>be me >usual day heading to gym >see qt doing meme hip thrusts with weights on vagoo >begin to squat a few feet away >only us two in this part of gym >about to start last set >my assometer tingles >pic related but head closer to legs >see her staring me down through my soul between her legs >fail to maintain eyecontact >fail to maintain asscontact
>at a rave >raving >get cold so put on my Jersey >girls behind me audibly dissapointed >feel hand on my shoulder >ohgodohfuck.jpg >sperg my way the fuck outta there
>let me check if that weirdo is looking at my ass while i do my stretching
Gabriel Jenkins
Her: makes eye contract thru legs while downward dogging.
You: "Y-you too." Dumps weight and runs away in tears.
Ryder Morris
>finish bench set >4pl8 3RM >rack the weight >look up and a girl was looking at me >dizzy as f btw >give her a thumbs up >she left the weight room and never came back
I feel like she thought im someone else
Dominic Moore
i don't fully get it. your butts touched? make us a drawing.
Tyler Gomez
is that fucking scooby? How is his hat still holding on his damn head wtf truly the puzzlemaster
Joseph Hernandez
Luis Smith
Back when Scooby was a young lad, his grandma showed him the secret of hat pins.
Daniel Ward
Alright, I think I have a story I can share. I’ve always been kinda beta and ignored/not noticed any mores that my friends would point out later on. But this was so obvious even I caught on and acted. >at my local grocery store, I’m after milk and condoms. (Please remember it’s a Sunday) >now I walk up and ask this girl if she has any milk. Well she turns and has big breasts. >I stare, open mouth, at her mammary glands and say, “yeah, you do” >she just snorts and walks away. Meanwhile her younger sister is watching the isle over and she squeaks. >I look at her and like a mouse she drops her items and scurries off. I feel bad so I follow her but she’s gone. >ok, I just wander the shop til I find her, cane be too hard it’s a medium shop. I call out “need the milk girl gimme gimme. >hour later find her huddled under a clothing rack, rocking back and forth. I (strong boy) pick her up and say, “I’m going to check you out” and carry her towards the registers. >my man Troy is on today so he scans her for me and tells me she’s on discount. >we go home and I ask if she wants to consummate our new relationship, she’s so giddy so can only mumble while her body quivers in excitement. >next morning I wake up to her on top of me asking when we’re going to continue the fuckity fuck fuck. She nice and tight.
Isaiah Perry
is that scoobster?
Nolan Lopez
not really Jow Forums but >go to barbers >arab hairdresser tells me 'you have skin and hair like a beautiful woman' >am male and not a trap/twink
I love giving the girls a thumbs up. Its equivalent to saying "fuck off" in regards to my care of their being.
Chase Sanders
>saturday night >gf came over and stayed at my house >shes sitting on the couch bundled up and looking cute >take of my shirt and change into my pajama pants >look over >shes got a serious case of the fuck me eyes >"i love your muscles youre so handsome i cant stand it!"
>be me, attractive black fitizen >6'0, 14% at 190lbs >at LA Fatness >doing upper body day >notice white thotiana doing meme squats with a 25lb plate >she's lifting literally 10 ft away from me >I'm struggling with dumbbell OHP pushin 70lbs, feeling really bad about that since i am used to lifting heavier >notice thotiana has now turned and is squatting facing me, absolutely no reason to be doing all that >focus on my lift and decline back a bit to do db incline press >thotiana turns around, still squatting but butt now in my direction >rest for a bit, while mirin her posterior >keep exchanging eye contact via mirror but she keeps squatting >finish my presses >move across the gym to weighted seated rows >mfw she moves next to me and hops on the assisted pull up machine >she keeps following me around the gym, working out 10-15ft from me throughout the rest of the session >keep eye contacting at random, but think nothing of it >finally process that i could have introduced myself or said hi, but by this tine I've already left gym and I'm posting on a Tibetan Artificial Insemination forum
She had such a nice butt anons. I wanted to grab it and give it the ole natty snifferu, but I am hopeless with women in the gym, and never approach regardless of how obvious the attraction is. I have luck with women everywhere else except for the gym. I blame it on the intense focus I have while lifting...and the obvious autism.
Fortune favors the bold. Reread and repeat it to yourself out loud as many times as it takes to stick.
Jacob Wilson
Valid assessment. I blame it more on all these threads telling me that women are in the gym to lift and not be approached, and me believing Jow Forums on advice regarding women
Austin Anderson
>TFW 6'1 75Kg White Pretty Boy >Nigger thinks I care about his autism with coal burning thots on my Vietnamese Duck Duck Go community support forum
Take responsibility for your mental state. If you need a break from Jow Forums(nel) to clear your head then do it. You're in the driver's seat. That's the most important mental state to have.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>Work with beta manlets >Be 6'3" /fraud/ master race >There's this super qt grill at work everyone has a crush on and always tries to talk to >She mires me a lot, like a LOT >Hints that she likes older men one day, I'm 27, she's like 18 >Met her outside of work last week at Starbucks >Hung out, took her home >Fucked the shit out of her >Word just got out >Everyone I work with, bosses to underlings, now speaks bitterly to me >They're all subtly trying to make my life harder >Hostile work environment, I'm stuck in the manlet pit basically >Worth it for that PTP
Unironically this. You make it once you leave here
Carson Stewart
Gabriel Baker
>post deleted Lol
Samuel Jenkins
Because he spread the word obviously
Jack Adams
next time grab that bitch by the pussy
Christopher Turner
Hile Hidler :-DD
Tyler Wood
>natty snifferu Kek
Matthew Russell
>be me >at lmao 3pl8 deadlift and just do GSLP while cutting right now >hanging out with older faggot friend, been friends for a long time, no homo ever >he stops mid sentence and looks at me >"user.. your arms have gotten so muscular" >"yeah I go to the gym 3 days a week you know" >"You should wear tshirts more often"
I'm not a faggot but fucking gay mires and dad mires are the best
Justin Cox
Need some more mires bros For those of us who don’t get any
Jordan Lewis
kill yourself
Landon Robinson
>3 days a week never going to make it
Camden Morris
>be me >new office job >lots of gays and women working here >find out I was voted hottest guy in the office >feel objectified like everyone is always staring at me like a piece of meat >want to complain to HR >do nothing.
Zachary Barnes
>at uni house party >wearing my new expensive thrasher hoodie (before it became a meme >in the smoking area outside, qt year above girl comes up to me >”I’m sooo cold, can I borrow your hoodie?” >have seen girls steal clothes before so say “nope” with a blunt expression >starts begging my mate for his hoodie and he gives it to her >later on she comes up to me on the dance floor starts asking why didn’t I give it to her. I tell her my reason. She locks eyes with me and starts grinding my cock >ask her if she wants to do coke in the bathroom upstairs >fuck her in there >she leaves with my mates hoodie
What did I tell you. Don’t be a white knight cuck
Julian Long
>be me >at dog park with doggo playing fetch >surrounded by beta boys and their gay little dogs >have to keep moving so the little dogs don't bother my beast of a mutt >some thot in ass showing shorts is staring at me >she brings her hand up to her head to block the sunlight as she stares at me >I sperg out and leave >she finds me later and tells me how cool my dog is >I respond "thanks, y-you too, haha" >her smile melts into confusion as she does a 360 and walks away >thot begone, with my dignity in tact
About to go to college in fall. How do I get invited to these house parties
Connor Cruz
>Pepe poster >with a joint >and a maga Kys
Lincoln Johnson
Welcome to cali faggot. Hope your GF enjoys the buffet of cocks you're allowing her to jump on.
Isaac Flores
>like I’d ever live in that communist Jewish sanctuary state
Jace Richardson
>be me >years ago, junior year of high school >been lifting casually about a year or so >on a school trip to Manhattan >it's late fall/early winter >shit is cold >walking down street with classmates >chatting with some friends >qt3.14 says she's cold >offer my arm >she wraps her arms around mine >"your arm's like a warm rock, user" >"i wanna feel," her friend says >her friend wraps around my other arm >we talk and have lunch together >qt3.14 is actually cool as shit >end up dating after the trip >feelsgoodman.jpg
Levi Davis
Gay mires are free.
Bentley White
Your most recent mire was from fucking high school?
>Went to really small highschool so all the families basically grew up with each other >Going to younger siblings highschool events after being away to college for 3 years >All the dads comment on how I've filled out/looking big
Thanks guys, :,)
Nolan Peterson
>talking to boomer at the gym >telling me war stories >asks me how much I weigh >"what the hell user I weigh close to that and don't have half the muscle you do"
stories like that are the reason why i never want a daughter.
Lincoln Scott
Caleb Cruz
>work 24h shifts at brossel >lots of people drinking >one of the hookers that normally is very short on words tells me thstmy back is really wide and my arms are big >been training for am year >just tell her i do lots of swimming coz i didnt had time for a talk >actually going to tell thst i swim a lot to every body now Hide your power level bros At all cost
Lincoln Torres
>be me >occasionally make fleeting eye contact with girls in the gym >I look away immediately and they probably do too Feels good for that second though
Ask big tiddy grill who is in the process of hitting the wall if she wants to bang out, she messages that she is down then unmatches. LOL, was I mired anons?
Samuel Jenkins
>Be whiteThe only white on the bus Everyone stares at meDid I make it?
Nice job man, way to not let her tie you down. Thots gonna thot
Juan Bailey
As much as I would want to feel sympathy for her being led on, I simply can't. Just like I don't feel any sympathy for beta orbiters who get taken advantage of by women.
Michael Ramirez
im going to see how far i can push it. im going to have her start greeting me in this position and put my dick in her mouth before even saying hi