Somewhere out there on this planet earth, amongst it's 7.5 billion inhabitants, is someone who is perfect for you. She likes all the things you like, enjoys the same hobbies, has the same quirky personality flaws and/or crippling mental illness. She's single, lonely, she's exactly your type, and she's desperate for someone just like you.
Right now, at this very moment, she wonders if she will ever meet her soul mate.
And just as the statistics are in favour of this girl existing, so are they against you ever possibly meeting her. She's one in a million -hell, maybe even one in 7 billion - and for that reason, you will never meet her.
Somewhere out there on this planet earth, amongst it's 7.5 billion inhabitants, is someone who is perfect for you...
very weird face
all of these IG cosplayers use way too much photoshop to where if you zoom in they're barely recognizable as humans
It's uncanny valley level shit, because Asians aren't really human
It hurts to hear this, especially since Chad offsets the numbers by being a degenerate and bending as many women as possible.
>has the same quirky personality flaws and/or crippling mental illness
>she's exactly your type
>implying I value myself enough to be my own type
>She's one in 7 billion and for that reason, you will never meet her
so true. not only that but you WEREN'T meant to meet her ;_;
Surely you have a type, user?
Finding her is like looking for a needle in a billion haystacks
No, this "there's someone for everybody" trash is cancer. People will never fully commit if they still have a thought in the back of their head that "well maybe there's someone better". The best you can hope for in this world is to find someone you don't hate to be around.
It's a ridiculously cruel, unforgiving world. If we remain virgins until the day we die, we will be the first organisms in our line - dating back to the very first amoeba a hundred million years ago- to not reproduce
Yeah but statistically aliens should be everywhere as well but they ain't.
I agree, and that's why I said you'll never meet her. but just think about it mathematically. I mean, really think about it. Don't you think it's highly probable such a girl exists?
Or, maybe you were meant for her, but since the odds enjoy making a joke of your life, you'll never find her in time.
It's not just wrong in that way either, it's statistically wrong too. Generally speaking, from ages 18-35 there are always more men than women in most societies. Even in Russia. The only reason why some countries have a higher female population than male is due to life expectancy of women being higher, thus meaning there is a lot of female boomers/widows around inflating the general statistic massively
I know couples who are so perfect for each other, it's actually creepy. It makes me wonder what the odds were of them actually running into each other. Invariably I come to the conclusion that, since the odds are so incredibly low, it must've been God who put them together. And if that's the case, he must really hate me
it's pointless and disheartening to think about. Yeah, believe me I've thought about how the girls and guys I would get along with are complete autistic outcasts like me. I've spent the last 10 years barely interacting in public, and they have too. Where are the opportunities to meet?
We are destined to this life by our own devices, and the very means to escape it is against our nature.
>Somewhere out there on this planet earth, amongst it's 7.5 billion inhabitants, is someone who is perfect for you. She likes all the things you like, enjoys the same hobbies, has the same quirky personality flaws and/or crippling mental illness. She's single, lonely, she's exactly your type, and she's desperate for someone just like you
>she's reading this thread
God loves you, it's people that make Earth hell.
honestly the mental haze of the honeymoon phase can make you act pretty weird. there's probably subconscious stuff going on in their behavior that make couples seem so well together.
This could just be my cope though
>it's pointless and disheartening to think about
It is. But we're all too blackpilled to ever see a silver lining again. We have all conditioned ourselves to think negatively. And the sad thing is, for most of us we might as well stay pessimistic, because it's not like our lives are suddenly going to improve out of the blue. Might as well be realistic about it.
I get what you mean, and I'm sure it's like that with many couples. But the ones I'm talking about have been together for years. It's infuriating
There's absolutely no reason to assume that such a woman exists because of three major problems.
1. All females I know have roughly the same personality traits, women aren't complex or interesting beings. 99% of women want a tall, handsome Chad with a big dick and a nice car, so your 3.5 billions instantly shrink to 35 million of possible candidates. Now, remove children and older women, and the number is reduced even further to like 7 million. At least half of these women are outright crazy, or mentally ill, or retarded - down to 3.5 million. This is the best, most optimistic estimate of "good" women on planet Earth. Not that big a number, basically your average big city worth of females.
2. Even if my perfect soulmate exists within that pool, there's a great chance that she's already taken. The selection of partners is way easier on females, so it's not like she HAS to seek that one, perfect guy (supposedly me) to be happy.
3.The final problem is that I myself am not some unique, amazing snowflake. I have no exceptional qualities or talents, so, even if there's a woman who shares all my interests and personality traits, she can always upgrade to a guy just like me, but better - more handsome, wealthier, taller etc. There's no logical reason why an unremarkable me should be her final choice.
We can only hope, user. In the end, no matter the truth that comes out, it will always be a painful and depressing one.
So you see, in the end you actually see my point. No matter how you think about it, you will reach the same conclusion
He's done a bang up job of stopping them.
"All it takes for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing."
What does that say about God?
The gravity will pulls us all together eventually. orig
Why does this remind me of unitology from dead space
I dropped almost all standards years ago. The only one I have now is no fat bitches.
God watches man in our infinite folly and weeps, he waits in heaven for the faithful and only offers a direction for men, nothing more. Men deny this or ignore it and create hell on Earth, denying men, killing men, and destroying faith. Believe, truly believe and God will help, but he won't help unbelievers as most men are
Eh, same for me I guess. Even then it's not enough though
I used to be a born again Christian you know. I really tried, and for a while it even worked. But in the end, nothing changed at all, and as much as I tried to deny it, I slowly came to the realization that it's all hopeless no matter what pretty stories we come up with.
Why don't you teach her a lesson, by tongue punching her fart box then?
I agree with you, OP. But I'm the protagonist of this world and it's the author's will that I find her.
Sorry, but maybe you can be one of the side characters that gets a gf?
Who's the antagonist?
I'll be the wise wizard who teaches you to be true to yourself, using the finest occult spells to make your gf love you forever and ever, devoid of free will
>Who's the antagonist?
Evil warlocks such as yourself.
You know you want it, don't resist. Evil warlocks like myself only exist because of people like you...
Evil exists to serve evil. I exist to serve The Lady.
We shall see what happens to your lady when I hit her with an adept level aphrodisiac spell, my wand has +5 crit chance modifier too
>adept level spells will work on a deity
True, but only I know of her secret back entrance, and let me tell you, it's her most... vulnerable point...
Elves don't poop, so it stands to reason Elven deities don't have poop holes either.
Women want confident, handsome, well-built and wealthy men as their mates, they don't want antisocial NEET incels.
I met her and she said she wasn't interested in dating.
Then she went and dated my best friend
I'm sure that's what she said when she gave Vivec a blowjob with her severed head lel
That's fucking low, mate. My condolences
Vivec is a bitchmade fake deity from a separate universe.
Well shit, kinda got confused I guess
that's a lie, my soulmate doesn't exist and I'll die alone
That's an impossible fucking feat and a lie. There's no way in hell you could meet a million people in your lifetime let alone 7.5 fucking billion, you can't find the perfect soulmate and if you do, she's already taken by someone else. Fuck you and your false hope thread, OP, go suck a fucking dick.
Also, the only potential wife for me is European or Oriental, so you can lower that number from 8 billion or whatever it is today. The haystack isn't THAT big once you further narrow the field by restricting it to only English or Japanese speaking females.
It's like you didn't even finish reading the post
>tfw only 1700 women in my age group where I live
Women will always have a number of men who are perfect for her and I will never meet that one girl who is perfect for me
Why even try
>Believe, truly believe and God will help, but he won't help unbelievers as most men are
Right. If you get "helped," it's because you were a believer, and if you don't, it's because you secretly weren't and therefore don't deserve it. It can't be mentally healthy to contort your mind like this.
It can't be mentally healthy to be a gaytheist.
Based Arabic chicks can't be too bad, right?
And if you had a healthy attention span and read right to the end, you'll see I also wrote you'll never meet her.
well fuck, do you HAVE to say it that way?
It's the horrifying reality
It's not impossible, but I can only personally see myself with a European or Oriental woman.
Lets assume even 8b
>not gay, so half of those i can be with.
4b women, approximately.
Let's cut down women who are:
>too old
>too young
>already married
>divorced and not wanting a relationship
>already taken
>asexuals and aromantics
>mentally ill
>people you will never meet due to spacetime limitations
Should i continue?
There's no 'the one'.
Every monogamous relationship is 'work', rarely people ever get their first choice.
All socialization is built on compromise and lies, big or small or untold.
>people who end up sticking together do it because they are afraid of being alone
Even assuming this person exist, has it already died? Has it yet to be born?
We aren't unique or special, given enough time, things tend to repeat itself.
If Tesla,Fermi, Einstein or Stephen Hawking or even any famous artist worth of notice died, someone would have taken their place.
Existence's fucking fucked mate, big time.
If you only knew how bad things really are.
Accept your fate, shoot your bullets, become the best you can aspire to be then fucking die.
Or end yourself without trying.
Want a gf? Don't look for one, improve yourself if you can, then showoff, like bait.
Or don't and die, women are overrated.
A self loving bastard is the best way to be in this god forsaken world.
Arabs are hairy inbreds with a series of stone age shithead religions. Not worth anyone's time.
It's mostly a problem of how you're conceiving of it. You have this idea that compatibility is some kind of ineffable, magical thing, which is randomly distributed to two pairs of humans somewhere on the planet. But most of the criteria are mundane things that predispose this person to be someone you can reach through your social circles. They need to speak the same language first, right? So that's already a big swath of humans cut out. They probably also need to grow up with similar basic values and concepts of what the world is, which you'll see more of in geographical proximity than distance. Then you're talking about compatible professions and interests etc etc, which naturally narrows it down even further.
The person you're compatible with, realistically, is someone who's mostly like you, and people like you are mostly from where you're from and do things that you like to do. It's not some mystical quality of the soul, it's an aggregate of practical realities.
why did you make this post? just to hurt me?
Yeah I keep telling myself that but it doesn't seem to cut it
It's a maddening truth I'm cursed with that I have share with other people in order to feel sane
You're like the 5th person who didn't read right to the end of the original post
>Somewhere out there on this planet earth, amongst it's 7.5 billion inhabitants, is someone who is perfect for you
Press x to doubt
>She likes all the things you like, enjoys the same hobbies
I have yet to find a women legitimately into guns and military shit. Even the most right wing women just tolerate it, I doubt there's one who actually enjoys the stuff like me. Definitely none that are Jow Forums tier, everyone else there is just as lonely as I am.
>has the same quirky personality flaws and/or crippling mental illness.
Sounds fucking awful, wouldn't wish it on anyone even if mine is small in comparison to the giants out there
>She's single, lonely, she's exactly your type, and she's desperate for someone just like you.
Sounds like she hasn't met Chad before, why would she want a manlet? If she's my type, then it's definitely going to be a pronounced difference there.
>And just as the statistics are in favour of this girl existing
Doubt, most women hate guns and strategy always bores them to shit regardless of their disposition to weapons
>so are they against you ever possibly meeting her.
Got that right, I doubt anyone would ever exist that'd be anything like what I'd want in a partner
It's honestly fine OP, you don't need to give me some dim consolation that such a person may exist, I know they don't and never fucking will. I've made my peace with that. Hopefully when all falls to shit, I can go out as a warlord among the still-burning ruins waging war for the sake of it, because who the fuck cares anymore when your world is ending for good?
>Got that right, I doubt anyone would ever exist that'd be anything like what I'd want in a partner
This kills the man
I also have rather outlandish esoteric interests (which I won't be getting into), but that only means it's a chance to introduce a hypothetical girl to them. She might even end up enjoying it, too
JUST KIDDING. I'm a fucking eccentric retard, no girl is gonna look at my hobbies and interests and go "huh, I'd like to give that a go"
This, this comment explains everything I hate in life in one quick remark.
Some people just think they're too good to let everyone enjoy love and they get a high off of taking a loving wife away from a man they deem inferior to them.
They are the inferior ones, they're the ones who are a detriment to society and are actively screwing up the birth rate and economy, they are the reason less and less men want to get married, because every time some douchebag takes a pure innocent girls virginity she will eventually become like him, adopt his personality, his nihlism, his stupidity, and his cruel lack of human remorse.
Douchebags make good girls bitches, and they don't even think twice about it.
It all started when birth control came out. That was the single most devastating death knell to western civilization
Does she look like Astolfo?
It would appear so, is she your waifu?
I could not agree more.
I actually don't really know who [astolfo] is lol
Entertainment mediums have pushed romantic love as a universal right for centuries now. In reality, love is a privilege gained by inconsistent means or specific social or economic conditions. The idea that there is someone for you is ridiculous and globalist expansion has fed it.
In my idea fantasy, I don't care about love or women. In this fantasy, I am content with my goals and accomplishments and see women as just people, not potential mates. I don't care if this sounds like feminist trash. I want to look at someone and not have my first thought be "Wow she is beautiful." Unfortunately, we've all grown up in an ever connected world that puts perverted ideals of love above all else.
But I've never known any girl to use it? Is it a western thing? Everyone uses condoms though.
Quality pic, lad. Saving that for future feels
Brace yourselves,
Trap posters are coming.
Teehee no pun intended...
But also there are probably millions of people like her. You won't meet her because you don't leave your parents basement
that's why most guys who find love have met thousands of women. robots - 0
Condoms, birth control. It's more or less the same. I do know quite a few girls who have those permanent birth control things in their arms
Birth control goes back thousands of years.
Well it's true that if you rank up everybody, somebody would be the very first, who is the best you could ever get. But yes, almost no one will find him/her in the lifetime, so no use of saying you found ''the one out of 7 billion'', but just someone who is good enough so you shouldn't waste any more time searching.
And also I agree that the woman I would spend my life with doesn't have to be someone you love like you were young, but just someone who doesn't annoy you and share the same interests. Like a best friend.
tfw i found that person on here of all places. and i flew to her country, took her back to mine and married her. Fuck the police i know what i have and i aint giving it up.
What you're talking about isn't some century spanning conspiracy, it's a biological imperative hardwired into our brains
most of the girls i hooked up with in college said they use birth control. pretty sure its common with anyone who had irregular periods or a lot of pain associated with periods.
Yeah I'm sure they had big pharma that mass produced cheap, easily accessible, safe to use, easily ingested pills in the medieval ages
>Is someone who is perfect for you
Yes, yes there is indeed.
I have met her already, i have tried but i was too young and naive and i lost her.
Now all i can do is look at her photos, look at her posts once in a while and just accept that i lost the chance.
Life gave me one chance, it gave me one girl that loved me for what i was, that shared the same interests and that i really liked, she was perfect for me, and i lost her.
This joke is not funny anymore op.
This joke was never funny, not now and not 10 years ago.
I can only accept i lost my chance and i'm doomed to an eternity of whores.
I don't think you know what birth control is, when medieval times were, or how to make jokes.
This is bullshit. Even if I met her she'd still not think I was good enough. A job and a car aren't enough anymore. You need to be perfect. THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD WAS DIVORCED BY HIS WIFE WHO TOOK HALF. Do you not fucking get it yet?
I too know this pain all too well. It's a parasitic thing that revels in our misery. There is no drug that can make it shut up
He was cheating on her and didn't have a prenup.
And I don't think you know history all too well. It doesn't matter what primitive techniques existed back then, everyone with half a brain knows what modern birth control did to society. It's not some outlandish conspiracy, you can literally just look it up on Google right now. Stop being pedantic.
I'd kill for a genuine gf with those looks dude. Fuck I got the biggest yellow fever on the planet and I don't care. GOD DAMN IT
but to get divorced, first you have to get married, also he is dating a hot helicopter pilot now