Why are psychologists so short-sighted? they seem to know how people work but they seem to not know why they work this way. they have basic knowledge on how to live a good life but they lack the insight to see how destructive their ideas would be if everyone would abide by them 100% of the time. they are also incredibly materialistic. psychologist's morality stems directly from it's influence on the material world. They see the world like a video game in which your goal is to maximise your score. They should be the ones that know the best about the similarities of men and animals and avoid them, but instead they claim some shallow superiority on a basis of not looking like them after which they embrace their bestial nature. Why are they so over-socialized?
Why are psychologists so short-sighted...
I think psychologists are just meant for normalfags.
They only want to help you enough to make you think they're making a difference so you come back last week. If they were upfront and truly told you everything that was wrong, as well as what was unfair about your life, you'd be done with them and they couldn't squeeze every penny out of your depression.
if you don't keep going back they won't make any money doing it. it's a business
they see it right they see it well, but they think this saves us from our hell
>they see it right they see it well, but they think this saves us from our hell
except their patients are usually fine
I'm a psychologist and do not recognize what you are saying. Do you have specific questions?
This is blatantly untrue at least where I live (we have basic healthcare), We have an almost infinite waiting list, so keeping people in care that don't need it would be a tremendous waste of my time.
>Do you have specific questions?
Not Op but what causes low self esteem?
>We have an almost infinite waiting list
that's a good sign in a business. your marketing must be doing the trick
Shut up faggot nobody is going to answer that.
>what causes low self esteem
being a loser
>I'm a psychologist and do not recognize what you are saying. Do you have specific questions?
When I came to psychologist after the first meeting she proposed me some youtube channel of some self-improvement shill that basically was "just fuck women bro, I'm going to show you how to do it" also you guys seem so incredibly short-sighted, I have an impression that if someone with low social rank, unattractive, etc. complained about being a 10th choice of some roastie you would answer "yeah but she chose you. so what's wrong with that?"
Myriad causes. Most patients I see have some form of low self-esteem, but there is not one cause. This, coincidentally, is why most self-help books don't work. It assumes a single cause for all problems, while this is usually not the case.
I work at a mental institution, our costs are 100% covered by insurance and patients can only be referred by their doctor. I don't think we've ever done "marketing" any more than most hospitals do.
Not all psychologists are the same, in the same way that not all cardiologists are the same. I have never heard of anyone recommending a YouTube channel (most of my coworkers do not understand the internet), but experience may vary.
>I have an impression that if someone with low social rank, unattractive, etc. complained about being a 10th choice of some roastie you would answer "yeah but she chose you. so what's wrong with that?"
A valid question, I'd say. But I'd be more interested in why this bothered you specifically.
>I work at a mental institution
so you're the drool-drugs guy.
I do not prescribe medication, most my patients are not medicated. I work in a departments specialized in personality disorders and medication has not been proven effective for that.
Because the way they get their degrees are purely mechanical. They were taught that there are rules which humans are following. Their boundaries of understanding the human behaivour are limited by laws they studied in uni. They cant purely feel the situation nor character given. And that is also the reason why they look at it as game, because for them, numbers matter. At least it is my opinion
>But I'd be more interested in why this bothered you specifically
he said the answer he got was "yeah but she chose you. so what's wrong with that?" and you want to know why specifically he has a problem with that. basically it's automatically his problem, not just with his retarded women shit but with everything. you gave him no answer
>A valid question, I'd say. But I'd be more interested in why this bothered you specifically.
similiar situation happened to me
I wanted to know why specifically he had a problem with being a 10th choice. I can imagine many reasons why someone would have a problem with that, but I assume does not have most of those reasons, just one. I'd be curious in which one it is, so we could explore it further.
>basically it's automatically his problem
It is. That's why he came to see me. He's bothered by something, which is a problem to him. I can't change the fundamental nature of women or whatever, at least not within the confines of therapy with one (1) man. We cannot change society, the world or others, only the way we interpret and interact these things. A big portion of therapy is exploring this and seeing if there is room for helpful change. I can't give him an answer, because the answer is the endpoint of the exploration. The journey is the work.
Psychology is a scam.
Psychiatry could be somewhat useful but presently is kind of shit.
>It is. That's why he came to see me.
does your name start with D or I or M and are you a woman?
>That's why he came to see me
he came to get an answer
>I can't give him an answer
so false advertising
None of those and I'm a man. There are no women on here man.
When did I advertise having all the answers? I don't recall this.
>I came to the barber to get a bread
>He couldn't give me bread
>So false advertising then
>psychologists aren't meant to give people answers
so you're admitting to being useless?
>I came to the barber
a barber can cut hair. you tell people "here are some ideas we should explore further next time we meet"
so you sit there until he works his problems out for himself, which is exactly what would happen if he never even came to you
are women inherently evil?
It's like saying to a fat person just eat less and work out. On a shallow level, you sort of know the steps required. But the human psyche is the hinder. "I" am sabotaging for "me" to be happy, but "I" need to adjust how the world affect "me". It's like being taught by a shitty carpenter how to build something, and shamed for unable to build something wonderful.
Just don't listen to yourself, but you know yourself best what you need and want.
originallest trips
what are psychological tricks to attracting a loving gf? Why are you in this godforsaken place?
>Doctor can't fix your diabetes, but can help you fix your lifestyle.
>Fixing your lifestyle is something you mostly have to do yourself tho
>Therefore doctor has admitted to being useless
>Checkmate atheist
>so you sit there until he works his problems out for himself, which is exactly what would happen if he never even came to you
If he could, he already would have. You can climb a mountain yourself, no problem. But it helps to have a guide that has climbed many mountains before, even though he will not carry you up it.
No one is inherently anything
>what are psychological tricks to attracting a loving gf?
You're veering dangerously into pick up artistry with this question. There's no way to /make/ people do anything, but chances definitely improve if you are in the right place with yourself. Being content with how your life is going helps. Being in situations where you meet people helps.
>Why are you in this godforsaken place?
I'm stalling on work today, and felt like wasting some time. I've been on Jow Forums for over a decade now, long before I had a wife and a career.
What about intimacy problems? Are they caused by childhood experiences?
>You're veering dangerously into pick up artistry with this question.
so what? women fall for it, and they genuinely think someone loves them
>long before I had a wife and a career.
get the fuck out
If you're talking about difficulty with attachment, they can be and often are. It is possible to have your ability to attach damaged or repaired by later relationships though.
>so what? women fall for it, and they genuinely think someone loves them
That's fine, I definitely believe PUA stuff works in picking up women. If that's what you want, by all means go for it! Men have been getting women using strategies like that for centuries. user, however, asked for a long term loving gf, not a pickup. It's very difficult, if not flat out impossible to keep up PUA trickery indefinitely. It would most likely prevent you from forming an actual attachment. Again, fine if that's not what you're looking for, but not what user asked. Some tools are good for some tasks, but not others.
>get the fuck out
Make me
i was sort of interested because i too think psychologists are generally useless based on my personal experiences with several shitty ones (i'm sure good ones exist, just not in public mental healthcare here in the tiny rural shithole i live in) but you provide no examples to explain what you mean and then say some weird shit about animals and their bestial nature which makes it sound like you're right to be in therapy
>repaired by later relationships though.
But thats kind of catch 22 - you cant get it fixed because you're not in relationship and you're not in relationship because you're damaged
I agree with you, on a principal level that shouldn't work, but I have seen damaged people fall into loving relationships. Don't discount random chance. Far more likely, however, is for that repair to come from a therapeutic relationships. Especially for personality disorders, a big part of the (evidence based) practice hinges on exploring the patient-therapist relationship and learning to feel secure in that. This is usually augmented in group psychotherapy, where people can safely practice and experiment with healthier types of attachment.
What kind of personality disorder causes apathy towards life in general?
I had very good experiences with an emergency care psychologist and with my first and current therapist. As for the whole "it's a scam they just want your money" thing, my therapist even suggested at some point that it might be helpful for me to look for a male therapist instead so I can get a male perspective on my issues. That and I fucked her over several times by not showing up, so she didn't get paid and had to wait around for an hour, and she didn't drop me.
Obviously I have no clue if you're just LARPing, but if you actually help people as a psychologist then thank you. Your work is genuinely appreciated by some people.
Apathy towards life in general is usually called anhedonia in clinical practice and is a symptom of just about any disorder in the book. A proper diagnosis takes a proper diagnostic interview. It's like asking "Which medical condition causes headaches". There's definitely an answer to your question, but it takes a specialist to assess which specific answer is right.
>That and I fucked her over several times by not showing up, so she didn't get paid and had to wait around for an hour, and she didn't drop me.
This is what I meant earlier about healing problems with attachment through modeling. It's one thing to tell someone that they can make mistakes and others won't leave them, but going through that experience is a far more powerful intervention.
I see. I have one last question about sexuality. What causes it to stop from developing? I feel like im 12-13 years old when its comes to sexual matters.
>This is what I meant earlier about healing problems with attachment through modeling. It's one thing to tell someone that they can make mistakes and others won't leave them, but going through that experience is a far more powerful intervention.
I had issues with dropping out of college or social circles before and nobody ever seemed to give a shit. I felt terrible when she told me that she didn't get paid for the times I didn't show up, but she didn't keep bringing it up to make me feel bad and now I'm making sure to not do it again.
Again, there are many possible causes for this to happen, from attachment disorders (usually caused by early trauma), to autism-spectrum disorders to simple persistent depression that could be related to the first two or a combination thereof. If you want a serious analysis of the how and why I'd advise you to speak to a professional (possibly your family doctor can help or even refer you).
>early trauma
Do people usually remember it?
When it comes to psychiatry, society has an "out of sight, out of mind" and "not my problem" attitude. Seeking help would thus be inherently contradictory to solving problems like feelings of isolation. Is it not so in practice? What's the approach?
Psychologists only tick boxes for meme diagnosis so that they may peddle Shekelstein Co. drugs. That's why normies have no problem with them as for them, a label and some epic anti depressants they can post on IG is all they need.
For anyone else, a psychologist is not
useful. If your problems are beyond "Chad didn't text me back," you will be referrred to a psychiatrist (someone who treats the mentally ill and criminally insane every day, and knows what to do.)
Pro tip for robots: Admitting beyond-normiehood depression or suicidal thoughts is a guaranteed one way ticket to a mental asylum.
Almost always, yes. But it does happen, like in studies done on children growing up in Eastern European orphanages. Even when adopted before age 5 (the age one tends to start forming biographic memories) these children showed poorer attachment and were at higher risk of psychiatric disorder than children growing up with parents. In Western society this level of neglect (serious abuse, physical or sexual) is uncommon, and when it happens it usually persists past the age of 5, so people remember big parts of it.
>Seeking help would thus be inherently contradictory to solving problems like feelings of isolation.
I don't follow this line of thinking. One may use therapy to explore the nature of these feelings, or to find active coping strategies to battle them. I don't think therapy can /solve/ feelings of isolation, but it can help solve the underlying issues and give you the tools needed to socialize (if that's your goal).
>Admitting beyond-normiehood depression or suicidal thoughts is a guaranteed one way ticket to a mental asylum.
I think you severely overestimate the carrying capacity of mental asylums, friend.
>fixing diabetes is something you mostly have yourself to do
yes, so what are you adding to any of that? why are you not useless like every other mental health person out there? if you havent experienced the unique problem a person is facing how can you be sure what youre saying isnt bullshit? isn't this how people become useless drones being prescribed ssris? therapy only works for normalfags
I might not have been clear in my initial response, and I'll be a little more careful in this one. I'm ignoring your incredibly hostile style, even though I think in other parts of your life this style may lead to unpleasant interactions that stop you from achieving what you would like to.
More to the point, I don't believe I have to have experienced everything a person has experienced in order to understand them. That's what empathy is for. A basic human capability is to feel for others, even when they haven't experienced the same situation. This is why most media works on an emotional level. I truly believe everyone could solve almost every problem. If you learn enough about cars, you never need a mechanic again. If you're creative and learn how to pain, you never have to visit a museum, because you could theoretically paint every piece of art yourself. Similarly, you could learn as much as I have about interpersonal dynamics, attachment theory and personality development (I am specialized in personality disorders, so I'll stick to that) and fix your own problems.This, however, isn't practical. One cannot know all things about all subjects, sometimes an expert comes in handy.
This is worse with mental health, because the illness itself tends to prevent people from solving the problem. Everyone has blind spots about their own thoughts and behaviors, and mental illness makes those blind spots worse, while creating biases about other elements of your own functioning. Here, friends and family could come in, but they tend to be biased, lack specific knowledge to help, or be absent altogether. I can be relatively unbiased and objective, because I don't know you and have a solid theoretical and practical expertise. No one absolutely needs me, in the same way no one absolutely needs anything or anyone. We are, however, social creatures in a society that thrives precisely because we allow ourselves to be dependent on the skill and expertise of others.
>I don't think therapy can /solve/ feelings of isolation, but it can help solve the underlying issues and give you the tools needed to socialize
Yes, I agree. My problem is not with psychiatry but how it's spoken about. As you said before, there is no one cause and therefore neither a single tool for every problem.
Then psychiatry too should not always be prescribed. When there is another mass-shooting and we ask "why did they not see a psychiatrist?" it feels awfully cold to me. Drugs or therapy are not a singular cure to underlying problems we each face in our life, but despite it, its existence allows us to ignore them.
So in essence, we are pruned of our anger, which would inspire personal, cultural and institutional change.
Recently, I've been having really paranoid thoughts. I can't stop thinking that someone I know irl could be tracking my Jow Forums posts, or randomly come across a post they figure out to be me. I also once gave a friend my phone so he could text someone months ago, and forgot I had some really degenerate porn still open on my browser. He gave me back my phone after a bit, and didn't mention anything, so it's right to assume that he didn't see it. But for the past months, I've been extremely paranoid that he did see it, and is sitting on it waiting until months down the line to show everyone I know and fuck up my life, or that he's already shown people but nobody is telling me. I've been diagnosed with social and general anxiety, depression, marijuana dependency and impulse control disorder.
I've also been scared that I've been going schizophrenic or something these past months. One time I took Depakote 250mg and smoked some weed after, and I hallucinated that there was a gunfight or mass shooting going on outback of my house, and I kept seeing different shapes in my vision. Another time, before the depakote, I smoked like 3-4 gravity bongs, and was convinced that my next door neighbor saw me doing some fucked up shit because I kept hearing someone say "oh my god" over and over again outside then a car pull off. I came up with the ultimatum that after the high wore off if what I was thinking was true I would kill myself.
And outside of all that, I'm extremely addicted to porn. I'm on day 3 of nofap today, but I can hardly ever get this far in the first place, and I've never gotten to day 5 before so it seems hopeless.
I don't know what I'm trying to say, but I've been really fucked up mentally lately and all of this stuff is too embarrassing for me to talk about with my irl therapist/psych.
But what about when therapy is free like in England?
My therapists report was full of so many mistakes it's unreal. Wasn't she even taking fucking notes?
>When there is another mass-shooting and we ask "why did they not see a psychiatrist?" it feels awfully cold to me.
I agree man. I think a big part of the problem is the stigmatization of both mental "deviancy" and psychotherapy as a field. As a society, we easily see individuals that are different as mentally ill, even though that is explicitly /not/ the position most therapists take. Therapy, like so many things only works if the person in therapy sees their station as problematic and is willing to work themselves to change it. I think a big part of what is happening now is due to increased secularization. We were happy to kill God and stop going to church, but have yet to find a replacement for the benefits of religion: community, friendship and a shared system of clear beliefs. I don't think therapy is a panacea, but it's unfortunately the best thing we have at this moment in time.
I'm sorry to hear about that man. Sounds like you're going through some real shit, made worse by the fact that you can't talk about it with anyone. I do wonder what is stopping you from discussing your feelings with your irl therapist (if you live in a place that has professional secrecy). I've heard (and lived) far more embarrassing stories than yours and I can almost guarantee your therapist has too. If you're scared you're going schizophrenic I would at least discuss that and as a bit of advice I would strongly recommend against smoking cannabis in your situation (as it has been found to hasten the onset of schizophrenia and can lead to episodes psychosis). I'm glad you were able to share your woes on this anonymous mongolian frogposting board.
upbringing. parents that never paid attention to your needs, never took interest in you or your feelings, never made you feel valued, crushed your enthusiasm if you told them anything, etc. all that destroys self-worth, makes someone feel like they are defective and unlovable but they're not really sure why, so they have to learn themselves that they're acceptable
>I've heard (and lived) far more embarassing stories than yours
I don't know man. Some of the things I've done because of my porn addiction is really, really disgusting shit. That's why I don't like talking about it to my therapist. It makes me feel like a failure. During the past summer I abused something called dxm, or robitussin, a dissociative. Afterwards for months I was dissociated really bad, I felt like life was a video game or movie. It sent me into some sort of manic episode, and even still now I feel like life isn't real sometimes.
I was getting a lot better with everything and making a ton of improvements. For the first time in years I had actually not been jacking off everyday, and some days would go by where I didn't even feel like it. I wasn't even using such degenerate porn. but then I got sent to a mental hospital(for totally unrelated reasons) for a week and as soon as I got back everything has been 10x worse. They had me on depakote 500mg a day, 10mg lexapro, 3mg melatonin and I was on concerta for a couple days which caused me to be even more anxious than usual. Ever since then, everyday seems to be getting worse. My depression is back, my anxiety is back worse than ever, and my porn addiction grew exponentially and got to even worse heights than before.
The thing about the schizophrenia is, it could just as easily be really extreme anxiety. It's not like I'm hallucinating at all or anything, it's just really bad paranoia. I've definitely been considering stopping weed, but if I do I'll probably just use other drugs instead. I don't like being sober. I'm probably gonna smoke some more soon, this day has been going by really slow and it's still only the morning. I just want to go to sleep and fast forward my life right now.
>I don't know man. Some of the things I've done because of my porn addiction is really, really disgusting shit.
It must be, because you're choosing your current state, which sounds painful as shit over actively reaching out irl. I wonder what might be the benefit you're reaping from your current state that makes it still preferable over the risks over sharing your woes.
I also wonder what made you improve previously, do you have ideas about this? What steps did you take then that helped you cope with your life in a helpful way?
>What steps did you take then that helped you cope with your life in a helpful way
I'm not sure exactly. Like I said, I was heavily dissociated from the previous robitussin abuse, so maybe I'm just confusing improvement with a manic episode. I was getting in touch with my old hobbies a bit again like vidya. I was talking to people a lot more, and actively being social.
I don't know if it matters but I'll tell you some of the stuff that happened in my childhood too. I never had a dad, he was in prison mostly and when he came out and we started getting somewhat close he died. My sister, who was 10 years older than me, and I used to get into constant fights when I was around 6-12 years old. She would punch me for no reason randomly, mentally torture me and provoke my anger issues, kick my head into the ground, bite me until my flesh turned purple, gouge my eyes, stab me with pens and pencils, and I would do it back to her. Sometimes when it got bad we would have knife fights. My mom was an alcoholic, sometimes she would leave for days without us knowing, sometimes she would sleep for days and stay in bed constantly, and when I would try to wake her up she would yell at me. I remember vividly one time after a big fight around when I was like 10 years old, I went into the kitchen where my mom, my older sister who I fought with, and my moms best friend were sitting. I was crying my eyes out and pulled a knife out of the cupboard behind me, put it to my throat and told them I would slit my throat right in front of them. After that they all started cracking up laughing as loud as they possibly could, telling me to do it. To this day I still question whether any of this even matters, I feel like sometimes it wasn't actually that bad and that it was just a normal life. I don't know.
>I feel like sometimes it wasn't actually that bad and that it was just a normal life.
Your memory of an event is more important for its traumatic impact than the reality of it. So whether any of this was actually as bad as you remember is altogether moot as far as your brain is concerned, unfortunately. It also sounds like your childhood sucked man. Emotional and physical neglect is obviously not a healthy environment to grow and learn about the world. I can imagine you only survived this because you found defense mechanisms that worked at the time, like dissociation and mistrusting others (it's not paranoia when the people around you are actually conspiring against you). Unfortunately, as is often the case, the things that saved us in the past end up killing us in the present. Your dissociation, using substance abuse and masturbation as coping and your paranoia are not helping you any more. But learning not to rely on these strategies is incredibly difficult, as you've relied on them successfully during your formative years. This doesn't mean it's impossible. When you say you had a period where you picked up hobbies you had lost interest in and opened up to others, that sounds like a small step in a new direction. A direction where you experimented with alternative forms of coping (socializing, among the most important ones). I really do advise you to explore some of this with your therapist, only sharing the things you feel comfortable sharing, obviously.
>They see the world like a video game in which your goal is to maximise your score
this is why you don't just visit 'any' therapist. good one listen to you, and give you solution, not a fucking target.
Just because you are not paying her doesn't mean they aren't getting paid retard
>Your memory of an event is more important for its traumatic impact than the reality of it
I definitely see it as extremely traumatic. But i mean, it's like I got comfortable. To me, that life was normal. In fact sometimes it makes me feel like a bitch that I even am affected by everything that went on. But then sometimes I look at other people, who grew up with a normal or semi normal family and feel like I missed out on so much. When people ask me if I would change my past, I say no, because it made me into the person I am today. But now I'm not so sure. It used to be that my past made me stronger, and I actually enjoyed the feeling of basically going crazy. But now it's gotten really bad. I've never been this paranoid before. I've been in mini psychosis's before due to lack of sleep or weed, but right now I truly feel like I'm just gone, disconnected from the outside world. I'll talk to my therapist about the paranoia and socializing and stuff like you said too.
Thanks for sharing your story with me man. I can't imagine it was easy. I'm sorry you went through that and are still going through shit now. I agree that your past helped you become who you are, I mean, I have never met a person that was wholly evil or undeserving of love. I think it might be hard for you to find the good parts in this moment, because of how dark the tunnel you're going through is. I really do wish you the best in overcoming some of the bullshit that formed you and to further develop the strength that you obviously have to have made it this far with a shitty start.
Thanks for talking, I'll bring up some of this stuff with my therapist soon.
Because they have to lie to you and you have to pull the info out of them that the end of the line for severe schizophrenia or bipolar disorder is electro-convulsive therapy.
OP if you want real treatment for autism you should visit a real doctor aka psychiatrist, where you can get the jew pills. Most of psychologists are just paid to sit and listen to your crap and give advice that you can find easily on wikihow. Also in my uni they have a psychologist course, the students are just roasties and they spend most of their time partying or doing feminism propaganda on campus, I don't think these people are able to understand or relate to feels that are deeper than your normalfaggotry.
Honestly, I've learned more about the human mind by studying game theory then I ever have studying psychology.
Psychology is an entire field dedicated to asking the wrong questions. They are the kind of people that would wonder why are the apples on the ground keep rotting and how we can stop them from rotting instead of asking who knocked them off the tree.
you are reading too much into it.
They are really there for people with severe severe problems like schizophrenia other major real disabilities. It's hard and not perfect but they can help those people if the patient wants help. Imagine if you were a surgeon who was trained to sew limbs back on or do organ transplants and faggots kept coming in saying that this or that vague thing hurts but who did not have a real serious severe immediate problem...
that is what you are like to a shrink, you are not hearing voices nor do you think you are abe lincoln or some shit like that. What can he really do? you know you should go get a job and try harder, it's not like he can make you
>This is blatantly untrue at least where I live (we have basic healthcare), We have an almost infinite waiting list, so keeping people in care that don't need it would be a tremendous waste of my time.
I can confirm this is true in the USA for anyone who is good. My shrink has a huge waiting list and he is always hinting at me doing more work and spacing my appointments out further. While I might have my issues with shrinks I can not honestly say he is trying to milk me
Pretty much this.A psychologist fucking ruined my life and made my mind even worst than before now its been 6 years and i cannot do shit about it,i even saw her again 2 years ago and she made it worst and now she claims to be affraid of me and i cannot even make a fukin complaint since the psychiatrist and all the other fucker just back up each others and i have no proof of the stuff she told me so its basically my words against hers.the fukin bitch knew i wanted to kill myself and she stopped me just to make it worst for me to be alive.
She should be glad i want to kill myself otherwise ots her i would hurt.
did you met any chad? what is the psychological profile of chads?
>I can't understand something? YOU MUST BE MAD