This should be interesting.
R9K Racial Survey
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Se te olvido mestizo amigo
bump to stay alive
this just confirms that white people are the most unstable people out there. Them white bois crazy i tell ya
I'm Half German and half Puerto Rican. I wonder what kind of other half breeds browse here...I'm guessing hapas.
I'm Indian (South Asian variety) and white. 1/4 the former, and 3/4 the latter.
quit being a special snowflake.
You're white.
Get over it
Tyrone9incel is behind this post
How do u know?y5
I'm 75% white. Saying you're white without elaboration implies you are to your knowledge 100% white implies you have no ancestor in living memory being non-white.
Any fellow nigganons got any cool discords not filled with very self-righteous people and also filled with mostly poc
you're white
no one is 100% white
get over it
you're only being pedantic and making people think you're an overtly ethnocentric weirdo by caring about it so much
No, but you can kindly fuck off to a negro majority country ;^)
>no one is 100% white
I am, as are the virtually all natives to North/West Europe and their diaspora, fucking idiot lol
no you are not you fucking retard
>no you are not you fucking retard
Is a random shitskin from Jow Forums really trying to tell me my own ancestry lmao??
haha gottem amiright
Its always the most stupid people who go around spouting expletives as soon as someone disturbs their dumb racial narrative\
doesnt matter where in europe you're from, you have some ancestry from outside
Where tf is the spic category???
Mutts, mongrels and literal niggers. Why am I not surprised.
>Implying I was joking
Niggers really forget their place in life, posting about how they want to segregate themselves from white people, in a white language, on a device invented by white people, on a website made by a white man, using a service made by a white man, living in a white country
Stay humble, Tobi
White people are in fact 100% white. Reign in your unsightly coping, mongrelised animal.
You do realise the Romans descend from the yamnaya, just as the rest of western Europe right? You're fucking retarded, don't conflate different nationalities with race again you anthropologically illiterate moron bahahaha Jesus Christ
>i-i am the only white person on this t-thread normies!
>pic shows huns raping their way across europe
>You do realise the Romans descend from the yamnaya, just as the rest of western Europe right? You're fucking retarded, don't conflate different nationalities with race again you anthropologically illiterate moron bahahaha Jesus Christ
Just kill yourself mate
>Shitskin using a meme made by white people used to bully other white people by calling them nonwhite
The fucking irony lmao
Imagine seething this hard over realizing that no one here gives a shit whether they're white or not. It's all a meme and you're right in the thick of it faggot.
The huns made zero genetic contribution to western Europe and you know that, you're an idiot
In reality whites are the only pure race, the vast amounts of recessive traits still in Europeans today is proof of the extreme lack of racial mixing
>makes a fool of himself
>i-its just a meme anyway
absolutely pathetic
That's not the argument, you mong.
You made s completely incorrect claim that there are no pure white people on earth and you know you're wrong, so now you're backpedaling.
Not an argument buddy, you've contradicted yourself twice now.
holy fuck how embarrassing for you
>Samefagging this hard
The entire point of the post was exactly what the guy quotes you illiterate retard.
>> a meme made by white people used to bully other white people by calling them nonwhite
>The huns made zero genetic contribution to western Europe and you know that, you're an idiot
Incredibly delusional
You're seething too hard for this to be a small issue for you, are you west european? hungarian?
Can you see the mongol genes just by looking in the mirror?
Your ancestors were raped and predesignated by foreigners and their men killed. Get over it.
If you want to undo the legacy of their rapists so much, kill yourself
>Loses argument
>Screeches samefagging and hopes nobody will notice
Krautspic from earlier what did this thread devolve into? People are so easily trolled wtf.
Show me one genetic analysis where it shows the huns made a genetic contribution in any significant way, you want to assert the claim then you can prove it.
Instead of saying "kill yourself" or "just look in the mirror bro", actually prove your claims
>I'm pretending to be retarded durrrrr
Bahahahaha sad
>other 20 votes
I'm Native American and chose that. What other races belong in 'other'?
The post was a meme though.
Wrong guy nigga.
You didn't do any of that, sheltered incel. The other dude was just looking for friends.
glad to see there are at least a few other Indians that lurk here
Anyone else think its a bit disturbing how many mixed there are?
almost 20% despite being quite rare still
>You didn't do any of that, sheltered incel
Neither did any nigger throughout history, noticing a common trend of what race of people contribute to humanity the most isn't akin to claiming I had something to do with them myself, it's just a straw man argument used to cope with the fact that white people have invented the modern world you take for granted
Legit native or mestizo?
"Legit Native" from the Cree tribe, senpai.
Post hand pls
>56% white
Don't know whether I should complain about the fact that we are the majority or that we share this board with knee grows and the like
Also it's le funny meme number
That would make whites under represented on this board though
we deserve this place more than white people
Go get an arranged marriage baka
Go away subhumans
Shit posting or anything to do with shitting publicly is an Indian man's game so I have to agree.
No thanks, I'm a volcel originally
go back to Jow Forums you faggot, we're not going away from our home board
It's quite disgusting honestly. Us white people are being forced out everywhere.
forgot latino?
Whites can't be robots in the first place, I don't see why you're complaining
You should kys
Quick run down on why it sucks to be an Indian:
>Androgynous racoon face
>Lowest Sexual Market place value in the dating market
>No visible difference in general non genital anatomy in regards to gender
>Conventionally sub 5'4
>Smallest cock size in the world
>No admirable genetic characteristics
>Both stupid (sub 80 IQ) and weak(nearly no unmixed world champion Indian athletes)
>Hopelessly incompetent
tfw the only people you can relate to all hate you for being brown
I thought Indians had higher iqs? Is this true?
I dont hate you pajeet, I was just shitposting
Only the ones who come to the USA
Only the chad ones that move to the states. My entire family has really high IQs but I turned out hopeless dumb.
What caste are you pajeet?
Can't say I particularly hate all indians. As a group I find you quite disgusting but individuals could be decent people. I mainly just want my comfy ethnostate
Yeah I've only met Indians who live in the US so I guess I have a bit of a skewed perspective. Never would have guessed that their avg iq is 82...Apparently all Asians are not created equal.
I'm a slav so I can't pick the white option, should I go for other?
Only northeast asians have a high average IQ, seasians and pajeets are spic tier
Choose asian
Egyptian here, not really sure of my ancestry but I would guess perisan or levant because I'm in the lightest 20% in terms of skin tone here
or that white boys are the primary ones who are on the computer on an English message board
26 asian bros where we at
2nd most common is mixed
when is hapa uprising happening?
>Whites can't be robots in the first place
Evidence clearly suggests otherwise
What do you mean?uuj
It could mean mexicans not just hapas
Mixed should be more specific. I'm guessing most mixed people are hapas, but their might be some latinos that consider themselves mixed
Latinos can just fuck off to be honest
I think Indians in the U.S. are above white I.Q. but in India they're retarded. Only the smart ones made it, that is still no excuse to be a nigger tho.
whats Greek? White? Med?
Lynn's IQ data shouldn't even be taken seriously. He uses a lot of colonial data (mostly made up of studies of only ~100 people) for third world countries and makes up for areas where he has none. Some many exceptions for his data you should probably realize it isn't a rule let alone valid.
>no one is 100% white
This is what Americans actually believe
Hispanics probably chose mixed too because there isnt an option for mestizos
Noo you.
So what you're saying is Indians in America don't have a high I.Q.?
im half german half circassian
Explain how you came to that conclusion from my post. Please, go into detail.
I just looked at the average I.Q.s a few times and listen to some based boys on youtube. I dunno about the source. I do know that I.Q. is generally associated with succes which is probably why third world shit holes are so crap.
Are you mentally impaired? Do you know how to fully comprehend what you read?
I know I'm on Jow Forums but no need to be a sperg. What do you believe? Don't tell me it's le ebic white racism.
Im not, I took an IQ test and got 98 which is pretty high compared to most people in the world
Go away. This is not me.