What's it like being a manlet?

Can this be a thread to purely share experiences without hate or shit posting.

I'm obviously aware it's unattractive but really curious to how bad it actually is after making a tinder account a few days ago.

Best match Ive had success with is a black model. Just before I left home she asked me my height and I was honestly really surprised. I had mentioned I was a weak lanklet (marphens) in an unrelated way and she didn't give a shit. In my profile I mentioned having recently done a turbo chad move (fighting and winning with someone in street for beating his gf, him armed with knife myself with brick) and when she mentioned height asked if I was short but went for him regardless why would she have felt safer with the tall people who did nothing? Literally just responded with "short people don't do stuff like that". Was going to bring up own lack of strength/fighting skill but didn't want to blow it

For some extra context the girl was very sweet before this however 6'. I am easily a chad success and confidence wise but def autistic, average looks, 6'3" but noticeably skinny.

What's it actually like?
How do you make up for it?
Why do you think it's unattractive?

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I would pick you up and put you in the trash

Cringe. I don't have a particular love of manlets but thought it was very sad/wrong how she'd prefer a tall coward to a brave manlet and called her out on it

It's fine.
I don't.

Also just realised I sound illiterate lol. Fuck phoneposting

5'9 manlet here. Never had in issue with it or wished i was taller(well not before Jow Forums anyways) never had an issue with the the grills or in any practical task.

Me being on the very handsome side and having a pretty face has probably helped a lot though. Being a manlet and ugly probably is terrible

this was the only girl i talked to on it, could have just been an exception.

No you didnt

>but I’m p-pretty
Cope so thick you could cut it with a knife

Women have fucked much worse then someone who's shorter than average.


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I'm 5'8" so arguably not a true manlet, but my height has honestly never been an issue in my life contrary to the shit Jow Forums says about how it's game over if you're under 6'0". The only times its actually came up is on tinder, which I avoid anyway because the women on there are daddy issue riddled trash, and on this site. Can't speak for 5'2" bros though, I can see how it might be an actual issue for them

Ì know far more Chad "manlets" than Chad "lanklets"

5'7 here. I used to be insecure about it. I got Jow Forums and stopped caring and it's no longer a problem. Literally just be confident and don't give a shit, it's that simple.

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How do you deal with being mogged everywhere you go?

>inb4 don't think about it bro be confident
Just because you don't want to percieve it, does not mean others don't.

turbo manlet here.

Definitely not an advantage but the main issue is being confident about it, it can be destroyed quite easily for me. I'm not very successful with girls but had a few girlfriends, usually takes me a bit of time to get into their bed, never hooked up with someone I just met.

I got to try the "get me ceral from the top shelve" move, it's hilarious, but I'm probably too insecure to try it. (I have to stand on my tip toes to barely reach it)

yeah so what am I gonna do about it? Me caring what others think about such a detail is not helping at all.

A funny thing is that I can sometimes feel bad for a short guy looking insecure af, and then realize I'm even shorter than him but obviously not caring half as much.

>How do you deal with being mogged everywhere you go
I'm not mogged everywhere I go. The average normie doesn't lift and is out of shape, and even a manlet can mog a skinnyfat. Also confidence actually does matter. Who's going to win the girl, the 6'4" guy who's too autismo to start a conversation or the 5'8" guy who sweeps her off her feet?

He probably lives in a manlet country. I'm 5'10 and even girls mog me here in scandinavia.

Imagine being 5'8'' in ex-yugo where girl avereage is 5'7'' not to imagine male avereage


Literally hell

You feel inferior all the time, basically
The only good thing about it is that your cocc looks bigger than it is

>How do you deal with being mogged everywhere you go?
Not everyone is autistically obsessed with height like yourself. Life as a manlet is life. I’m fucking short, what does worrying about something I can’t control do for me.

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