l want to make a fembot my wife.
L want to make a fembot my wife
Look, what an idiot
Baby Apu's PJ is really cute
Apu IS cute
I think many fembots would make good mothers, with a bit of work.
Very wholesome picture and post.
fembots are whores though
No, fembots are nice girls.
I made a fembot my girlfriend by being Christian, talking to her for several months and eventually enlightening her on the Jewish Question, and then telling her that I will make her the mother of my children. Pretty easy stuff.
Fembots are unironically worse than any other type of girls, the same way robots are worse than any other type of man
>Fembots are unironically worse than any other type of girls, the same way robots are worse than any other type of man
Maybe for normies, but for each other, they are perfect.
>Maybe for normies, but for each other, they are perfect
No you fucking spaz, if a shitty person (fembot) gets with another shitty person (robot) they wont magically become not shitty anymore, quite the opposite, itll be an absolute shit show
You just want to believe that a fembot will "understand" and "save" you or she will truly love you for who you are, when in fact you are most likely not a very loveable person, and neither is she
But this truth hurts your fragile feelings and doesn't align with your world views so you would rather remain blissfully ignorant to reality because its easier than actually doing something about it
So be it.
She got a sister?
>you are most likely not a very loveable person, and neither is she
We aren't bad people, user.
No, why? asking originally bloxblox
>ywn grab a handful of fembot ass
>We aren't bad people, user
We most definitely are, take a look around the boars and try to tell me that we aren't bitter broken and evil people
Love and sex are not even close to being the same thing. Everyone is a hypocrite about this.
I want a wife, they say most relationships start through friends so I always ask when I hear stories like this.
Sorry lad, but I genuinely do wish you the best of luck. It's hard out there.
I see sex as a physical expression of love.
It means I want her to be the mother of my children.
I want us to create life together.
I'd never want that with a woman I didn't love.
no im just right for fembots, im understanding of their needs
It's good man, hope your relationship works out for ya
>tell me that we aren't bitter broken and evil people
We are just starved of love, affection, and even touch.
Humans aren't meant to live like this, of course we seem broken.
>Humans aren't meant to live like this, of course we seem broken.
Exactly, that's the problem, we aren't meant to live like this, but we still do and we look to blame others for our own shortcomings and problems
This board has an insaciable need to be the poor helpless victim in their own lives and hope that someday it will get better, but we do nothing about it, so nothing happens and we get more angry, bitter, confused, we point more fingers, "its them not me", we accept defeat before even trying
I could go on but you get the point, we aren't nice people
Do any fembots want to just get married, settle down together, and make the best of it?
Just skip all the initial bullshit.
People used to do it a few generations ago, I think we could make it work if we did our best.
It might not be "love" like normies see it, but we'd come to appreciate and care for each other as we support each other and build a life together, maybe even have our own family.
>We are just starved of love, affection, and even touch
I get those from my mummy though
It's not the same, user.
You know it.
>tfw no antinatalist fembot gf
l don't want to be alone any more.
I'm scared.
no fembot could ever love me like mommy
I want a fembot gf but I think I'm just too far gone. I had a woman compliment me on my appearance today and send me a message later that she was so happy to see me but I know deep down she's just being friendly. I just can't imagine that anybody could love anyone as broken as me. Today was another reminder.
Oh man, I so wish things were like this.