Are there actual pure girls out there?
I don't care if they have had sex with previous romantic partners (as long as it isn't too excessive) but just girls who don't act/dress slutty and don't have loose sex.
I want a girl who believes that sexuality actually means something.
Are there actual pure girls out there?
Yeah but you're not good enough for them and you'll never find them on a site like this.
the girl i was orbiting was, but i am too degenerate for her
>Yeah but you're not good enough for them
What does this mean? How does one become good enough for them?
>I want a girl who believes that sexuality actually means something.
What if they treat it like it does because of deep rooted social conditioning and unwillingness to meet new people despite being a hell-born nihilist? Don't those things cancel each other out at some point? Sex isn't the be all to end all, people all come with their own baggage, just pray that STDs and drug addiction aren't included.
Do you really believe a thing that can cum 6 times in a row has a low sex-drive?
No user, don't fall for the trap, women are not pure, like crystal pepsi, they are out of production.
This user is full of bullshit.
They are few and far between, but yeah I guess. They still prefer chad though.
The truth is I don't stand a chance. It's something that you're born into and I just don't belong.
>What if they treat it like it does because of deep rooted social conditioning and unwillingness to meet new people despite being a hell-born nihilist?
Then she'd be perfect.
>Do you really believe a thing that can cum 6 times in a row has a low sex-drive?
High sex drive doesn't equal promiscuity though. I have a pretty high sex drive but I wouldn't want to fuck some bar slag
No way in hell. Think of how rare even slightly intelligent people are and that's just the bare minimum
>What if they treat it like it does because of deep rooted social conditioning and unwillingness to meet new people despite being a hell-born nihilist?
Then I suppose they'd be shitty too, because you can never know when they'd just flip and cheat on you
>Are there actual pure girls out there?
No it's one thing to be too cowardly to be an unapologetic whore, but it's next level being too cowardly to end a relationship.
> you can never know
Also wrong, there is always gonna be a reason, the problems come from whether or not it's agreed upon that the reason is good enough.
Is is college or just getting away from family influences? Cause I see the right in way more that never step into college
>there is always gonna be a reason
Yeah i can kill your whole family, but oh there's reason.
>the problems come from whether or not it's agreed upon that the reason is good enough.
I don't think there is ever a good reason to cheat on someone. If you wanna go slut around, at least break up with them first.
Are you posting song lyrics user?
>I don't think there is ever a good reason to cheat on someone
I was saying the same thing
Well actions have consequences we all need to learn that someday.
College is full of radicals and degenerates, so probably mostly the former. I'm sure the latter doesn't help though.
Actions have consequences.
But an action can come from a very abstract line of thought, if someone where to hurt you and you didn't understand why he did so it would feel unfair.
>College is full of radicals and degenerates
So is Jow Forums, I'm pretty sure most here don't go yo college
This is a basic aspect of the human condition and why communication is so important. I'm not saying "blow up your neighbor's house because his dog shit on your lawn" I'm saying war is inevitable if communication and mutual respect fails.
Other than pol and possibly here, most people on Jow Forums aren't very radical. The degenerate thing might be correct though.
>Are there actual pure girls out there?
Sort of.
But then you also have to deal with her toxic coworkers and friends who are terrible influences.
>Other than pol and possibly here
and /co/
and /toy/
and /tv/
and /sp/
and /mu/
and /a/
and Jow Forums
>But then you also have to deal with her toxic coworkers and friends who are terrible influences.
You sound like you speak from experience
How are the people in those places radical?
How could you forget all the /v/ boards?
How are they not? They are just as charged up as Jow Forums and Jow Forums have you need seen how easy those places are to derail?
If anything that means that they can't adhere to a single thought, radicalism would mean they had some sort of defensive measures against people trying to bait them.
Granted, of those listed I've only spent a significant amount of time on /mu/, but they aren't very pol like. Maybe conservative, but not very radically.
>he thinks Jow Forums posters only post on Jow Forums
It generates 1/4rd the traffic on Jow Forums if we are to believe what both owners have claimed, it's a safe bet Jow Forums can be branded as such.
>radicalism would mean they had some sort of defensive measures against people trying to bait them
Then by that logic no college has any suffering that because they are easy as fuck to bait and goad into a fight.
Christ especially now, it seems like half the people on the site left in the last week. Are they all dead? Are they in France?
They go to other boards, but they don't have any majority on them. Polshitters are usually told to fuck off whenever they start going off topic
that pic always kills me top kek
College ... sports? That's fake fighting hooliganism, and people look for any excuse to do it, I should know coming from where I do.
I bet it's over 1/2rd now that the blue boards are technically their own site.
in irony college started back up last week, so I can imagine many are not posting now because they are in class.
Maybe they are trying to better themselves
They'll be back
I think they generate about a jeep of the traffic, maybe a honda though
The spilt has shown otherwise, Jow Forums posting has crashed to nothing on places like /tv/ and /co/ when that shit use to be an every other day battle.
Almost certainly, the split has done what they hopped, the blueboards are clearing up while these get worse.
>They'll be back
I'd rather them get better.
Too bad they won't. Once you fall into the pit, you can never climb out
It's hilarious, but it also makes me sad.
been married 10 years to a thinner female me, hard for me too care if the world is on fire outside
>been married 10 years to a thinner female me,
How did you find her?
Are you serious? I can't speak for /co/ but Jow Forumsposting and shitposting in general has gotten more rampant on /tv/ since the split.
don't really believe in it, just went because I like the easy socializing part of it. Turns out that's why she was their too. Year later we got married their, seem fair considering we met their, keep thinking we will go back for the social aspect, never do though.
What time are you on? I hardly see it like I use too.
That's cute user. I'd say I should do that, but I'd feel like a piece of shit desu
If you know the right times, /tv/ is nothing but Jow Forums and shitposts. Right now is one of those times.
it got weird sometimes, you hit these moments where you start to feel bad role playing shit you don't believe in but after while you start to get the hang of it, that said I only did it a few years so say a decade might have made me bolt or snap
What, Jow Forums? I disagree, it's just as bad as this board and at this point if you're not a porn addict they're all equally repulsive so it's easy to switch to and from.
>What, Jow Forums?
No, Jow Forums. You don't leave.
I can't imagine what would happen if I met someone who I loved but they weren't also faking it. How would I explain that to them?
Oh yeah no you don't. There is nothing after this but death or normiedom.
Nuns are too crazy.
Yes, but she's mine
There are. I met one here but fucked it up majorly. I also knew a few in person but never really talked to them.
>I met one here but fucked it up majorly.
How did you meet her and how did you fuck it up?
No idea, but there are actual pure bois here. :3