Afro-Evropa /RISK/


No ceding unless a peace deal

Will start at 4 or 5 players

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>Novum Imperium Romanum

I didn't want that colour anyway.

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>Byzantine Empire

Do we start with a province or an entire area?

5 tiles

united nazbol stalinist republics
edgy red

Remember, Only 5 provinces you niggers.

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National Islamic Empire of India

That was quick

Mupdate #1

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>Kangz Empire

Fill Itailia

Nothing I didn't know already

Fill turkey

fill India

>Dervish Empire

fill moscow spill to novgorod

So how u play?

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Say what you want to do, the last digit of your post number will decide how many tiles you get

Gibs me north Schweden

>trips first roll

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Also you have a nuke

Mupdate #2:Electric Boogaloo

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Fill Italia

fill moscow spill novgorod

Didn't expect that, can you raep schweden and finnland for me? Or do I update the map myself?

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Occupy the rest of Ethiopia, then march into Sudan

fill India

Also, pali

fill turkey

Im OP and host of this risk game, im the only one that has to do work

You fancy an alliance, my Muslim brother?


>Hugboxing this quickly

Either way I got a 9 on my raep request so (⌐■_■)

Roll for this turn

An alliance = a hugbox? What?


Why do retards playing as muslims always ally with each other?

Why do retards like you always cry about it? 2 nations in an alliance don't make a hugbox. Fuck off with your whinig

Mupdate 3

Because muslims are well known to ally and be friendly towards each other especially if they are ethnically different

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bcz LARP

Fill Italia spill austria

Take Finnlandia and then Baltic islands if possible.

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Invade Sudan even more

fill that region in India that im currently in that is worth +3

Finish Novgorod take belarus

fill turkey

Also, pali again

spills to syria

I'm not whining you fucking faggot, just stating the facts

Dry your tears, retard and play the fucking game

Mupdate #4

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Fill Italia Spill austria

Finish belarus take the baltics

Finish Sudan, spills go to Egypt

So you dont want south sudan?

fill that region to the left that is worth +2

fill syria

Finish Norway, then raep england

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I need to secure Egypt first

spills to georgia and armenia

Why not for israel?

You're the only one crying without any real reason, grow the fuck up or get back to rebbit nigger

Too many territories for now

You literally started complaining about two countries forming an alliance. Should we abolish diplomacy in risk games altogether and just mindlessly roll for Ts?

Mupdate #5

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Finish Latvia, spill southern Russia

Forgot swedes here is reel map

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My last roll was a pali, so I should have gotten more Ts. Also, finish Egypt.

you miss me :(

Everyone that I missed I will get jsut roll this round

Islamic Empire of London, Grey, southern England.

Take Norway, then Scotland.

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put bonus next to your name

ok keep filling India
adding the +2 bcz ik i filled it with that roll

Fill Armenia, Azerbaijan and Cyprus.

>You literally started complaining
No I didn't. Maybe you thought so because you're a dumb nigger who can't appreciate some banter.

Finihs italy spill austria



Banter coming from faggots like you is hard to appreciate.

update bonus
It is only natural that the two parts of the empire are at peace



How about an Alliance of mud and snow?

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Mupdate #6

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Fill southern france

Finish Egypt, spills Libya

Is he already allied?

Yes to

Finish Ukraine, spill to Moldova and southern Russia


expand to fill southern England, spill to Normandy.

Take Cyprus then start filling Greece

Take England.

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fixed bonus

keep filling Pakistan

Alliance against the mudslimes?

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I think it means that one player can have 2 alliances? I only have 1