I think I've cracked the reason behind the rise of incels and traps these last couple of years.
I think I've cracked the reason behind the rise of incels and traps these last couple of years
>he just now figured it out
Slow learner, huh?
It's literally a small amount of hedonists that have made Jow Forums their own little psy-op project. They recruit young kids into being fags and then they shitpost/advertise 24/7 to make their degeneracy seem active. Statistically, gays are and will always be a minority. Unfortunately, they won't leave robots alone.
But that's just desu /b/
> I draw complicated schematic diagrams of things other people don't bother to explicitly state because they're so obvious
Huh so does what you say get changed here?
cause i did not say desu but i can't even remember what it replaced?
lust for women => literally craving monster cock
what kind of logic is that?
I was a trap way before the psy-op bullshit, so kind of a generalization #notalltraps
All traps are gay though
the least gay type of gay but still gay yes
It's probably in part due to the increase in socially isolated individuals and the insulated communities the internet tends to create. There's also a big profile on rates of autism, schizophrenia, and bpd being linked with this stuff which again, tend to create insulated communities for themselves. Look at speedrunning for an example.
>autismo and social anxiety ->
>lack of attention from women / women being mean to you, while guys are not ->
>loneliness ->
>overanalysing everything, seeing true nature of normies as a part of the system ->
>recreate thousands of social interactions in one's own mind to create the closest approximation of an average normie behaviour ->
>start getting repulsed by women, their animalistic behaviour and retarded brains, still in a way attracted to them ->
>start getting interested in traps and femboys, because they're just like guys mentally and also attractive ->
>want to become cute yourself now ->
>after countless hours of imagining what true love and affection should be like, wish to gift someone else what you always wanted for yourself ->
>become a passive gaiboy, from a complete straight guy in just 5 years
I'm not the only one, I know other autismos who lacked female attention and started trapping
tfw i fell for the HRT meme and im a fucking abomination now
If you can't get the girl just be th girl.
what if you cant be the girl either
holy shit this is the most accurate description of it I've seen so far, although I've never really been attracted to women in the first place and found them vile
u ok mate
Just pretend to be the girl
Yeah, I mean I'm not gay at all and I don't have gender dysphoria but, I sometimes think about getting a gay bf so I can not feel alone. I won't ever do it because that is disgusting but, I still feel so alone.
That got too real too fast. I wasn't ready.