The only thing worse than nogf is ugly gf. A beautiful fantasy will always beat an ugly reality.
The only thing worse than nogf is ugly gf. A beautiful fantasy will always beat an ugly reality
Agatha is so fuckjng ugly
It depends on the bond itself between the two people (or more if you're into that) and whether or not those in the relationship are able to look past defective appearances.
Shut the fuck up. She probably does smell weird though.
i agree the girl in your pic is ugly but that's not agatha you mong, this is agatha
Brooke > Agatha
i genuinely dont understand people obsessed with brooke
shes the most typical 7/10 socialite imaginable and yet she still has a massive following simply because she posts on the board every now and then?
atleast the other e-thots are pretty attractive and have a personality / appearance that would be appealing to the average robot
if you mean like bat shit ugly, then I agree, but because of those unreachable fantasies of yours, your demands are so high, even the aveage or even 7/10 girl you see as just ugly and unworthy.
you'll never be happy this way
At least I can/have talked to Brooke, I have never seen or talked to any others and they are all far uglier than victoria
But then you don't really view the person as ugly. You can't be satisfied if you are visually repulsed by your partner. It's better to be alone.
I wish I had an avg gf. My only gf was ugly. Ugly face, teeth, voice and a vapid mind. She loved me and would have done almost anything for me. But I am less miserable without her.
I see, sounds really ugly Indeed
how does her wrist bend at that angle
The fact that you guys fantasize over these attractive who don't give two halves of a shit about you is laughably pathetic. Sure, jack off to them, but to delude yourselves into thinking they're worth anthing beyond a pixel-inspired nut is ridiculous
Just going by looks I'd rather date Agatha then the girl in your pic.
Also I actually don't want to date Agatha because she probably lives in NA and I live in Central Europe.
Based Agatha poster
Come on lad you know all the Jews live in the US
she has joint hypermobility syndrome
>all the Jews live in the US
I fucking wish they did.
Oh, that's extremely disturbing and gross.
no it's not, it's incredibly cute and sexy and you need to stop being a judgemental faggot
morbidly obese gf is worse
Ugly and obese are synonymous to most ppl
Do you mean american obese or euro obese? Because there's a huge difference.
I'd have sex with either of them,but that along with relationships (which I havr no intetest in) are just a matter of fantasy
I'm drunk and know this is a common r9k theme, and that it is just a matter of preference, but worshippng all these specific girls is dumb
They're just the same as any other girls
Where did you get that picture from user?
fuck you they've literally taken over our nation and are flooding us with third worlders
if only there were some way to physically remove them all elsewhere
>get a massive crush on brooke ever since her first vocaroo
>don't even find her hot anymore,she's just cute
>she eventually gets doxxed and leaves
>try to forget about her
>see this pic
>mfw she's cuter than before
just offer her more money than her current owner
Tfw no one mentions sunny
literally who
just looks like a ciara knockoff
Sunny best girl
Agreed, it's better to be lonely than waste your time with someone who's ugly inside or out.
Also uglier women have more casual sex.