So you want cardio. You bike 8-12 miles on a good road bike. You feel fine. Your quads are a bit sore. It feels nothing like a 5 mile run. Unless you have some mountains to climb you really never have to red line it.
Is biking worthless?
It's better than a run because you don't blow your knees to smithereens and need surgery by the time you're 29.
Cycling and not tired? Cycle more, 8 miles is less than an hour. Not tired? Find somewhere remote and pedal faster.
>You bike 8-12 miles on a good road bike
I'm not even warmed up after that short a distance, you're not working hard enough.
japanese titties
anybody else subconsciously read this as "is bilking worthless?"
True chads do weighted jump rope
i thought it was is a bikini worthless
Ohh yeah I'll just bike all fucking day. Its not like i have a job or anything
You really get a different type of fatigue from running. Its a whole body thing. With biking you can always rest on the bike and use the various gears
>tfw no japanese big tits mommy gf
never gonna make it :(
I do 20min cardio on the stationary bike at the gym. It depends on my mood that day because I also like to use the treadmill or jump rope.
Not my fault if you're a slow weak rider.
Seriously if 8-12mph is the best you can do then there's something wrong with you.
>20min cardio on the stationary bike at the gym
That's called """a warmup""".
>Its not like i have a job or anything
I just ride my bike to and from work. Seems to work okay.
Ok than run faggit
Replacing two tasks with one is always great.
>drive to work, drive home
>do cardio sometime
>cardio is commute
Makes sense to me.
The most patrician form of cardio is hoola hooping op.
Bikes are for people who want to act like they did cardio when all they did is sit and peddle. Run you lazy fucks
>he thinks 100km in 3 hours is '''just pedaling a bike'''
LOL just admit you can't do it, weakling.
Your fault for failing at life and being a wagecuck
I bike from center city to lower Merion. Lol
I think that's comparable. Can you take Kelly or whatever that is to do it? It seems like a nice ride.
I only ride the Indiego bikes in CC because fuck bringing my bike on the el. Sometimes I ride down to Fishtown though. I'm in the Northeast if that wasn't obvious.
>Ohh yeah I'll just bike all fucking day. Its not like i have a job or anything
Here's an idea... commute to work.
I bike 17.7 miles to work every single morning.
biking is good if you don't like the constant intesity of running. Either I run for 20 minutes or I get baked asf and ride my bike for 2 hours. in the end biking is burning more calories in the expense of time
whats going on in this picture?
I just started hitting the gym 3 weeks ago. I'm a fat fuck (6f1, 290 pounds) and very out of shape. I've been doing the bike for cardio so I don't fuck my knees up, but is it totally pointless? I have been biking 7 miles in 20 mins to start as I work my way up to more, but would it be better to use the eliptical?
if you’re decent at running a 5min jog at a little over 3mph will do nothing for you, likewise a bike will do nothing for you if you just coast along at minimal effort.
A bike is easier to cheat but it’s decent cardio if you push.
Both are fine, low impact exercises. Bike more or harder if you'd like, though.
Download Strava and race yourself or look for segments to compete in around you. It's a fun way to track progress and add some variety to it.
A man who is more motivated than you is getting his calories.
Hi neighbor
ok sick, thanks. I needed to hear this. The first day I went 3 weeks ago I could only bike 3.5 miles at a lower gear, so I have been upping it and going harder. I'll keep at it for now, trying to up the gear by 2 every week and atleast bike an extra mile or two. I get real sweaty and have already noticed an improvement in quality of life (walked around all weekend and didn't want to die after) but haven't noticed any weight loss yet (have modified diet too).
Instagram thots were holding a Meetup, inconveniently during and around Chad's favorite place to enjoy breakfast
What's up? There's a ton of Philly guys here. Me and another user in an old thread were pretty convinced we fucked the same girl
If it’s Melissa from Jenkintown, literally everyone has. Do you take the penny pack trail?
Nah, some Asian chick. I take Pennypack Creek off of Terwood. It's like a 3 mile stretch in my commute. I live right next to Pennypack park, though, so I ride it on the weekend sometimes. Especially if it's nice out. I live off Bustleton.
Aloha frens, I come from that neck of the woods to. Penny pack is pretty legit.
It’s actually a terrible commute. The most direct way is down belomt, which is brutal. You can go up kelly but then you have to cross over and go up some brutal hills without bike paths.
No wonder this city is so fat.
It's like that on mine as well. Coming home I have a climb that's about a mile up a steep grade. It sucks. I used to do Red Lion road, and that was worse. Like fucking 8% or something. The rest is just peaks and valleys. If some cunt kills my momentum or fucks up my light timing, I lose it.
The Northeast has fairly decent lanes, though. Bustleton, Frankford, and Cottman all have bike lanes for decent portions.
For me running is superior due to time savings I make compared to if I did cycling.
Iv been running consistently for 10 years and my knees are fine.
it says 8-12 miles
whos the tiny one
That's why I have a part time job as a bike messenger.
probably just putting on muscle at a similar rate to fat loss
If your average speed falls below 15mph, you are doing it wrong. 9-12/min, depending on incline (reasonable inclines), 18-20 in the flats.
I cycle 13 miles on this daily, geared for acceleration mainly but good quad strength required for the first few strokes. Literally HIIT the whole way to work. Feelsgoodman
Yes, before and after my lifts.
>posting where you live on Jow Forums
depends on what board you post to be honest
would never to it on a psychopath autistic board like Jow Forums or Jow Forums but on Jow Forums it's probably harmless
Jesus if its too easy and ur low on time fucking peddle faster u fucking retarded mental midgets, why do most people here need shit spelled out for them just think for yourselves for fucking once. And yeah im mad
I used to just "sit and pedal" until I gave indoor cycling a whirl on a bike that measured my power output. The moment I started setting goals for my self for average wattage my cardio went from an optional thing I did to fuck around to a serious athletic challenge.
I can't stand elitism like this.
Your probably one of those guys who criticizes people for working out for 20mins when its their 3rd workout of the day.
how do you avoid getting to work all sweaty?
My work requires I dress properly and look good so I never can bike to work even though it would be a huge exercise
I suppose you believe in HAES, too?
FACT: Fat-burning doesn't even get *started* until *longer* than 20 minutes.
Only 20 minutes riding a bike is literally *nothing*.
Try 1-1.5 hours per day on a bike, at 15-20mph on average. Now you're doing something.
LOL I just am not going reward mediocrity.
>It's better than a run because you don't blow your knees to smithereens and need surgery by the time you're 29.
>We did not find an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis among the runners. Our observations suggest, within the limits of our study, that long-duration, high-mileage running need not be associated with premature degenerative joint disease in the lower extremities.
>a lifetime of long distance running at mileage levels comparable to those of recreational runners today is not associated with premature osteoarthrosis in the joints of the lower extremities
>Long-distance running might even have a protective effect against joint degeneration
>Long-distance running among healthy older individuals was not associated with accelerated radiographic OA. These data raise the possibility that severe OA may not be more common among runners.
>The presence of radiographic hip OA and the progression of radiographic knee OA was similar for older runners and nonrunners.
Tl;dr- you fell for one of the oldest and non-supported fitness memes.
ITT: Jow Forums shows they know nothing about """"""cardio"""""""
As expected of Jow Forums. Continue with your big lifts and your slow gains because you don't know to utilize cardio properly to help facilitate active recovery while increases gainsm
Can you run 100 miles in under 6 hours? No?
>Cyclists: 1
>Runners: 0
Can you average 18 to 20mph running? No?
>Cyclists: 2
>Runners: 0
Can you coast? No?
>Cyclists: 3
>Runners: 0
Can you sprint at 35-40mph? No?
>Cyclists: 4
>Runners: 0
Let's get more practical about this:
Your job is 10 miles away and you have 30 minutes to get there; can you do that with just running shoes? No?
>Cyclists: 5
>Runners: 0
You need to go to the store to get 3 bags of groceries. Can you do that with just running shoes and a backpack? No?
>Cyclists: 6
>Runners: 0
I could go on but I think I made my point.
Run all you like but don't sit there and pretend cycling is useless and pointless.
All you're doing is proving that (You) don't like it, which is indicative of nothing, really.
LOL you kidding me? They can't even be bothered to do high volume (i.e. 15-20 reps per set, 5 sets) at the gym because it's *too much work* and *too much like '''cardio'''*, they insist on these babby-sets of 5 reps of everything.
Then they complain about plateauing out, and go hop on gear, thinking their "T" is too low.
>e.g. no Muscular Endurance to speak of, LOL
This is what happens when desperate incels fixate on the idea that the gym is going to '''solve all their problems''' in life.
if you do downhill you get adrenaline and feel alive which helped me cope with anxiety/ depression/ loneliness
biking > running for the sheer reason that biking down a hill is fun as fuck, whereas running down a hill sucks ass.
>living in the flatlands
sucks to suck
Lol is that a fixed gear bike, no suspension with disc brakes? Never seen that before
That thing looks brutal.
>want to bike cause hate running
>biking is dangerous where I live due to the sheer volume of cars that pass daily plus theres constant reports of cyclists being assaulted
I fucking hate living on the coast
lul projecting much?
biking is for faggots lolol
>FACT: Fat-burning doesn't even get *started* until *longer* than 20 minutes.
sick broscience nigger
Is rowing better than biking and running?
do you look like a fag on a bike? yes?
>cyclists: 6
>runners: ∞
I live at 7000' on a mountain that isn't flat anywhere. It's almost equally incline/decline, but because I go faster downhill, I spend more time pedaling uphill. Paying rent is the worst, it's 8 miles there, 8 miles back. And the last 1.5 miles before my landlord is on a steep decline, trying to get back up it after 8 miles is hell.
On the upside I've cut 3lbs/1.4% bf in under 2 weeks with zero lean mass loss. That's pretty cool.
Pull up, then.
why is she fingering his bum?
Not a single mention of mountain biking. Shame fit. It’s the goat if you run fixed gear. Get a nice climb in and then scream the whole way back down and try not breaking your collar bone along the way. It is the greatest of all hobbies.
You sound like a cool dude
Take the bike pill.
Arnie's literally been riding these for decades.
girl is going cross eyed from staring too deeply into titty city
Shalom neighbor. You'll get a visit soon.
You can easily burn 1000kj per hour cycling if you're not being a faggot about it. It's literally the hardest endurance sport on the planet.
He pays her extra for that.
One of the tougher work outs was riding a beach cruiser in a hilly area, even under 3 miles.
>jock with buckwheat at a rally
Woah mate. Hold the fuck up. Running downhill is the best part of life. After your uphill work, the downhill is the best reward.
im fuckin mirin those wheels breh
There's a few ways to handle bikes:
>transportation bonus
You use it to go from place to place. Add a basket, and you can handle two solid bags of groceries. Go to and from school/work. This will give you something like 15-30 minutes of light cardio a day. Going up hills is strong hard cardio. But you do this as a bonus on top of any other exercize you do.
This is where you ride for exercize itself. Spend hours just riding.
Don't hate on ChuaN - he's better than you.
Should I come up with some kind of routine for using a stationary bike? I was following a beginning rowing routine before I fucked up my hand and wrist.
This was the rowing routine I was on
>disc brakes on a fixie
>all the sprockets on the cassette are the same size
I think the reason why running is so much more strenuous is that it is a weight-bearing exercise - and the repetitive beating the shit out of your body via impact with sidewalk/road definitely takes a toll on your tissues.
IMO, so long as ur doing weightlifting - you'll be building plenty of bone density ... so cycling will suffice for a CV exercise. save your joints the trouble!
I don't even bike, I just wanted to look at her milkers. Sorry
>tfw just got a bike and I love it
>tfw live in mountains at High altitude with no flat ground, everything's inclined some way or another
>Only 20 minutes riding a bike is literally *nothing*.
Get the average person to start running 20 minutes and you'd see a huge difference in them.
>this claim is bullshit because of my claim regarding a different activity
>posts only about OA
>ignores the million other things that can and do happen after years of running
Hello, I am a crossposter from Jow Forums
and I am NOT mental or autistic
The answer you are looking for is hills.
Anyways biking is for fun, not min maxing your entire life.
Btw judging by soreness turns out to be a super shitty way to gauge an exercise.
But yeah biking is not max cardio unless you have hours to bike everyday, and I say that as someone who bikes to work everyday.
Oh and if you do want to min max your life, swimming is best cardio
saw a nhk documentary where a cyclist who started as a adolescent got osteoporosis super early cause his bone didn't develop enough density.
Impact from running wears out your knees but helps with bone density.
trade offs
what do tits feel like, bros?
why did he go with the serious intro... jesus lmao
You're not biking enough, I bike 50 kms per day as MINIMUM