>meet guy on tinder
>go over to this place
>let him go down on me
>soon as i come, tell him to get off me
>get dressed in leave
>feel sexy and empowered
>a potent goddess in control of sexuality
Meet guy on tinder
>be me
>chat guy up at library
>get his number
>two weeks later I ask him to get coffee
>hung out for two to three hours
>seperate bills
>implied I would be down to keep hanging out
>he went home
I really like him. He seemed to think I was really funny. There was only one time in the whole 2-3 hours where there was an awkward silence. What do, robots? I was thinking of texting him exactly a week from now to ask for another date. Smart? I'm a 23 year old khv femanon.
Hot. Too bad it never happened.
I wish I could just find a girl to talk to and cuddle.
Good point to make. Never go down on a woman, they won't appreciate it and they won't respect you if you do.
Text him tomorrow dummy. Tell him you had a fun time.
OP please listen to
i did appreciate it. it made me feel sexy, empowered and in control
Won't that make me seem too clingy? I already asked him if he got home safe because he had a long commute home and roads were icy.
i want to believe this was written by a girl
that is some next level friendzone right there.
poor bastard, at least blow him next time you sleep together.
>be me
>femanon and a keyboard warrior
>devise a plan that will somehow make my life worth living.
>engage in a conversation with a guy
>he's perfect for bait
>ask him if he wants to come over to my house and have some fun
>he agrees
>one step closer to success
>he comes over greets me
>I transfer all of my feminazi rage into my vocal chords
>"no, i do not want the secks."
>he says ok in a weirded out voice and leaves
>mfw my planned worked
>drag my fat ass and brag on Tumblr how I'm one step closer to singlehandedly smash the patriarchy.
>tfw you will never be a designated pussy eater
Do whatever you want, but I'd want you to text me right after if you had a fun time. Maybe not right after, but definitely not a week.
I'm a socially anxious hopeless romantic tho, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
That is really amazing of you, i wish i could help you, but honestly you probably know how to handle it better than any of us here could tell you. If he likes you he will be happy if you call him in a month not just a week, and if he doesn't like you then screw him.
>socially anxious hopeless romantic
You sound like me. Alas user, I feel we are of a rare breed.
>are you INFP by chance
Thank you user!! That makes me feel a tad better. I mean, I did wait close to a month before talking to him again.
>be me
>Talk to a chad on tinder for 2 months
>Treats me like shit but damn he's sexy
>Find a niceguy.exe
>Very nice
>Doesn't turn me on
>Leave him for Chad
Yes, I am. I just wish I could find someone who makes it easy, whose worth it and loyal. Someone I can relate to.
Im glad you found someone, user.
Being an INFP is never easy, only at times less painful. The ride never ends, my friend.
Ah geez, here's to hoping!
Thank you. As i said you know what you're doing. What's the guy like? Is he open or shy?
Uh, I'm not sure. I approached him and asked him out, which suggests I'm more social. He's a computer scientist and doing some pretty cool work; he is hoping to focus more on mathematics and won a couple awards related to it. I found that super impressive and interesting. But I know he had an ex-girlfriend in high school (but she cucked him), has done drugs, has friends, so he's not a robot, which is a tad intimidating because that means he's probably not a virgin like me. I'm also intimidated because his parents are both well off bankers (dad) and professors (mom). Sounds like his whole family is super well educated and prestigious. That's pretty scary to me because I am literal trailer trash. I won a really big scholarship and get okay grades, but it makes me super embarassed and humiliated to think his grandma was the dean of a university and I'm the first person in my family to go to college.
Sounds like the version of me that's not trash. But I fell into a depression after high school and didn't go to uni. Still ended up getting a software engineering job based on my ability to solve problems on a whiteboard. I'm really lucky, I guess. I get paid real money but I have no friends.
I wish I could have a friend like you. I have no friends. Good luck with him, user. You deserve it.
I see why you'd be intimidatedby the parents, people like that can be snobbish and have high expectations. But you seem smart, plus you're a girl so you should be naturally good at talking and charming people, im sure you'll be fine, i wish you luck.
unironically based femanon
Hm. I'm glad things worked out for you financially. As for friends, maybe just take a risk? That's what I do. What about your coworkers?
Thanks user. It is daunting. Also I worry he'll like me less. Plus there's a religious angle. I was raised Baptist (HALLEJUAH) and he's Jewish. I'm agnostic now but I know Jews can be clique-ish, with regards to dating. Although he mentioned his dad is Catholic so maybe he's cool with it.
Heh, are you black, because I might be the guy eating your pussy. Will you let me fuck you someday?
I like to keep work professional, I'm a manager to my colleagues (got promoted twice) so I wouldn't want to put then into that situation.
Ive been trying real hard to find friends, tried my hardest on okcupid and discord but I just get ghosted. My ex was my only real friend, and she cheated on me, and now I'm just alone. I like going to the library too much to want to bother anyone there. I'm afraid that they'll just think I'm creepy and get me banned or something.
I'm probably going to give up soon. It hurts a lot. Thanks for reading, anyways.
I mean your colleagues are definitely potential friends. I know plenty of professionals that drink with their coworkers. Your subordinates are a bit trickier because there's a power imbalance, though.
I tried OKC and Tinder and never went on any dates because it didn't feel right.
>bother someone
I think as long as you take no for an answer you're fine.
Maybe take up a hobby? I go fishing a lot and play tabletop games.
This post so much laws
>spot bevy of boys
>jiggle this, wiggle that and giggle
>all eyes on me
>isolate the one I want though he has a gf
>come over mine, I'll cook for you
>he's right on time
>spoonful for his tummy
>does he want my yummy?
>he does and goes for seconds
Works every time with any boy