger.
>Racism made me follow a cucked economic system
Seriously stupid fucks should leave this place as soon as you can.
It's so stupid he's literally saying racists made him turn on the jews. I'd approve if i wasn't so baffled by his black stupidity
How do you even fall for bait this obvious?
Most conservative capitalists want to genocide blacks too, its not regular racism
No one has helped the global poor more than conservative capitalists
All capitalists are evil people who exploit their workers & conservative capitalists amd liberal capitalists are both sides of the same coin except liberals pretend to be nice
i don't give a fuck, i live out in the middle of nowhere on a farm. all of my neighbors hate niggers and communists. you can change whatever laws you want or raise taxes however much you want but people out here will never be interested in your program and we all own guns. good luck with the socialism thing you'll need it.
>you want or raise taxes however much you want
Socialism is not about raising taxes you retarded redneck
sure, its just a coincidence that socialism/communism is always accompanied by massive tax hikes and seizure of private property you dirty kike
I'm a racist and a socialist.
Kill yourself nigger.
I'm black myself and I think all blacks should either be centrists or opt out of politics completely. Both the right and left wings lead to shitty destinations if you're black.
State capitalists are the ones who raise taxes and socialists do abolish private property but thats not a bad thing
Nope not everyone who disagrees
with you is jewish, you schizophrenic hillbilly
NatSoc arent socialists
Im also a black sepratist because I know most whites will always be racist
Not NatSoc just a racist socialist.
Carl Marx knew that niggers are too dumb for socialism.
He's probably racist because actual socialism would only ever work with white people.
>abolish private property
>not a bad thing
spotted the poorfaggot who doesn't own any land. if you ever have the fortune of owning your own house and land, try telling me that you'd be fine with any random stranger walking all over it, taking and doing whatever they want. private property doesn't exist, right? they're free to take whatever they want from my home and land, right?
Hail thE KKK
I beat you by one second.
That is my reasoning though, check it out:
>doesnt know the difference between personal and private property
What a retard LMAO
explain to me the distinction between personal and private property in US law. i've never heard of this. eagerly awaiting your detailed explanation.
>just register all your belongings
Capitalism isn't inherently racist. There may be racist individuals who believe in capitalism, but that doesn't make the entire ideology racist. If a bunch of people, for example, had the favorite number 2 and were racist, would that mean liking the number 2 is inherently racist?
When will you realize you are underdeveloped and getting upset about things is what a child does?
Just because something doesn't appeal to your sentimental childish innerworkings doesn't make it "evil".
The world is not some kumbaya hand-holding shit, people suck, no matter what system you put them in. Socialism is for the impotent.
Personal property is property that is only for personal use
Private property is property used for profit
Us law is irrelevant when talking about socialism
i already said i live on a farm. we have about 100 acres. most of that land is used for growing crops, we cycle between corn, basedbeans, potatoes, and hay. we sell those crops for profit which we use to sustain ourselves, its part of how we make our living. so when private property is abolished, anyone can wander onto my field and grab some potatoes or corn and its okay? because i'm farming it for profit? how do you make the distinction between property used for personal use and property used for profit?
You'll still be strung up on the day of the rope nigger. Enjoy your gibs while you still can.
>so when private property is abolished, anyone can wander onto my field and grab some potatoes or corn and its okay?
The field would only belong to you and the workers, people who dont contribute wouldnt be allowed to take from the farm
>how do you make the distinction between property used for personal use
and property used for profit?
If you own and only use it to grow crops for personal use and not to acquire capital its personal property
If you own land and you hire people to work for you its private property
Im not on gibs. im a socialist not a neoliberal welfare capitalist
That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. But the fact that a nigger can't think logically does.
I can't blame you. The comments here should speak for themselves. Maybe white liberals sometimes assume blacks are on their side too much but it's better than the genuine blatant racism of a lot of conservatives. Communism is explicitly inclusive and in the end we are divided by wealth, not race
Black fragility, originally
>read: I like living off gibs and food stamps. I enjoy being a parasite and living from white man's labor. I am a parasite like my ancestors.
Arent most welfare recipients white?
Wh*tes can shill capitalism whenever they want but that doesn't change the fact that for the rest of the world, capitalism has brought nothing but poverty and misery
There are 38 million niggers in the USA. 22 million receive welfare.
Even a billionaire sub-saharan african will still boast 65 IQ.
>There may be racist individuals who believe in capitalism, but that doesn't make the entire ideology racist
Capitalism believes Imperialism is the top priority. Almost all imperial operations used some form of discrimination.
He also didn't approve of American slavery. Vladimir Lenin said that blacks will start the revolution against the higher class.
Where is your proof. If it's the bell curve like all Jow Forums dipshits use to source their IQ shit then that work is largely discredited and doesn't account for many variables
Yeah, okay fledgling marxist, get back to me once they invent the wheel.
I don't approve of slavery either.
Lenin was retarded and the whole soviet union was a disaster.
Stop being a nigger.
Per capita, dumbass. Ever heard of proportions?
>Lenin was retarded and the whole soviet union was a disaster.
Lenin made Russia a super power country under a decade, got the country out of the great war, and stopped the oppression of the Tsar empire. You dont know what you're talking about.
You clearly aren't a leftist if you defend the soviet disaster.
I could say the same thing about you for being a racist.
Most leftists approve of Lenin, but not Stalin.
>Soviet Disaster
>dude communism STARVES people lmao
Stalin was better than Lenin but not by much. Racism and socialism are completely compatible. Get your head out of the academic socialism echo chamber.
No I don't believe the holodomor lie.
They're genuinely retarded. Use this as an example to never fall as low as them.
>be bl*ck negron
>agree with capitalism
>they hate you
>agree with socialism
>they kill bl*ck people
Maybe now you're ok, huh?
>communism is explicitly inclusive
Yes, because you all starve together. And come day of the rope, you all hang together too.
Yeah communism has NEVER done that. Its absolutely never made anyone starve ever.
full automation scares me. Capitalism is going to mutate into something insane if it's kept as is.
I have land and I have to pay taxes and maintenance fees for something I can't even build on without jumping through goddamn hoops. I can't even pitch a tent on my land
Don't let the SJWs and media shill you into their useful tool. Bet you never met a racist person in your life.
Its not the media, almost everyone in this board is racist
Are you seriously comparing Jow Forums with real life? I knew it. It's not real people just a bunch of shitposters bantering. Go live your life in the real world. Jow Forums is a place of shit posting you should know that by now.
>the system is evil because i'm too stupid to succeed in it