Why lift when you can just get a face tat?

Why lift when you can just get a face tat?

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not related to fit. reported.\\

those are the skinniest fucking forearms i have ever seen in my entire life man, what the hell is he good?

Maybe God will smite that whole event

I'm not black; I haven't dedicated my life to being unemployed or a crack dealer

Why would you be successful and make a lot of money when you could be homeless and addicted to crack

You haven't seen mine

>Why lift when you can just get a face tat?
Because getting facetattooed is the ultimate form of stupidity

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boy boy west coast is the real chad here

why do black people get tattoos when they look so bad on them?

What the fuck is this

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Clever way to drink booze

niggers gotta get them melons

a watermelon

>They still don't know...

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n word juice

>blackie having watermelon


Why improve yourself when you can spend money to look like a moron?

Gee, I don't know user

Based boomer

Rolling for 100m asteroid to impact Coachella today.

I really hate this kid. Other shitty artists I can atleast see how they made it, they’re music is shitty but good enough in some way that equally dumb people will buy it and form a following (think mumble rappers like lil yachty, pump, etc.). But this kid seems to be trying to coast by on his face, yet the thing I can’t help but notice is he uses the best possible angles. He actually looks like one of the legit ugly incels. And yet people are buying into it and it’s working for him. The stupid shit he does like his pathetic crip walk is just assumed to be unique and really good. I guarantee this nigga was inside playing xbox all day for most of his life. If he were to try selling even a dime bag he’d have a nervous breakdown. He’s a GTA thug, and he thinks because he went the SoundCloud rapper route and got the face tats that he’s really about it. Nigga looks like a worm. The Janny could probably kick his ass.

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American youth worships these tatted up niggers like they're royalty. Just like anglos worship their stupid german queen. Absolutely disgusting.

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