How to cum big loads
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i couldnt believe this actual skit. or the baseball version they did with the "dads." Sam Hyde has such balls, him and his writer friend. The world seriously loss out when the sjw cuck at adult swim got his way after crying jew and got the show cancelled. what a faggot.
Why would you post a mass shooter while asking this? Oh wait
>the sjw cuck at adult swim
It was Turner, their parent company, after being spam harassed on Twitter by several dedicated SJW's.
Huge shame too. With even the shoe string Budget [AS] gave them they were incredible;
Anyway OP, there's a "Guide to huge cum" image floating around. I don't have it but bumping because someone probably does.
L-arginine 2g
Zinc 50mg
Lecithin 1.5g
Pygeum 100mg
L-citrulline 500mg
Agmatine 500mg
Vitamin K 200mg
Vitamin G 700mg
Maca 3 heaps full
Horny goat weed 3 blunts
Horny chick pee 800ml
Yohimbe bark 6 branches
Tribibulolus terrestreris 400mg
Horny goat 1 goat
100% whole grain wheat pineapple chunks 9000g
this is going to upset alot of incels but I've confirmed this
you have to have a hot gf that makes you cum HARD, whether she gives you head, jacks you off, etc. its the only way.
i could seriously hit the roof of my car with my cumshots when i was with her. 5 ropes: roof, roof, stereo, steering wheel, my shirt. i swear to God. id get cum EVERYWHERE
after we broke up my cumshots and amount of cum began to dwindle. i haven't had any sexual contact in like 3 years and it just barely shoots out like 2 inches.
ive come to the conclusion that whatever muscle shoots your jizz out gets a good workout when you cum hard
it's all the edging dude. that's the secret porn stars use besides that one image about the holy grail health stack + celery (for color).
edging over and and over is what stimulates the prostate and all the glands, so you not only cum loads but also shoot it very far.
>Peter North’s secret to shooting massive loads pt. 1
Celery - Increases semen quantity considerably, and greatly ups the force at which you ejaculate. You will have to eat 10-15 large stalks for it to have any really noticable effect, though, and that might make your stomach act up a bit. If you ask me, it's really not worth it, just add a few stalks to your diet alongside the pills and be done with it. Ingest 2-3 hours before sexual activity.
L-Arginine - Increases semen quantity by a metric ****ton after a few weeks, and also gives firmer, longer-lasting erections. Take one capsule (500mg) daily, and another 3-4 capsules (1500mg-2000mg) a few hours before sexual activity. Within two or three weeks you'll be rolling eyes at Peter North's pitiful puddles. Gah, I sound like a ****ty commercial. (Take no more than 4-5 capsules per day.)
>Horny goat 1 goat
Do I have to eat the entire goat?
>Peter North pt. 2
L-Lysine - This works with Zinc to increase the quantity of semen. Take one capsule (500mg) daily, and another a few hours before sexual activity. If you, like me, suck at swallowing pills, be careful. I've almost choked on these ****ers a few times because they're bulky. Also, don't down them with Coke, you'll regret it if the tablet decides to clog up your respiratory system and send the contents of your mouth flying at your monitor and/or keyboard. (Take no more than two tablets per day.)
Zinc - This has two purposes. Firstly, it'll work with L-Lysine to increase the quantity of semen, like I said before. Secondly, and this is the best part, it'll make your semen thick and Elmer's Glue white. As a bonus, it will also ensure good prostate health. Take one tablet daily, and another a few hours before sexual activity. Or simply take the two at once. (Take no more than 50mg per day. This is very important. Taking more on a daily basis will render your body unable to absorb certain vital nutrients in regular food.) These are all harmless supplements to a regular diet, and chances are that especially the Zinc will do you good, as most people's diets nowadays don't include enough Zinc. All can be picked up at your local vegan health nut outlet. See, L-Arginine in particular is found in meat, and our meatless friends need it powdered and gelatine-coated so they don't shrivel up and die. A regular drugstore might also have it.
Not that guy but more info on zinz;
>it competes with the same absorption receptors as calcium, and will win every time. try to take it at a separate time to when you consume calcium
>take magnesium and vit b6 with zinz to aid absorption and also increase test levels (if your diet is already perfect it wont make much difference)
Something I've wondered for a while but never got around to trying, would excessive masturbation, say 4+ lengthy edging sessions per day for a month or more cause an adaptive response in the prostate/seminal vesicles/cowper's glands?
That is, if you started ejaculating far more frequently than what you were comfortable with, and then abstained for a week or so, would your rate of production and capacity have increased enough to meet the demand, and resulted in a noticeable difference in volume? Assume sufficient nutrition and hydration.
If there's any porn addicts who have experience in this field, please give me your friction-burned teste-monials
kegels. Does some user have the post with the exercises listed?
That’s a LOT of shit to take to make more cum... kek
Just don't come the first time you get close.
I love mde and this sketch but there is nothing ballsy screaming at middle aged women, it's good because of how blatant the social taboo is. The dad's one is shit because you can see they actually are more intimidated in letting loose on the old guys, charls looks embarrassed throughout and Nick actually looks like he's having a fight or flight response
This in combination with other things, there's no point edging without drinking lots of water if you want big cums
Just eat steak and eggs constantly
That video was the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen in this board. The equivalent to modern art. Don't post here every again.
holy fuck get a load of this absolute plebian
Stay hydrated, drink plenty of pineapple juice and eat a lot of celery. Edging helps too especially if you're planning on fucking any time soon
Unironically do nofap
I see you only know half of the truth but this is what makes it great, you see
He once said
"I want to make funny shit that stands the test of time"
He has already achieved that. He is jow producing his own. Go to gumroad dot smth/samhyde or hydewars and buy access
Do it, faggot
The television shows are not going to pay for this type of content so you need to do it yourself you see
Go back to juicing and your Chick-fil-A Sam, no paypigs here
Finally someone willing to post real info
>tfw you're slowly become the man who would never be what they made him to be
Drink more water
drink water + don't be fat + have high test + get enough zinc + edge a lot without cumming for several days in a row = lots of cum
I remember reading a study about sperm counts done in the 80s (I think) where the median amount of cum during ejaculation was 3mL with 1.8mL SD. I used to be self-conscious about my cummies until I realized I could easily cum 10mL+ (something like 99.9th percentile given those median/SD values) and shoot loads 2-3 meters away like it's nothing. The only problem is that the cum gets a bit watery as volume goes up.
>Tfw don't need any jabroni supplements for massive loads
sunflower lecithin
I tried many of them and never really had much luck. Already rolling around 8-9 ml so maybe I’m just topped out already
Why hasn't anyone posted this yet?
I've had bad experiences with zinc tablets
Without changing my diet, whenever I took a 50mg tablet about an hour later I would straight up puke it out
I don't get sick usually, but only when I tried taking the tablets I puked them back up and I saw that the puke was small and mostly white (the color of the tablet)
Am I doing something wrong or is it just an overdose of zinc?
Never heard of this before and not a doc. But sounds like an overdose
did you eat it on an empty stomach? You are supposed to eat it on a full one.
Take it on a full stomach or break up the tablet and take half of it at separate times.
Both of these. Gf and I will have sex and I’ll basically edge while she gets off and then the finale is she does whatever I want and it’s always a big finish. I don’t get that with porn.
Here is the definitive guide. (tl;dr at bottom post of image)